Test for 3rd course
Choose the appropriate academic field to the given sub-disciplines(computer science, logic, mathematics, pure mathematics, applied mathematics and statistics).
Social sciences
Natural sciences
*Formal science
Applied sciences
Find the correct definition of the word “Academician”
*Member of an academy
Involved or interested something
To recruit or provide someone with work
Face with or meet unexpectedly
The way of doing something
Find the correct definition of the word “Employ”
Member of an academy
Involved or interested something
*To recruit or provide someone with work
Face with or meet unexpectedly
The way of doing something
Find the correct definition of the word “Method”
Member of an academy
Involved or interested something
To recruit or provide someone with work
Face with or meet unexpectedly
*The way of doing something
Find the correct definition of the word “Encounter”
Member of an academy
Involved or interested something
To recruit or provide someone with work
* Face with or meet unexpectedly
The way of doing something
Choose the correct phrasal verb. I have a baby sister. When my mother goes out I should ____ _____ her.
*look after
pick up
turn on
turn off
takes off
The plane ____ _____soon.
*takes off
turns of
turns on
picks up
brings up
Find the correct definition of the word “Suggestion”
* An idea or plan put forward for consideration.
Involved or interested something
To recruit or provide someone with work
Face with or meet unexpectedly
The way of doing something
Find the correct definition of the word “investigate”
*to examine, study, or inquire into systematically; search or examine into the particulars of; examine in detail.
Involved or interested something
To recruit or provide someone with work
Face with or meet unexpectedly
The way of doing something
You are going to start your presentation. First of all you should begin with….
*Welcome your audience
To explain the goals
To give example
Summarize important facts
Handing over
Choose the best phrases when you explaining your goals in presentation.
*The purpose of this presentation is,,,,,,
My presentation is divided into X parts.
To give you an example
Do you have any questions before I move on,,,
That brings me to the end of my presentation. Thanks for your attention.
“When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die”. Who is the author of this quote?
George Bernard Shaw
Albert Einstein
Mignon Mclanghlin
Jonathan Franzen
*Eleanor Roosevelt
Infinitive “to” This is good ______(get) rid of headaches.
*to get
not to get
getting to
We will write Claire’s name in the calendar ______(forget) her birthday.
*not to forget
to forget
to forgot
Find the correct definition of the word” Networking”.
in the end; at last; finally;
occurring, done once a year, yearly;
having status or glamour; impressive, influential;
a business unit, a company or a firm;
*building relationships in order to obtain certain benefits in the future;
Find the correct definition of the word” Prestigious”
in the end; at last; finally;
occurring, done once a year, yearly;
*having status or glamour; impressive, influential;
a business unit, a company or a firm;
building relationships in order to obtain certain benefits in the future;
Find the correct definition of the word” Annual”
in the end; at last; finally;
*occurring, done once a year, yearly;
having status or glamour; impressive, influential;
a business unit, a company or a firm;
building relationships in order to obtain certain benefits in the future;
Find the correct definition of the word” Ultimately”
*in the end; at last; finally;
occurring, done once a year, yearly;
having status or glamour; impressive, influential;
a business unit, a company or a firm;
building relationships in order to obtain certain benefits in the future;
Find the definition of the phrasal verb “come between”.
to discover or reach (facts, truth);
*to cause the estrangement or separation of (two people);
to find or obtain (a thing) esp. accidentally;
to progress
to regain consciousness or return to one’s normal state;
Find the definition of the phrasal verb “come across”.
to discover or reach (facts, truth);
to cause the estrangement or separation of (two people)
*to find or obtain (a thing) esp. accidentally;
to progress
to regain consciousness or return to one’s normal state;
Find the definition of the phrasal verb “come back to”.
*someone (of something forgotten) to return to someone’s memory;
to cause the estrangement or separation of (two people)
to find or obtain (a thing) esp. accidentally;
to progress
to regain consciousness or return to one’s normal state;
Find the definition of the phrasal verb “come to”.
to discover or reach (facts, truth);
to cause the estrangement or separation of (two people)
to find or obtain (a thing) esp. accidentally;
to progress
*to regain consciousness or return to one’s normal state;
After a number of thorough investigations social workers have come __some information proving that social needs are not fully met in particular fields. a*) at b) to c) across d) away
The latest efforts made some spheres in society come ____unexpected results. a) at b) along c*) by d) across
The state society may face the danger of coming____ if problems in it are not solved at once. a) across b) to c) along d*) away
Uzbekistan government is doing its best to develop economy of the country by allowing foreign partners come _______our manufacturing firms. a.)* by b) back to c) across d) in
Nothing can come___________ the government and society when all social demands are completely met. a*). between b) along c) back to d) across
If citizens’ social demands are fully met, it will keep on coming ____ a) at b) along c) by d) *between
Find the definition of the word “buzzword”
* a word or expression from a particular subject area, that has become fashionable by being used a lot, especially on television and in the newspapers
building relationships in order to obtain certain benefits in the future
market which deals with unemployment
quick in movement and nimble
time spent in face-to- face contact with someone
Find the definition of the word “agile”
a word or expression from a particular subject area, that has become fashionable by being used a lot, especially on television and in the newspapers
building relationships in order to obtain certain benefits in the future
market which deals with unemployment
*quick in movement and nimble
time spent in face-to- face contact with someone
Find the definition of the word “hidden job market”
a word or expression from a particular subject area, that has become fashionable by being used a lot, especially on television and in the newspapers
building relationships in order to obtain certain benefits in the future
*market which deals with unemployment
quick in movement and nimble
time spent in face-to- face contact with someone
Find the definition of the word “a face time”
a word or expression from a particular subject area, that has become fashionable by being used a lot, especially on television and in the newspapers
building relationships in order to obtain certain benefits in the future
market which deals with unemployment
quick in movement and nimble
*time spent in face-to- face contact with someone
A twelfth century scientist living in Sicily was commissioned by the Norman King, Roger II, to compile a world atlas, which contained seventy maps.
He wrote «Elements of Astronomy» (Kitab fi al-Harakat al-Samawiya wa Jawami, Ilm al-Nujum i.e. the book on celestial motion and thorough science o f the stars), which was translated into Latin in the 12th century and exerted great influence upon European astronomy before Regiomontanus.
*Al -Farghani
Omar Khayyam
As a philosopher, he may be classed as a Neoplatonist who tried to synthesize Platonism and Aristotelism with theology and he wrote such rich commentaries on Aristotle’s physics, meteorology, logic, etc., in addition to a large number of books on several other subjects embodying his original contribution, that he came to be known as the ‘Second Teacher’ (al-Mou ‘allim al-Thani ) Aristotle being the First
*Al Faraby
Al -Farghani
Omar Khayyam
He occupied the place of honor among the outstanding astronomers of the world, and his astronomical work “Star table of Ulughbek” gained the worldwide fame.
Al -Farghani
Omar Khayyam
*Mirza Ulughbek
Find the correct definition of the word” Enterprise”
in the end; at last; finally;
occurring, done once a year, yearly;
having status or glamour; impressive, influential;
*a business unit, a company or a firm;
building relationships in order to obtain certain benefits in the future;
We crept up the stairs _______(wake) granny.
to wake
*not to wake
waking up
to woke
to sleep
We spent the summer in London _____(improve) our English.
*to improve
not to improve
do not improve
Trees were planted _____(reduce) traffic noise.
*to reduce
not to reduce
do not reduce
I swept the broken glass __________ (prevent) an accident.
not to
do not
I didn’t say anything about Claude’s hair _________ ( embarrass) her.
not to
She went to the South because she wanted ____( visit) her grandchildren.
not to
“The three horrors of modern life-talk without meaning, desire without love, work without satisfaction”. Who is author of this quotation?
Jonathan Franzen
Maude Adams
W.E.B.du Bois
*Mignon Mclanghin
Eleanor Roosevelt
“Life is so fresh , life is everyday so new if we are fighting, only for the best sometimes I think the only real satisfaction in life is failure, failure in your endeavor to do your best”. Who is author of this quotation?
Jonathan Franzen
*Maude Adams
W.E.B.du Bois
Mignon Mclanghin
Eleanor Roosevelt
When a person goes to work with pleasure. Besides, when a person really knows that he can fulfill all his dreams with his job. This is a ,,,,,
*Professional contentment
emotional state
job despise
work without satisfaction
Find the definition of the word “mutually beneficial”
a word or expression from a particular subject area, that has become fashionable by being used a lot, especially on television and in the newspapers
building relationships in order to obtain certain benefits in the future
market which deals with unemployment
quick in movement and nimble
* a close connection joining two or more people to be helpful or have a good effect on each other
Find the definition of the word “the payoff ”
*praising or expressing admiration for someone; if tickets, books, etc. are complimentary, they are given free.
building relationships in order to obtain certain benefits in the future
market which deals with unemployment
quick in movement and nimble
a close connection joining two or more people to be helpful or have a good effect on each other
Find the correct definition of the word “Achievement”
Member of an academy
Involved or interested something
To recruit or provide someone with work
Face with or meet unexpectedly
*something that has been accomplished, especially by hard work, ability, or heroism
,,,,,,,,,,,,,, is a means of communication that can be adapted to various speaking situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team.
*A presentation
A story
A Narrative essay
Writing ,,,,,,, essay is basically writing a story connected with personal experiences. The key element of the essay is a defined point of view presented in the paper and delivered through sharing emotions and sensory details with the reader. This is always a reflection of a personal experience of the author and that is the reason it often has the form of a story and also often becomes a personal ,,,,,,,, essay.
Solution essay
Descriptive essay
Expository essay
*Narrative essay
Persuasive essay
“Every society needs to examine itself in relation to other societies”. Who is author of this quotation?
Maude Adams
W.E.B.du Bois
Mignon Mclanghin
Eleanor Roosevelt
*Paulo Freire
“Society needs a good image of itself. That is the job of the architect”. Who is author of this quotation?
W.E.B.du Bois
Mignon Mclanghin
Eleanor Roosevelt
Paulo Freire
*Walter Gropius
Basil... into the army next year.
A) was going B) goes * C) will go D) would go E) went
55. I... home for lunch on Mondays. I have lunch in the canteen.
A) didn't go B*) don't go C) was doing
D) doesn't go E) will not go
56. Jack (found by chance) an article about his father's invention.
a.* come across
b. come to
c. come by
d. come
e. came
57. Can you explain how the accident (happened)?
a. come across
b*. come about
c. come by
d. come
e. came
58. His children go everywhere with him. Find the type of adverb.
a. *adverb of place
b. adverb of time
c. adverb of manner
d. adverb of frequency
e. adverb of degree
59. The results were announced yesterday. Find the type of adverb.
a. adverb of place
b. *adverb of time
c. adverb of manner
d. adverb of frequency
e. adverb of degree
60. She works hard. Find the type of adverb.
a. adverb of place
b. adverb of time
c.c adverb of manner
d. adverb of frequency
e. adverb of degree
61. Find the definition of the phrasal verb “come at”.
*to discover or reach (facts, truth);
to cause the estrangement or separation of (two people)
to find or obtain (a thing) esp. accidentally;
to progress
(of a person or his/her words) to communicate the
intended meaning or impression;
62. . Find the definition of the phrasal verb “come by”.
to discover or reach (facts, truth);
to cause the estrangement or separation of (two people)
to find or obtain (a thing) esp. accidentally;
to progress
*(of a person or his/her words) to communicate the
intended meaning or impression;
63. . Find the definition of the phrasal verb “come along”.
to discover or reach (facts, truth);
to cause the estrangement or separation of (two people)
to find or obtain (a thing) esp. accidentally;
*to progress
(of a person or his/her words) to communicate the
intended meaning or impression;
64. when you are writing a letter to someone you know well (a close relative, your best friend, etc.) you should use
Semi formal letter
Formal letter
*Informal letter
Complain letter
65. When you are writing a letter to someone you don’t know, or to someone who is in authority (the manager of a hotel, a doctor, etc) you should use
Semi formal letter
*Formal letter
Informal letter
Complain letter to your friend
66. when you are writing a letter to someone you do not know very well , or someone you want to be polite and respectful to (a friend's parents, Your teacher, etc) you should use,,,
*Semi formal letter
Formal letter
Informal letter
Complain letter
67. everyday vocabulary (e.g. I had a great time), colloquial expressions and ldioms (e.g.drop me a line), phrasal verbs (e.g.get on, settle in), short forms (e.g. can't, don't, I'm, I’ll) we use these in,,,,
a. Semi formal letter
b. Formal letter
c. *Informal letter
d. Complain letter
68. Colloquial expressions, phrasal verbs, idioms and short forms are not used in,,,,,
a. Semi formal letter
b*. Formal letter
c. Informal letter
d. Complain letter
69. Essay consists of 3 parts:
a. *Introduction Main part and Conclusion
b. Main part, Conclusion, Introduction
c. Thesis, Introduction, Conclusion
d. Introduction Main part, Thesis
70. He (known in Europe as Alhazen) wrote a book in the tenth century on optics, Kitab A1 Manazir. He explored optical illusions, the rainbow, and the camera obscura (which led to the beginning of photographic instruments). He also made discoveries in atmospheric refractions (mirages and comets, for example), studied the eclipse, and laid the foundation for the later development of the microscope and the telescope.
a. *Al-Haytham
b. Ibn Sina
c. al Biruni
d. Al-Khwarizmi
e. al-Fezari
71. Personal Space. Find the level of Intimate distance.
a*. 6 to 18 inches: This level of physical distance often indicates a closer relationship or greater comfort between individuals. It usually occurs during intimate contact such as hugging, whispering, or touching.
b. 1.5 to 4 feet: Physical distance at this level usually occurs between people who are family members or close friends. The closer the people can comfortably stand while interacting can be an indicator of the level of intimacy in their relationship.
c. 4 to 12 feet: This level of physical distance is often used with individuals who are acquaintances. With someone you know fairly well, such as a co-worker you see several times a week, you might feel more comfortable interacting at a closer distance. In cases where you do not know the other person well, such as a postal delivery driver you only see once a month, a distance of 10 to 12 feet may feel more comfortable.
d. 12 to 25 feet: Physical distance at this level is often used in public speaking situations. Talking in front of a class full of students or giving a presentation at work are good examples of such situations.
e. Closed posture involves hiding the trunk of the body often by hunching forward and keeping the arms and legs crossed. This type of posture can be an indicator of hostility, unfriendliness, and anxiety.
72. Personal Space. Find the level of Public distance.
a. 6 to 18 inches: This level of physical distance often indicates a closer relationship or greater comfort between individuals. It usually occurs during intimate contact such as hugging, whispering, or touching.
b. 1.5 to 4 feet: Physical distance at this level usually occurs between people who are family members or close friends. The closer the people can comfortably stand while interacting can be an indicator of the level of intimacy in their relationship.
c. 4 to 12 feet: This level of physical distance is often used with individuals who are acquaintances. With someone you know fairly well, such as a co-worker you see several times a week, you might feel more comfortable interacting at a closer distance. In cases where you do not know the other person well, such as a postal delivery driver you only see once a month, a distance of 10 to 12 feet may feel more comfortable.
d. *12 to 25 feet: Physical distance at this level is often used in public speaking situations. Talking in front of a class full of students or giving a presentation at work are good examples of such situations.
73. Personal Space. Find the level of Social distance.
a. 6 to 18 inches: This level of physical distance often indicates a closer relationship or greater comfort between individuals. It usually occurs during intimate contact such as hugging, whispering, or touching.
b. 1.5 to 4 feet: Physical distance at this level usually occurs between people who are family members or close friends. The closer the people can comfortably stand while interacting can be an indicator of the level of intimacy in their relationship.
c. *4 to 12 feet: This level of physical distance is often used with individuals who are acquaintances. With someone you know fairly well, such as a co-worker you see several times a week, you might feel more comfortable interacting at a closer distance. In cases where you do not know the other person well, such as a postal delivery driver you only see once a month, a distance of 10 to 12 feet may feel more comfortable.
d. 12 to 25 feet: Physical distance at this level is often used in public speaking situations. Talking in front of a class full of students or giving a presentation at work are good examples of such situations.
74. Personal Space. Find the level of Personal distance.
a. 6 to 18 inches: This level of physical distance often indicates a closer relationship or greater comfort between individuals. It usually occurs during intimate contact such as hugging, whispering, or touching.
b. *1.5 to 4 feet: Physical distance at this level usually occurs between people who are family members or close friends. The closer the people can comfortably stand while interacting can be an indicator of the level of intimacy in their relationship.
c. 4 to 12 feet: This level of physical distance is often used with individuals who are acquaintances. With someone you know fairly well, such as a co-worker you see several times a week, you might feel more comfortable interacting at a closer distance. In cases where you do not know the other person well, such as a postal delivery driver you only see once a month, a distance of 10 to 12 feet may feel more comfortable.
d. 12 to 25 feet: Physical distance at this level is often used in public speaking situations. Talking in front of a class full of students or giving a presentation at work are good examples of such situations.
75.Put the correct form of the phrasal verb. “ You can ,,,,, the word in a dictionary.
a.* look up
b. takes off
c. turn on
d. look after
76. Put the correct form of the phrasal verb. “ Who is ,,,,,,,the baby?”
a. look up
b. takes off
c. turn on
d.* looking after
77. Put the correct form of the phrasal verb.” I ,,,,,, meeting you.
a.* look forward to
b. takes off
c. turn on
d. looking after
78. How many words we should use in writing letters?
a. 250-280
79.Find the style of the letter by the help of Opening and Ending remarks. Informal style,,,
a. Opening Dear Sir/Madam, Ending Yours faithfully
b.* Dear John, Dear Anita. Best wishes
c. Dear Mr. Brown Dear Mrs. Stone, Yours Sincerely
d. Dear John, Ending Yours faithfully
80. Find the style of the letter by the help of Opening and Ending remarks. Formal style,,,
a. *Opening Dear Sir/Madam, Ending Yours faithfully
b. Dear John, Dear Anita. Best wishes
c. Dear Mr. Brown Dear Mrs. Stone, Yours Sincerely
d. Dear John, Ending Yours faithfully
81. Find the style of the letter by the help of Opening and Ending remarks. Semi-formal style,,,
a. Opening Dear Sir/Madam, Ending Yours faithfully
b. Dear John, Dear Anita. Best wishes
c.* Dear Mr. Brown Dear Mrs. Stone, Yours Sincerely
d. Dear John, Ending Yours faithfully
82. If it´s rainy you____________ take an umbrella.
a.* should
b. shouldn’t
c. don’t have to
d. couldn’t
83. Children __________eat lots of vegetables.
a. *should
b. shouldn’t
c. don’t have to
d. couldn’t
84. They have a test tomorrow. They_________ go to the cinema . They stay at home and study!
a. should
b.* shouldn’t
c. don’t have to
d. couldn’t
85. I have a party tonight. What______________ I wear? A dress or a pair of trousers?
a*. should
b. shouldn’t
c. don’t have to
d. couldn’t
86.Tom ____________ eat so many lollipops. It´s bad for his teeth.
a. should
b. *shouldn’t
c. don’t have to
d. couldn’t
87. The doctor said: "_ You_____ eat healthy food
a. *should
b. shouldn’t
c. don’t have to
d. couldn’t
88. I have never ________to Moscow.
a*. been
b. was
c. be
d. done
89. They have never ______museums.
a. been
b. was
c. be
d. *visited
90. She is taller _____ her elder sister.
a.* than
b. then
c. that
d. the
91. I don’t think you ____ them.
a.* should email
b. should to email
c. should emailing
d. ─
92. I am very ___ in old cars.
a*) interested
b) interesting
c) keen
d) fond
93. Oh, you're busy? I ____ you later, OK?
a) *will call
b) call
c) have called
d) am calling
94. ____ to the cinema.
a) *We don't often go
b) We don't go often
c) We not often go
d) Often we don't go
95. Sorry, I ____ you at the moment.
a)* can't help
b) don't can help
c) can't helping
d) can't helps
96. He doesn't have a car so he often uses public ____.
a) transport
b) taxi
c) car
d) bus
97. They hardly ____ visit us.
a)* ever
b) sometimes
c) never
d) usually
98. Criminals are people who are guilty of … the law.
a) *breaking
b) cheating
c) committing
d) making
99. … feeling OK? You don’t look very well.
a)* Are you
b) You are
c) Do you
d) Have you
100. The question is really ______. You do not even need to
think on it.
A) complete
B) different
C) difficult
D)* easy
101. If you do not know this word why don’t you look up
the ______?
A) newspaper
B) internet
C) computer
D) *dictionary
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