muddati, korxona muhri, korxona bosh buxgalteri va rahbari imzosi .
Korxona xodimlari hujjat aylanishi ro‘yxatiga asosan, ular faoliyatiga taalluqli
hujjatlarni tuzadi va takdim etadi. hujjatni o‘z vaqtida to‘g‘ri to‘ldirilishi, belgilangan,
muddatda takdim etilishi , ulardagi ma’lumotlar ishonchliligiga javobgarlik shu hujjatni
tuzgan va imzo chekkan shaxsga yuklatiladi.
“The purpose of the list is to simplify accountancy, to make a reasonable circulation of
documents. The document list can be checked as schema. In the form of the table, it has the
following requisites: document name, document creation (number of copies, authorizing
officer, execution of execution, expiration date) document verification (responsible for
verification) , order of delivery, term of delivery), document processing (who, who will
perform, processing time) to archive (who gives, duration of issuance), number and
duration of order of the order confirmation, enterprise seal, chief accountant and head of
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