Tests on translation for students What are the aspects of the translation theory?
types of translation equivalents are there?
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types of translation equivalents are there?
There are two types. They are monoequivalents and multi-equivalents. There are three types. They are monoequivalents, regular equivalents and multi-equivalents. There are two types. They are monoequivalents and regular equivalents . There are two types. They are multi-equivalents and variable equivalents. What is context? Context is meaning that comes after a particular word and helps to translate it. Context is the text that comes after a particular word and helps to translate it. Context is the text that comes just before or after a particular word or phrase and helps to explain its meaning. Context is the text that comes just before or after a particular word or phrase and helps to expand its meaning. What is occasional equivalent in translation? It is a translation equivalent to a word fixed in the dictionary with the same meaning. It is a translation equivalent to a word fixed in the dictionary with the similar meaning. It is a translation equivalent not fitting in a certain context or text. It is a translation equivalent to a word not fixed in the dictionary or fixed in the dictionary with another meaning. How many ways of finding an occasional equivalent is used? Two ways. They are the logical method of interpolation and literal translation. Two ways. They are the logical method of interpolation and explicatory translation. Three ways. They are transcription, transliteration and calque translation. Three ways. They are word for word translation, free translation and explicatory translation. What case of metaphoric transformation is used in the example? How’s that, pumpkin?-Ты доволен, малыш-Кўнглинг тўлдими, асалим. In Russian translation – metaphorization, in Uzbek translation- demetaphorization. In Russian translation-demetaphorization, in Uzbek translation-metaphorization In Russian translation-demetaphorization, in Uzbek translation-remetaphorization In Russian translation-remetaphorization, in Uzbek translation-metaphorization What type of lexical transformation is used in the example? Up! Get up! Now!-Вставай! Просыпайся! Сейчас же!-Тур! Ётишни бас қил! Тур дедим! Lexical substitution Compensation Metaphoric transformation Explicatory translation What type of translation technique is used in the example ( from ‘Harry Potter’)? Privet Drive-Тисовая улица-left untranslated Russian-transliteration, Uzbek-transformation Russian-transformation, Uzbek-transliteration Russian-transformation, Uzbek-free translation Russian-transcription, Uzbek-transliteration What type of complex transformation is used in the example ( from ‘Harry Potter’)? He’ll be famous. Every child in our world will know his name.- Этот мальчик прославится. В нашем мире не будет ребёнка такого ребёнка,который не знал бы его имени.-Бу бола хали довруг қозонади. Бу ёруғ оламда уни билмайдиган бола бўлмайди. Integral transformation Antonymic translation Explicatory translation Metonymical transformation What type of equivalence is used in the translation? Are the rumors true, Albus?-Эти слухи правда, Альбус-Миш-мишлар тўғрими, Альбус. Transformational equivalence Equivalence on situational level Equivalence on pragmatic level Lexical and grammatical equivalence What type of equivalence is used in the translation? Make a wish, Harry.-С днём рождения, Гарри.-Туғилган кунинг билан, Гарри. Equivalence on situational level Transformational equivalence Transformation on semantic level Equivalence on pragmatic level What type of translation technique is used in the example? Professor Dumbledore-Профессор Дамблдор-Профессор Дамблдор Transliteration Transcription Calque translation Half-calqued translation What type of culture- bound word the following example relate to? Muggles Toponyms Analogues Unique culter bound word Ergonym What type of translation is used in the example? Muggles-Маглы-Одамлар Russian-transcription, Uzbek-lexical substitution(generalization) Russian-translitaration,Uzbek- lexical substitution(specification) Russian-explicatory translation,Uzbek-Calque translation Russian-lexical substitution,Uzbek-transcription What type of grammar transformation is used in the example? I don’t care-Менга фарқи йуқ. Sentence partitioning Sentence integration Grammar compensation Grammar substitution What group can abbreviations, based on the level of their usage,be divided into? Into two groups: graphical phonetic abbreviations Into three groups: graphical, phonetic and lexical abbreviations Into three groups: phonetic, grammatical and lexical abbreviations Into two groups: grammatical and lexical groups What group of abbreviation does the word relate to? U=you,thru=through,OK=all correct Phonetic abbreviation Lexical abbreviation Graphical abbreviation Grammatical abbreviation What happens in the translation of phonetic abbreviations? They are transliterated They are transcribed They are lost They are calqued What type of translation is used in the examples? BBC-Би-Би-Си, IBM-Ай-Би-Эм. Transliteration Transformation Calque translation Transcriptionl What is locution in terms of linguistic pragmatics? It is communicative intention and functional fource It is reference and the utterance sense It is communicative effect It is cultural effect What types of translation did Peter Newmark introduce according pragmatic principles? He introduced two types of translation: communicative and semantic. He introduced two types of translation: communicative and syntactic. He introduced three types of translation: communicative, semantic and syntactic.. He introduced three types of translation: communicative, situational and semantic. What idea brought to life the so called Skopos theory? The reasons for ending a translation are independent of the reasons for the creation of any particular source text. The reasons for commissioning or initiating a translation are dependent of the reasons for the creation of any particular source text. The reasons for commissioning or initiating a translation are independent of the reasons for the creation of any particular source text. The reasons for commissioning or initiating a translation are independent of the reasons for the creation of any particular target text. Who developed the so called Skopos theory? Karl Buhler Hans Vermeer Peter Newmark Yuri Stepanov What is ‘skopos’? It is the purpose of translation It is the process of translation It is the method of translation It is the technique of translation Who classified the translation into full and partial? Peter Newmark Karl Buhler Michael Halliday J.C. Catford What does pragmatics study? Pragmatics study language signs Pragmatics study language systems Pragmatics study language shifts Pragmatics study language in use What language functions did Karl Buhler single out? He singled out three language functions: expressive, appealing and referential. He singled out three language functions: expressive, communicative and referential. He singled out three language functions: informative, appealing and referential. He singled out three language functions: informative, conative and referential. The most recognizable classification of speech functions belongs to……. Yuri Stepanov Roman Jakobson Peter Newmark Karl Buhler How is interpersonal function of speech actualized? Interpersonal function of speech as the expression of attitude is actualized through the category expressiveness. Interpersonal function of speech as the expression of attitude is actualized through the category informativity. Interpersonal function of speech as the expression of attitude is actualized through the category of implicitness . Interpersonal function of speech as the expression of attitude is actualized through the category modality. What is phatic function in translation? Phatic function is the function for maintaining, supporting and ending a friendly contact. Phatic function is the function for maintaining, supporting and ending a social contact. Phatic function shows a person’s attitude to what she or he is talking about, the emotions one feels when saying something. Phatic function is a voluntative expression denoting effort. What speech function does the example have? Excuse me, How are you, what’s up Expressive function Interpersonal function Phatic function Conative function What method of finding an irregular equivalent is used in the example? Mr. N will be our timekeeper. Господин Н будет следить за регламентом собрания. Жаноб Н мажлис вақтини назорат килади. Explicatory method Interpolation Reduction Expanding way What is culture-bound word? Culture-bound words signify notions lacking in the target language and culture. Culture-bound words name objects peculiar to this or that ethnic group. Culture-bound words signify similar notions in the source and target languages. Culture-bound words are borrowed words with changing their form and meaning. According what principles are culture-bound words classified into? According language and culture, according to morphological fields, local and time coloring. According language and culture, according to semantic fields, local and time coloring. According language and speech, according to semantic fields, local and time coloring. According nation and culture, according to semantic fields, local and time coloring. According what principle are the following types of culture-bound words classified into? Neologisms, historisms, archaisms. Based on the local coloring Based on semantic field Based on language Based on time 231). Which level of translation results in the so called “ translator’s false friends”, that is words similar in sounds but different in meaning? A. On the semantic level B.On the sound level C.On the syntactic level D.On the pragmatic level 232) .Which level is copying the structure of the source language. Sometimes an inexperienced translator is hypnotized by the source language, and, to translate “accurately” , he tries to render the meaning word for word, thus breaking combination rules of his/her own language A.On the syntactic level B. On the sound level C. On the semantic level D.On the pragmatic leve 233) .Who was likened the works in translation to the wrong side of a Flemish tapestry: you can see only vague figures and cannot admire the bright colors of its right side? A.Wilhelm von Humboldt B.Dante Alighiere C. Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra D.Jackobson 234.According to V.Komissarov , how many levels of equivalence? A. 6 B. 3 C. 4 D.5 235.The categories of translation transformations are… A.grammatical transformations, lexical transformations, theoretical transformations. B.grammatical transformations, syntactic transformations, complex transformations C. grammatical transformations, lexical transformations, complex transformations* D. .grammatical transformations, lexical transformations, syntactic transformations 236. … is defined as writing a word in a different alphabet, is often associated with transcription. A. Translation B. Transliteration C. Transcription D. Translator 237.Which translation is the translation of a word or a phrase by parts? A. Free translation B. Literal translation C.Blueprint translation D.Faithful translation 238.In what century can we see the in-depth study of translation? A. Second half of the 20th B. Second half of the 19th C. Second half of the 18th D. . Second half of the 21th 239. Who defines translation as “ the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language ? A. Holmes B. E.Nida C.Jackobson D. J.Catford 240. According to … .Translation as a written form, sight translation as the oral translation of written text, and interpreting as oral translation of oral discourse are differentiated. A.Methods of interpreting B.Form of speech C.Source text perception D.Source of speech 241. … is note-taking interpretation, phrae-by-phrase interpretation. A.Methods of interpreting B.Form of speech C.Source text perception D.Source of speech 242. … is a translator can see or hear the text. A.Methods of interpreting B.Form of speech C.Source of speech D.Source text perception 243. Functional style and genre of the text is… A. a translator can see or hear the text B.literary works and informative texts C.one-way or two-way translation D.word-for-word translation 244. … is based on analysis and synthesis operations and has required many years of hard work and frustration. A. Idiomatic translation B.Machine translation C.Free translation D.Faithful translation 245. … is the translation of texts on science, technology, official writings, business messages, newspaper and magazine articles. A. Informative translation B.Machine translation C.Free translation D.Faithful translation 246. Whose concept of dynamic equivalence, “aimed at complete naturalness of expression” and trying “to relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture.” A. E.Nida B. V.Komissarov C. I.Vvedenski D. O.Henry 247. … is the translation that reproduces communicatively irrelevant elements of the source text, this usually happens when the translator copies the source language form on this or that level of the language. A.Idiomatic translation B. Literal translation C.Free translation D.Machine translation 248. … is the reproduction of the source form and content in a loose way. A.Idiomatic translation B. Literal translation C.Machine translation D.Free translation 249. The description and enumeration of speech functions can be found in the work by R.Jakobson, who pointed out the following: A. emotive function, informative function B. conative function, phatic function C. all answers are correct D. poetic function, metalingual function 250. … is a method of writing down speech sounds. A. Transliteration B. Transcription C. Pronounciation D.Transalliteration 251. … are morphological or syntactical changes in translated units. A. Grammar transformation B. Calque transformation C. Lexical transformation D.Syntactic transformation 252. … change the semantic core of translated word. A. Grammar transformation B. Metaphoric transformation C. Lexical transformation D.Syntactic transformation 253. … are based on transferring the meaning due to the similarity of notions. A. Grammar transformation B. Metaphoric transformation C. Lexical transformation D.Syntactic transformation 254. … is a conventional description of mental operations on speech and language units, conducted by a translator, and their explanation. A. Situational modul B. Semantic modul C.Translation modul D.Semiotic modul 255. How many moduls can be singled out. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D.6 256. Which language was the Bible translatedin the 4th century? A. Gothic B. Latin C. Latin-English D. Greek 257..Which are the main aspects of typology? A. Form,letter B.Sound, content C. Form, content D. Letter,sound 258.How many types have in lexical correspondence? A. 4 B. 6 C. 5 D.3 259. When the word in one language has two or more equivalents…. A. Complete correspondence B.Lexical problems C.Partial correspondence D.Morphological problems 260.Which lexical correspondence has no equivalence? A. Semantic B. Absence C. Partial D. Lexical 261. Complete correspondence include… A.Geographical names, proper names B.Names of months, the day of week C. All answers are correct D. Scientic and technical terms 262. … is replacing a word with a narrow meaning by one with a broader sense. A. Compensation B. Generalization C. Concrete definition D. Omission 263. … is replaced a word with a board sense by one of a narrower meaning. A. Compensation B. Generalization C. Concrete definition D. Omission 264. … is used when certain elements in the original text can not be expressed in terms o the language it is translated into. A. Compensation B. Generalization C. Concrete definition D. Omission 265. … is a complex lexical-grammatical substitution of positive construction for a negative one which is coupled with replacement of word by its antonym when translated. A. Antonyinous translation B. Synonymous translation C. Pragmatic translation D. Syntagmatic translation 266. This is the “freest” form of translation. A. Faithful translation B. Semantic translation C. Adaptation D. Free translation 267. It differs from “ faithful translation” only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value of the SL text. A. Faithful translation B. Semantic translation C. Adaptation D. Free translation 268. It attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. A. Faithful translation B. Semantic translation C. Adaptation D. Free translation 269. Translating an author word by word , and line by line , from one language into another is … A.Paraphrase B.Metaphase C.Imitation D. Limitation 270. Translation with latitude , the Ciceronian “ sense-for-sense” view of translation. A.Paraphrase B.Metaphase C.Imitation D. Limitation 271. Where the translator can abandon the text of the original as he sees fit. A.Paraphrase B.Metaphase C.Imitation D. Limitation 272. How many basic types of translation Dryden formulated? A.2 B.4 C.3 D.5 273. … is observed when in the language considered there are identical grammatical categories with identical particular meanings. A. Complete syntactical correspondence B Complete lexical correspondence C. Complete morphological correspondence D. Complete grammatical correspondence 274. … is observed when there are no corresponding grammatical categories in the languages examined. A. Partial correspondence B.Absence of correspondence C. Lexical Correspondence D. Complete grammatical correspondence 275. The word translation is derived from the ___________ ‘translatum’. A. Latin* B. greek C. german D. Gothic 276. _____________ is the process of converting an original or “source” text into a text in another language. A. Etymology B. Translation C. Phonetics D. linguiustics 277. ____________is the translation within the same language. A. interlingual B. intersemiotic C. Intralingual D. Transparency 278. Translation from one language to another is called ______________ translation. A. intralingual B. Pronunciation C. Interlingual D. Transparency 279. ______________ is the study of sign and sign systems in language. A. Semiotics B. Psychology C. Pragmatics D. Geology 280. According to Edward Sapir, ___________ is a guide to social reality. A. Grammar B. Language C. Dictionary D. Book 281. ___________in translation is being faithful and accurate to the SL text A. Distortion B. Target Language C. Fidelity D. Source Language 282. Traditionally the ______________ was considered inferior to the author. A. Translator B. poet C. Narrator D. writer 283. Jakobson declares that every poetic art is therefore technically ________. A. translatable B. device C. Untranslatable D. imagination 284. _____________when translated has to be approached as a complex system rather than as a text. A. poem B. Drama C. short story D. prose 285. _________ can be either horizontal or vertical translation. A. Paraphrase B. Medieval translation C. Metaphrase D. Imitation 286. _________ is translating an author word-by-word and line-by-line from one language to another. A. mistranslation B. Vertical C. Metaphrase D. Imitation 287. Intralingual translation is also known as _______________. A. Rewording B. Retaining C. Transmutation D. None of the above 288. Roman Jacobson has distinguished ____________ types of translation. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D.5 289. ‘Oui’ and ‘Si’ are two usages for the word __________ in french language. A. Hello B. Yes C. Good morning D. How are you? 290. The way of translating social or cultural reality of the source text to that of the culture of the target language is called __________ A. Adaptation B. Linguistic C. Untranslatability D. Calque 291. In ___________ the translator uses the word or phrase of the original, usually in italics. A. Cultural B. Paraphrase C. Borrowing D. Calque 292. In which the translation an expression is rendered word-for-word ? ________. A. Adaptation B. Translators note C. Cultural D. Calque 293. In _______________ the translator adds elements to the target texts to make up for their absence in the target language A. Linguistic B. Compensation C. Borrowing D. Adaptation 294. When a word of the source text is replaced in the target text by a whole group of words that explain a nonexistent notion in the target language, it is called _______. A. Paraphrase B. Compensation C. Cultural D. Compensation 295. A good translation is a translation that provides an __________ message of the SLtext in the target language. A. opposite B. Equivalent C. irrevelant D. Wrong 296. According to Beekman and Callow (1989), there are _______ main types of translation A. four B. two C. one D. nine 297. The problems of equivalence arises primarily in translating, __________. A. Poems B. Plays C. Fiction D. Idioms 298. . _________ is another cause of loss in translation. A. Loss B. Gain C. Untranslatability D. Lexical 299. The ____________ has been translated into many languages since ages. A. Books B. Bible C. Bhagavat Gita D. Koran 300. No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the _____social reality. A. Different B. Same C. Contrast D. Divergent 301. The idea of __________ may be traced back to the 17th century. A. Decoding B. Re-encoding C. machine translation D. Interlingual 302. Machine translation can use a method based on ________ entries. A. Dictionary B. Books C. Journal D. Article 303. Translation of the _______ increased considerably in France between 1625 and 1660. A. Scottish B. Classics C. French D. English 304. Formal equivalence is also called as ___________. A. Dynamic B. Covering C. Gloss D. None of the above 305. Translation of Pastor Fido was written in the year__________. A. 1645 B. 1655 C. 1648 D. 1678 306. The term translation studies was first put forward by_________ . A. Lefevere B. Destutt de Tracy C. James Holmes D. Bassnett 307. Denhams theory argues for a concept of translation that sees translator and the original writer as ________ A. Equals B. Opponents C. Competitor D. Rivals 308. Mukarovsky says a text should be ____________ and ____________. A. Autonomous and Correct B. Small and Communicative C. Autonomous and Communicative D. Subjective and Communicative 309. Mukarovsky says a text should be ____________ and ____________. A. Autonomous and Correct B. Small and Communicative C. Autonomous and Communicative D. Subjective and Communicative 310. __________ is one of the steps formulated by Dryden in tackling problems of translations. A. Imitation B. Translation C. Depiction D. Narration 311. Who was established a translation school in the 9th century? A. Alfred the Great B. Holy Writ C. St.Jerome D. Aelfric 312. Translation is a kind of _______ event. A. Syntactic B. Speech C. Sotcial D. Lexical 313. Like in the transformation model, the process of translation is subdivided into some phases: They are______ A. Analysis B. Translation C. Synthesis D. All answers are correct 314. ______ is normally inferior to its original, as there is both cognitive and pragmatic levels. A. Comunicative translation B. Semantic translation C. Literal translation D. Free translation 315. ______ allows the translator no more freedom than another translation. A. Comunicative translation B. Semantic translation C. Literal translation D. Free translation 316. who made the first Latin to English glossary? A. Alfred the Great B. Holy Writ C. St.Jerome D. Aelfric 317. Who was compiled the first dictionary in America? A. Alfred the Great B. Holy Writ C. Samuel Johnson D. Aelfric 318. The first tendency is called ___________. A. Foreignizing strategy B. Domesticating strategy C. Landuage strategy D. Mysterious strategy 319. The second tendency is called _________. A. Foreignizing strategy B. Domesticating strategy C. Landuage strategy D. Mysterious strategy 320. __________ is making communicative contact. A. Emotive function B. Informative function C. Phatic function D. Conative function Download 59,25 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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