Tests on translation for students What are the aspects of the translation theory?

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  • Adverbial participle

  • Gerund

  • Clause

    1. What grammatical form is used in translation of English Nominative participle construction into Russian and Uzbek in the given example?

    They walked for long hours in the Gardens, books in their hands. Они долго гуляли по саду с книгами в руках. Улар қўлларида китоб билан боғда узоқ вақт сайир қилишди.

    1. Adverbial modifier of state

    2. Object

    3. Objective clause

    4. predicative

    1. what types are the causative constructions classified into according the causative verb ?

    1. Causative constructions are classified into three types. They are constructions with a causal verb (to force, compel ,cause, make, lead), constructions with the verbs ‘to have, to get’, constructions with non-causal verbs.

    2. Causative constructions are classified into two types. They are constructions with a causal verb (to force, compel ,cause, make, lead), constructions with the verbs ‘to have, to get’.

    3. Causative constructions are classified into two types. They are constructions with the verbs ‘to have, to get’, constructions with non-causal verbs.

    4. Causative constructions are classified into three types. They are constructions with a causal verb (to force, compel ,cause, make, lead), constructions with the verbs ‘to have, to get’, constructions with modal verbs.

    1. What type of translation is used in the translation of the construction with causal verb?

    He forced me to give him the information. Он заставил меня дать ему эту информацию. У мани ушбу маълумотни унга беришга мажбурлади.

    1. Free translation

    2. Literary translation

    3. Word for word translation

    4. Equivalent translation

    1. How many elements do causative constructions consist of and what are they?

    1. Causative constructions consist of two elements-main causative verb, induced object.

    2. Causative constructions consist of three elements-main causative verb, induced object, caused action.

    3. Causative constructions consist of four elements-main causative verb, induced object, caused action, infinitive.

    4. Causative constructions consist of five elements-main causative verb, induced object, caused action, infinitive, adverbial modifier.

    1. What is ‘source text’?

    1. Source text is the text to be translated.

    2. Source text is the original text.

    3. Source text is text in mother tongue.

    4. Source text is the translated text, the end product.

    1. What is ‘target text’?

    1. Target text is the text to be translated.

    2. Target text is the translated text, the end product.

    3. Target text is the text translated from old language into modern.

    4. Target text is the original text.

    1. What is ‘unit of translation’

    1. A translation unit is a group of words united in speech by their meaning, form and melody, i.e it is a syntagm, or rhythmic and notional segment of speech.

    2. A translation unit is a group of words united in speech by their meaning, rhythm and melody, i.e it is a syntagm, or rhythmic and notional segment of speech.

    3. A translation unit is a group of words united in speech by their meaning, form and melody, i.e it is a syntagm, or functional and notional segment of speech.

    4. A translation unit is a language unite that should be considered in translation.

    1. What is ‘CAT’ in translation?

    1. Common admission test.

    2. Computer-aided translation.

    3. A small animal for keeping as a pet.

    4. Computer translation.

    1. What is the difference between MAHT and HAMT?

    1. The difference between MAHT and HAMT lies in the roles of the source and target texts.

    2. The difference between MAHT and HAMT lies in the roles of the translator and receptor.

    3. The difference between MAHT and HAMT lies in the roles of the style and function of the text.

    4. The difference between MAHT and HAMT lies in the roles computer and human translator.

    1. According to the dominating function of the source text, translations are divided into …….. .

    1. Literary and informative.

    2. Literal and informative.

    3. Adequate and equivalent.

    4. Free and adoptive.

    1. What type of regular correlation is used in the example in achieving translation adequacy?

    He wrote a novel about the lives of common people.
    У одий инсонлар хаёти хакида роман ёзди.

    1. Analogs

    2. Equivalents

    3. Transformations

    4. Compensations

    1. What type of regular correlation is used in the example in achieving translation adequacy?

    The pacific Ocean is situated between continent of America and Europe.
    Тинч океани Америка ва Европа китъалари орасида жойлашган.

    1. Transformations

    2. Analogs

    3. Compensations

    4. Equivalents

    1. What types of translation is used in the example?

    I go to school every day.
    Ман бораман мактабга хар куни.

    1. Literal translation.

    2. Free translation.

    3. Equivalent translation.

    4. Literary translation.

    1. What type of literal translation is used in the example?

    There, there, don’t cry.-У ерда, у ерда, еглама.

    1. Literal translation on the etymological errors.

    2. Literal translation on the semantic level.

    3. Literal translation on the syntactic level.

    4. Literal translation on the sound level.

    1. How many subtypes of causative constructions with the verbs ‘to have’ and ‘to get’ can be?

    1. Causative constructions can be of three types; with the infinitive, with the participle, with the gerund.

    2. Causative constructions can be of four types; with the infinitive, with the participle, with the gerund, with the verb.

    3. Causative constructions can be of two types; with the infinitive, with the gerund.

    4. Causative constructions can be of two types; with the infinitive and with the participle.

    1. What is ‘causative constructions with non-casual verbs’? What type of translation is used in translating the constructions of this type?

    1. In the constructions with non-casual verbs the second element i.e induced object is expressed by a pronoun. Contextual substitution is used.

    2. In the constructions with non-casual verbs the third element i.e caused action is expressed by a prepositional phrase. Contextual substitution is used.

    3. In the constructions with non-casual verbs the first element i.e main causative verb is expressed by a prepositional verb. Contextual substitution is used.

    4. In the constructions with non-casual verbs the third element i.e caused action is expressed by a prepositional phrase. Contextual omission is used.

    1. What is the reason of the fact that the names of some countries are substituted with the personal pronoun ‘she’ and for some countries the pronoun ‘it’ is used?

    1. The pronoun ‘she’ is sometimes employed when developed countries are spoken about. The pronoun ‘it’ often refers to developing countries.

    2. The pronoun ‘she’ is sometimes employed when developing countries are spoken about. The pronoun ‘it’ often refers to developed countries.

    3. The pronoun ‘she’ is sometimes employed when European countries are spoken about. The pronoun ‘it’ often refers to Asian countries.

    4. The pronoun ‘she’ is sometimes employed when famous countries are spoken about. The pronoun ‘it’ often refers to less famous(fameless) countries.

    1. What is pragmatic difference between English, Russian and Uzbek?

    1. English is ‘alter-egocentric’ listener-centered language while Russian and Uzbek are ‘egocentric’ speaker-centered languages.

    2. English is an ‘alter-egocentric’ listener-centered language while Russian is ‘egocentric’ speaker-centered languages, Uzbek is communicative –centered language .

    3. English is an ‘egocentric’ speaker-centered language while Russian and Uzbek are ‘alter-egocentric’ listener-centered languages.

    4. English is an ‘alter-egocentric’ listener-centered language while Uzbek is ‘egocentric’ speaker-centered languages, Russian is communicative –centered language .

    1. What part of sentence is not translated into Russian and Uzbek in the example?

    Mary broke her leg when she was skiing in Austria. Мери сломала ногу, когда каталась на лыжах в Австрии. Мери Авсрияда чанғида учаётиб оёғини синдириб олди.

    1. Possessive pronoun

    2. Personal pronoun

    3. The verb ‘to be’

    4. Adverb

    1. Choose the correct form of translation of the English sentence?

    A student who wishes to apply for a grant send in his/her application form before the session begins.

    1. Студент, желающий обратиться за стипендией, должен представить заявление до начала сессии. Стипендия олмоқчи бўлган талабала имтихонлар бошланмасдан олдин аризасини тақдим этиши лозим.

    2. Студент, желающий обратиться за своей стипендией, должен представить своё заявление до начала сессии. Стипендия олмоқчи бўлган талабала имтихонлар бошланмасдан олдин аризасини тақдим этиши лозим.

    3. Студент, желающий обратиться за стипендией, должен представить заявление до начала сессии. Стипендия ютмоқчи бўлган талабала имтихонлар бошланмасдан олдин аризасини тақдим этиши лозим.

    4. Студенты, желающие обратиться за стипендией, должны представить свои заявления до начала сессии. Стипендия олмоқчи бўлган талабалалар имтихонлар бошланмасдан олдин ўзларини аризаларини тақдим этиши лозим.

    1. How is the sentence with the English impersonal pronoun rendered in Russian and Uzbek?

    One can easily understand peoples’ aspirations for world peace. Легко можно понять стремление народов к миру во всём мире. Халқларнинг бутун дунёда тинчлик бўлиш истагини осон тушиниш мумкин.

    1. By simple sentence

    2. By impersonal sentence

    3. By object clause

    4. By complex sentence

    1. How is the indefinite article translated into Russian and Uzbek if it signifies an object as a representative of a class?

    1. It translated by the pronoun’ какой нибудь’,’ бирон бир, биронта’.

    2. It is not translated

    3. It translated by the noun.

    4. It translated by’ один из’,’ дан бири’.

    1. What function is the indefinite article of the example used in?

    I’ll be back in a minute.

    1. In the aspect function

    2. In the classifying function

    3. In the numeric function

    4. In the individual generalizing function

    1. Choose the right form of translation of the sentence.

    A book is a mirror.

    1. Любая книга подобна зеркалу. Китоб кўзгудур.

    2. Книга это зеркало. Китоб қалб кўзгусидир.

    3. Своего рода книга это зеркало. Китоб мазмунига қараб қадрланади.

    4. Одна книга одно зеркало. Битта китоб битта кўзгу.

    1. What functions is the definite article used in?

    1. Numeric function and aspect function.

    2. Numeric function and generic function

    3. Specifying function and classifying function

    4. Specifying function and generic function

    1. What function is the definite article of the sentence used in?

    The olive grows only in warm climates.
    Оливки растут только в тёплом климате.
    Зайтун дарахти фақат иссиқ иқлимда усади.

    1. Specifying function

    2. Generic function

    3. Individualizing function

    4. Numeric function

    1. What function is the zero article of the sentence used in?

    Museums are closed on Mondays.
    В понедельник закрыты все музеи.
    Душанба кунлари барча музейлар ёпиқ бўлади.

    1. Generalizing function

    2. Totalizing

    3. Individualizing

    4. Qualifying

    1. What function is the zero article of the sentence used in?

    He was soldier enough to fight that battle to its bitter end.
    У него было достаточно мужества чтобы выдержать битву до её горького конца.
    Уни то жангни аянчли якунига қадар давом этириш учун етарлича жасорати бор эди.

    1. Qualifying

    2. Totalizing

    3. Individualizing

    4. Generalizing

    1. What part of sentence changes the meaning of the phrase used in the sentences?

    He is a hardworking and responsible employee. Он трудолюбивый и ответсвенный работник. У мехнатсевар ва маъсулятли ишчи.
    You will be the person responsible if anything goes wrong in the project. Ты будешь виноватым, если проект не пойдет. Агар лойихада муаммо юзага келса, сан жавобгар бўласан.

    1. Subject of the sentence

    2. Object of the sentence

    3. Attribute of the sentence

    4. Adverbial modifier

    1. What aspects can each sentence be spoken of in?

    1. Syntactic aspect and pragmatic aspect

    2. Semantic aspect, pragmatic aspect, communicative aspect

    3. Syntactic aspect, semantic aspect, pragmatic aspect

    4. Phonetic aspect, syntactic aspect, pragmatic aspect

    1. What is the difference between ‘theme’ and rheme’?

    1. Theme is a known piece of information, rheme is a piece of new information.

    2. Theme is a new piece of information, rheme is a piece of known information.

    3. Theme is a specific information, rheme is general information.

    4. Theme is a center of information, rheme is a concluding part of information.

    1. What type of question does the rhematic word answer?

    1. General question

    2. Special question

    3. Rhetorical question

    4. Choice question

    1. Point out the rhematic component of the sentence. How is it expressed in the sentence?

    Only the educated are free. Только образованные люди свободны. Фақат ўқимишли инсон озод.

    1. Negation

    2. The definite article

    3. Special construction

    4. Intensifier

    1. What is ‘Translation transformation’?

    1. Complete unchange of the appearance of a translated word, phrase, or sentence.

    2. Complete changes of the appearance of a translated word, phrase, or sentence.

    3. Complete changes of the meaning of a translated word, phrase, or sentence.

    4. Complete unchange of the form of a translated word, phrase, or sentence.

    1. What is’ transliteration’?

    1. It is copying the letters of the source language by the target language letters of another system.

    2. It is copying the sounds of the source language by the target language letters of another system.

    3. It is copying the letters of the target language by the source language letters of another system.

    4. It is the translation by parts.

    1. What type of mechanical copying is used in the example?

    Old Jolyon-Қари Джолион

    1. Transcription translation

    2. Transliteration

    3. Calque translation

    4. Half- calque translation

    1. What is ‘grammar transformation’?

    1. Grammar transformations are semantic (lexical) changes in translated unites.

    2. Grammar transformations are morphological or syntactic changes in translated unites.

    3. Grammar transformations are formal or logical changes in translated unites.

    4. Grammar transformations are complex changes in translated unites.

    1. What types are grammar transformations subdivided into?

    1. There are three of them: grammar substitution,word order change,grammar transformation.

    2. There are five of them: grammar substitution,word order change,grammar compensation, sentence partitioning, sentence integration.

    3. There are four of them: ,word order change,grammar compensation, sentence partitioning, sentence integration.

    4. There are five of them: grammar substitution,word order change,grammar transformation, sentence partitioning, sentence integration.

    1. What type of grammar transformation is used in the example?

    He is an early riser.-У эрталаб вохли туради.

    1. Word order change

    2. Sentence partitioning

    3. Grammar substitution

    4. Grammar compensation

    1. What type of grammar transformation is used in the example?

    A woman entered the room.-Бир аёл хонага кирди.

    1. Word order change

    2. Sentence integration

    3. Sentence partitioning

    4. Grammar compensation

    1. What type of grammar transformation is used in the example?

    A new scientific conference was held in Tashkent last week.
    Ўтган хафта Тошкенда янги илмий конференция бўлиб ўтди.

    1. Word order change

    2. Grammar substitution

    3. Grammar compensation

    4. Sentence partitioning

    1. What type of translation transformation is used in the example?

    I’ll get the papers on the home.
    Уйга кетаётиб газета сотиб оламан.

    1. Complex transformations

    2. Lexical transformations

    3. Grammar transformations

    4. Logical transformation

    1. What type of translation transformation is used in the example?

    Her hair is fair and wavy.
    Унинг сочлари ёрқин ва тўлқинсимон.

    1. Complex transformations

    2. Lexical transformations

    3. Grammar transformations

    4. Logical transformation

    1. What is ‘lexical transformations’?

    1. It is the change of the syntactic core of a translated word.

    2. It is the change of the semantic core of a translated word.

    3. It is the change of the morphological core of a translated word.

    4. It is the change of the meaning of a translated word.

    1. Choose the right form of translation.

    1. King Louis-король Луис-Қирол Луис

    2. King Louis-Король Лоус-Шох Лоус

    3. King Louis-Король Людовик-Қирол Луис

    4. King Louis-Король Людовик-Қирол Людовик

    1. What type of translation technique is used in the example.

    Saint Helena Island-Остров Святой Елены-Муқаддас Елена ороли

    1. Half-calqued translation

    2. Calque translation

    3. Transliteration

    4. Transcription

    1. What type of translation technique is used in the example.

    Waterloo Bridge-мост Ватерлоо-Ватерлоо кўприги

    1. Calque translation and transliteration

    2. Calque translation and transcription

    3. Transcription and transliteration

    4. Calque translation and explicatory translation

    1. What type of translation technique is used in the example.

    English Channel-Ла-Манш-Ла-Манш

    1. Transliteration

    2. Transcription

    3. Substitution

    4. Reduction

    1. How are the titles of literary works translated?

    1. Transcribed

    2. Transliterated

    3. Calqued

    4. Translated

    1. What is term?

    1. Term is a word or expression denoting a concept in a particular activity, job, or profession.

    2. Term is a word having an imaginative or sensitive, emotional style of expression.

    3. Term is a nonstandard word, expression or pronunciation in a language.

    4. Term is a word adopted by the speakers of one language from a different language.

    1. What is ‘ergonym’?

    1. Ergonyms are the units of the linguistic space of the city which denote the names or the titles of the organizations and institutions.

    2. Ergonyms are the units of the speech space of the city which denote the names or the titles of the organizations and institutions.

    3. Ergonyms are the units of the linguistic space of the city which denote the names or the titles of the literary works and published editions.

    4. Ergonyms are the units of the linguistic space of the city which denote the geographical terms .

    1. What types of ‘false friends’ do you know?

    1. Intralinguistic synonyms, homonyms and paronyms.

    2. Interlanguage polysemy, word combinations and paronyms.

    3. Interlanguage synonyms, homonyms and paronyms.

    4. Intralinguistic antonyms, synonyms, homonyms.

    1. What is metaphor?

    1. Metaphor is a set expression, consisting of a group of words in a fixed order having a particular meaning.

    2. Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a concept is referred to by the name of something closely associated with that thing or concept.

    3. Metaphor is a figure of speech that directly compares two things.

    4. Metaphor is a figurative expression, transferring the meaning from one thing to another based on their similarity.

    1. What types of metaphors do you know?

    1. Stylistic and speech metaphors

    2. Language and speech metaphors

    3. Trite and dead metaphors

    4. Stylistic and language metaphors

    1. What cases of interlingual transformations of metaphors do you know?

    1. Metaphorization, demetaphorization, remetaphorization.

    2. Metaphorization and remetaphorization.

    3. Metaphorization and demetaphorization.

    4. Metaphorization, demetaphorization, remetaphorization and predication.

    1. What case of metaphoric transformation is used in the example?

    Белое золото-оқ олтин-cotton

    1. Remetaphorization

    2. Demetaphorization

    3. Metaphorization

    4. No case of metaphoric transformation

    1. What case of metaphoric transformation is used in the example?

    To save money for a rainy day-откладывать деньги на чёрный день-қора кунлар учун пул жамғармоқ

    1. Demetaphorization

    2. Metaphorization

    3. Remetaphorization

    4. Idiomatization

    1. What case of metaphoric transformation is used in the example?

    Sometime too hot the eye of Heaven shines.-Гохо кўкда қуёш қамаштирар кўз.

    1. Metaphorization

    2. Remetaphorization

    3. Idiomatization

    4. Demetaphorization

    1. What type of translation is used in the example?

    There, there, Hagrid.-Не надо, Хагрид.-Керак эмас, Хагрид. (from ‘ Harry Porter’)

    1. Antonymous translation

    2. Substitution with the simile

    3. Substitution the analog

    4. Calque translation

    1. Choose the right version of translation.

    I’m studying English literature and painting.

    1. Я изучаю английскую литературу и английскую живопись.

    Мен инглиз адабиёти ва инглиз рассомчилигини ўрганяпман.

    1. Я изучаю английскую литературу, и живопись.

    Мен рассомчиликни ва инглиз адабиётини ўрганяпман.

    1. Я изучаю живопись и английскую литературу.

    Мен инглиз адабиётини ва рассомчиликни ўрганяпман.

    1. Я собираюсь изучать английскую литературу и живопись.

    Мен инглиз адабиётини ва рассомчиликни ўрганмоқчиман.

    1. How many types of translation equivalents are there?

    1. There are two types. They are monoequivalents and multi-equivalents.

    2. There are three types. They are monoequivalents, regular equivalents and multi-equivalents.

    3. There are two types. They are monoequivalents and regular equivalents .

    4. There are two types. They are multi-equivalents and variable equivalents.

    1. What is context?

    1. Context is meaning that comes after a particular word and helps to translate it.

    2. Context is the text that comes after a particular word and helps to translate it.

    3. Context is the text that comes just before or after a particular word or phrase and helps to explain its meaning.

    4. Context is the text that comes just before or after a particular word or phrase and helps to expand its meaning.

    1. What is occasional equivalent in translation?

    1. It is a translation equivalent to a word fixed in the dictionary with the same meaning.

    2. It is a translation equivalent to a word fixed in the dictionary with the similar meaning.

    3. It is a translation equivalent not fitting in a certain context or text.

    4. It is a translation equivalent to a word not fixed in the dictionary or fixed in the dictionary with another meaning.

    1. How many ways of finding an occasional equivalent is used?

    1. Two ways. They are the logical method of interpolation and literal translation.

    2. Two ways. They are the logical method of interpolation and explicatory translation.

    3. Three ways. They are transcription, transliteration and calque translation.

    4. Three ways. They are word for word translation, free translation and explicatory translation.

    1. What method of finding an irregular equivalent is used in the example?

    Mr. N will be our timekeeper. Господин Н будет следить за регламентом собрания.
    Жаноб Н мажлис вақтини назорат килади.

    1. Explicatory method

    2. Interpolation

    3. Reduction

    4. Expanding way

    1. What is culture-bound word?

    1. Culture-bound words signify notions lacking in the target language and culture.

    2. Culture-bound words name objects peculiar to this or that ethnic group.

    3. Culture-bound words signify similar notions in the source and target languages.

    4. Culture-bound words are borrowed words with changing their form and meaning.

    1. According what principles are culture-bound words classified into?

    1. According language and culture, according to morphological fields, local and time coloring.

    2. According language and culture, according to semantic fields, local and time coloring.

    3. According language and speech, according to semantic fields, local and time coloring.

    4. According nation and culture, according to semantic fields, local and time coloring.

    1. According what principle are the following types of culture-bound words classified into?

    Neologisms, historisms, archaisms.

    1. Based on the local coloring

    2. Based on semantic field

    3. Based on language

    4. Based on time

    1. According what principle are the following types of culture-bound words classified into?

    Toponyms, anthroponyms, zoonyms, social terms, military terms, education terms, ergonyms, history terms.

    1. Based on time

    2. Based on language

    3. Based on meaning

    4. Based on location

    1. How are culture-bound words generally rendered in the borrowing language?

    1. Through transcription, transliteration, calque translation.

    2. Through literal translation, half-calqued translation.

    3. Through transformations, transliteration and transcription.

    4. Through free translation and transliteration.

    1. What type of translation is used in the example?

    13 зарплата-13 ойлик-annual bonus payment.

    1. Lexical substitution

    2. Transcription translation

    3. Explicatory translation

    4. Reduction

    1. What type of translation is used in the example?

    Under-Secretary-зам. Министра-вазир уринбосари.

    1. Lexical substitution

    2. Grammar substitution

    3. Transliteration

    4. Explicatory translation

    1. What technique of translation is used in the example?

    Thomas Heywood-Томас Хейвуд-Томас Хейвуд

    1. Transliteration

    2. Transcription

    3. Calque translation

    4. Explicatory translation

    1. Choose the right form of translation.

    King Charles

    1. Король Карл-Қирол Карл

    2. Король Чарльз- Қирол Карл

    3. Король Чарльз- Қирол Чарльз

    4. Король Карл -Қирол Чарльз

    1. Choose the right position of comma in English, Russian and Uzbek sentences.

    1. If you feel, seasick take one of these pills.

    Если вы чувствуете себя плохо, на корабле примите одну из этих таблеток.
    Агар, сизни кемада кунглингиз бехузур бўлса мана бу хапдорилардан бирини ичиб олинг.

    1. If you feel seasick, take one of these pills.

    Если вы будете чувствовать морскую болезнь, примите одну из этих таблеток.
    Агар сизни денгизда кўнглингиз бехузур бўлса, мана бу хапдорилардан бирини ичиб олинг.

    1. If you feel seasick take one of these pills.

    Если вас будете чувствовать морскую болезнь примите одну из этих таблеток.
    Агар сизни денгизда кўнглингиз бехузур бўлса мана бу хапдорилардан бирини ичиб олинг.

    1. If you feel seasick take, one of these pills.

    Если, вы будете чувствовать морскую болезнь примите одну из этих таблеток.
    Агар сизни денгизда кўнглингиз бехузур бўлса, мана бу хапдорилардан бирини ичиб олинг.

    1. English punctuation is …….and ………bound. It depends much more on ……..and …….

    1. Logically /grammatically, morphology/ phonetics

    2. Reasonably/syntactically, semantics/morphology

    3. Logically/communicatively, semantics/intonation

    4. Factually/grammatically, morphology/intonation

    1. Choose the right position of comma in the given sentences.

    1. The bicycle that, won the race, weighed only 12 pounds.

    The winning bicycle which weighed only 12 pounds, was made in France.

    1. The bicycle, that won the race, weighed only 12 pounds.

    The winning bicycle, which weighed only 12 pounds, was made in France.

    1. The bicycle, that won the race, weighed only 12 pounds.

    The winning bicycle which weighed only 12 pounds was made in France.

    1. The bicycle that won the race weighed only 12 pounds.

    The winning bicycle, which weighed only 12 pounds, was made in France.

    1. Choose the right position of comma in the given sentences.

    1. What he said, was not, what he thought.

    What he is, is not known.

    1. What he said, was not what he thought.

    What he is is not known.

    1. What he said was not what he thought.

    What he is, is not known.

    1. What he said was not, what he thought.

    What he is is not known.

    1. Choose the right version of translation.

    I’m studying English literature and painting.

    1. Я изучаю английскую литературу и английскую живопись.

    Мен инглиз адабиёти ва инглиз рассомчилигини ўрганяпман.

    1. Я изучаю английскую литературу, и живопись.

    Мен рассомчиликни ва инглиз адабиётини ўрганяпман.

    1. Я изучаю живопись и английскую литературу.

    Мен инглиз адабиётини ва рассомчиликни ўрганяпман.

    1. Я собираюсь изучать английскую литературу и живопись.

    Мен инглиз адабиётини ва рассомчиликни ўрганмоқчиман.

    1. How many types of translation equivalents are there?

    1. There are two types. They are monoequivalents and multi-equivalents.

    2. There three types. They are monoequivalents, regular equivalents and multi-equivalents.

    3. There two types. They are monoequivalents and regular equivalents .

    4. There two types. They are multi-equivalents and variable equivalents.

    1. What is context?

    1. Context is meaning that comes after a particular word and helps to translate it.

    2. Context is the text that comes after a particular word and helps to translate it.

    3. Context is the text that comes just before or after a particular word or phrase and helps to explain its meaning.

    4. Context is the text that comes just before or after a particular word or phrase and helps to expand its meaning.

    1. What is occasional equivalent in translation?

    1. It is a translation equivalent to a word fixed in the dictionary with the same meaning.

    2. It is a translation equivalent to a word fixed in the dictionary with the similar meaning.

    3. It is a translation equivalent not fitting in a certain context or text.

    4. It is a translation equivalent to a word not fixed in the dictionary or fixed in the dictionary with another meaning.

    1. How many ways of finding an occasional equivalent is used?

    1. Two ways. They are the logical method of interpolation and literal translation.

    2. Two ways. They are the logical method of interpolation and explicatory translation.

    3. Three ways. They are transcription, transliteration and calque translation.

    4. Three ways. They are word for word translation, free translation and explicatory translation.

    1. What method of finding an irregular equivalent is used in the example?

    Mr. N will be our timekeeper. Господин Н будет следить за регламентом собрания.
    Жаноб Н мажлис вақтини назорат килади.

    1. Explicatory method

    2. Interpolation

    3. Reduction

    4. Expanding way

    1. What is culture-bound word?

    1. Culture-bound words signify notions lacking in the target language and culture.

    2. Culture-bound words name objects peculiar to this or that ethnic group.

    3. Culture-bound words signify similar notions in the source and target languages.

    4. Culture-bound words are borrowed words with changing their form and meaning.

    1. According what principles are culture-bound words classified into?

    1. According language and culture, according to morphological fields, local and time coloring.

    2. According language and culture, according to semantic fields, local and time coloring.

    3. According language and speech, according to semantic fields, local and time coloring.

    4. According nation and culture, according to semantic fields, local and time coloring.

    1. According what principle are the following types of culture-bound words classified into?

    Neologisms, historisms, archaisms.

    1. Based on the local coloring

    2. Based on semantic field

    3. Based on language

    4. Based on time

    1. According what principle are the following types of culture-bound words classified into?

    Toponyms, anthroponyms, zoonyms, social terms, military terms, education terms, ergonyms, history terms.

    1. Based on time

    2. Based on language

    3. Based on meaning

    4. Based on location

    1. How are culture-bound words generally rendered in the borrowing language?

    1. Through transcription, transliteration, calque translation.

    2. Through literal translation, half-calqued translation.

    3. Through transformations, transliteration and transcription.

    4. Through free translation and transliteration.

    1. What type of translation is used in the example?

    13 зарплата-13 ойлик-annual bonus payment.

    1. Lexical substitution

    2. Transcription translation

    3. Explicatory translation

    4. Reduction

    1. What type of translation is used in the example?

    Under-Secretary-зам. Министра-вазир уринбосари.

    1. Lexical substitution

    2. Grammar substitution

    3. Transliteration

    4. Explicatory translation

    1. What technique of translation is used in the example?

    Thomas Heywood-Томас Хейвуд-Томас Хейвуд

    1. Transliteration

    2. Transcription

    3. Calque translation

    4. Explicatory translation

    1. Choose the right form of translation.

    King Charles

    1. Король Карл-Қирол Карл

    2. Король Чарльз- Қирол Карл

    3. Король Чарльз- Қирол Чарльз

    4. Король Карл -Қирол Чарльз

    1. What translation technique is used in the example.


    1. Transcription

    2. Transliteration

    3. Calque translation

    4. Explicatory translation

    1. What type of antonymic translation is used in the example?

    Do you think it’s safe, leaving him with this these people?-Альбус ,болани бу одамларга қолдириш хатарли деб уйламайсизми.

    1. Do you think-substituting a word with it’s antonym, safe-shifting the position of a negative component.

    2. Do you think-substituting a negative sentence with an affirmative one, safe- shifting the position of a negative component.

    3. Do you think- shifting the position of a negative component, safe- substituting a word with it’s antonym.

    4. Do you think- shifting the position of a negative component, safe- substituting a negative sentence with an affirmative one.

    1. What type of translation equivalence is used in the example?

    -Are the rumors true, professor?
    -I’m afraid so, the bad and the good.
    -Миш- мишлар тўғрими Альбус?
    Тўғри, тўғри деб қўрқаман. Бу хам яхши, хам ёмон.

    1. Equivalence on pragmatic level

    2. Equivalence on situational level

    3. Semantic paraphrase

    4. Transformational equivalence

    1. What type of equivalent word is used in translation?

    There, there, Hagrid. It’s not really good-bye after all.-Керак эмас Хагрид. Бутунлай хайирлашмаяпмизку.

    1. Monoequivalent

    2. Occasional equivalent

    3. Multiequivalent

    4. Regular equivalent

    1. What type of culture-bound word does the example relate to?


    1. Antroponym

    2. Ergonym

    3. History term

    4. toponym

    1. What type of word is ‘tyke’(from ‘Harry Potter’)?

    1. Term

    2. Jargon

    3. Barbarism

    4. Slang

    1. What type of phraseological unite does the underlined word combination relate to? What type of translation is used in the example?

    I’m warning you now, boy! Any funny business, any at all.. and you won’t have any meals for a week.-Предупреждаю тебя! Любое баловство, хоть какое, и ты не будешь есть целую неделю.-Огохлантириб қуяй, мишиқи. Бирон ножуя килиқ қилсанг, нима булсаям, бир хафта умуман овкат бермайман.

    1. It is an idiom. Russian translation- substitution with the analogue, Uzbek translation-explanatory translation.

    2. It is a metonomy. Russian translation- substitution with the analogue, Uzbek translation-transliteration .

    3. It is a synecdoche. Russian translation- explanatory translation, Uzbek translation- substitution with the analogue.

    4. It is a metaphor. Russian translation- literal translation, Uzbek translation- calque translation.

    1. What type of lexical substitution is used in the example?

    I’m warning you now, boy!- Огохлантириб қуяй, мишиқи.

    1. Modulation

    2. Differentiation

    3. Specification

    4. Generalization

    1. What figurative speech is the underlined phrase? What way of translation is used in the example?

    Dry up! Dursley, you great prune!
    Заткнись Дурсл! Ты мерзавец.
    Овозингни ўчир Дурсл! Сен аблах.

    1. Dry up- an idiom, great prune-metaphor. The translation way is substitution with the analogue.

    2. Dry up-a metonymy, great prune-an idiom. The translation way is explanatory translation.

    3. Dry up-personification, great prune-an idiom. The translation way is literal translation.

    4. Dry up-metaphor, great prune-idiom. The translation way is antonymous translation.

    1. What type of word is the underlined phrase? What way of translation is used in the example?

    I was the only one to see her for what she was. A freak!-Только я знала кто она на самом деле. Помешенная!-Фақат менгина уни аслида ким эканлигини билардим. Мияси айниган!

    1. Term. The way of translation-literal translation

    2. Jargon. The way of translation is substitution.

    3. Vulgar word. The way of translation is calque translation

    4. Slang. The way of translation is explicatory.

    1. What type of translation technique is used in translation the word ‘Voldemort’?

    1. Transcription

    2. Transliteration

    3. Calque translation

    4. Transformation

    1. What types of antonymic translation are there?

    1. There are three types of antonymic translation: shifting the position of a verb, substituting a negative sentence with an affirmative one and vice versa, substituting a word with it’s antonym.

    2. There are three types of antonymic translation: shifting the meaning of a negative component , substituting a negative sentence with an affirmative one and vice versa, substituting a word with it’s antonym.

    3. There are three types of antonymic translation: shifting the position of a negative component, substituting a negative sentence with an affirmative one and vice versa, substituting a word with it’s antonym.

    4. There are three types of antonymic translation: shifting the position of a negative component, substituting a negative sentence with an affirmative one and vice versa, substituting a word with it’s analogue.

    1. What is conversives?

    1. Conversives are words naming the situation attributes from different angles.

    2. Conversives are words naming the situation attributes from similar angles.

    3. Conversives are words naming the object attributes from different angles.

    4. Conversives are sentences naming the situation attributes from different angles.

    1. What type of lexical substitution is used in the example?

    He went to the shop to get some milk.-Он пошёл в магазин купить молока.-У магазинга сут сотиб олиш учун кетди.

    1. Generalization

    2. Specification

    3. modulation

    4. differentiation

    1. what is ‘synonymous condensation’?

    1. Synonymous condensation is the usage of number of different synonyms which are very close in meaning.

    2. Synonymous condensation is the usage of number of parallel synonyms which are very close in meaning.

    3. Synonymous condensation is the usage of number of parallel synonyms which are different in meaning.

    4. Synonymous condensation is the usage of number of parallel synonyms which are very close in form.

    1. What way of translation is used in the example?


    1. Calque translation

    2. Half-calqued translation

    3. Analogue translation

    4. Explication

    1. What way of translation is used in the example?

    Waterbike-водный мотоцикл-сув велосипеди

    1. Analogue translation

    2. Explication

    3. Transcription

    4. Calque translation

    1. What is ‘conversion’?

    1. Conversion is transferring a word from one part of speech to another without the use of any affix.

    2. Conversion is transferring a meaning from one word to another one without the use of any affix.

    3. Conversion is transferring a word from one part of speech to another without by adding affixes.

    4. Conversion is transferring a word from one language to another one without the use of any affix/

    1. How the converted word with metaphorical meaning is translated into Russian and uzbek?

    Enjoy your food. Don’t just wolf it down.-Приятного апетита. Не набрасывайся на еду, как волк.-Ёқимли иштаха. Таомга бўри каби ташланма.

    1. With the help of metonymy

    2. With the help of simile

    3. With the help of metaphor

    4. With the help of hyperbole

    1. What way of translation is used in the example?


    1. Transcription

    2. Calque translation

    3. Transliteration

    4. Transformation

    1. What way of translation is used in the example?


    1. They are translated by parts then abbreviated

    2. They are abbreviated then translated by parts

    3. They are abbreviated by parts then translated

    4. They are translated by transliteration

    1. What is illocution in terms of linguistic pragmatics?

    1. It is reference and the utterance sense

    2. It is communicative intention and functional force

    3. It is public and individual effect

    4. It is it is communicative effect

    1. Who developed the idea , that language in use is speech?

    1. Ferdinand de Saussure

    2. J.C. Catford

    3. Michael Halliday

    4. Karl Buhler

    1. What is the ‘category of modality’?

    1. The category of modality determines a wide range of the listener’s attitude toward reality and the content of the utterance.

    2. The category of modality determines a wide range of the speaker’s attitude toward reality and the content of the utterance.

    3. The category of modality determines a wide range of the receptor’s attitude toward reality and the content of the utterance.

    4. The category of modality determines a wide range of the speaker’s attitude toward imaginary details and the content of the utterance.

    1. how is objective modality expressed in the example?

    He might have lost his sight.-У кўр бўлиб қолиши мумкин эди.

    1. Through category of tense

    2. Through category of person

    3. Through category of voice

    4. Through category of mood

    1. How is subjective modality expressed by the speaker?

    1. By means of modal verbs

    2. By means of negative sentence

    3. By means of auxiliary verbs

    4. By means of nominal verb

    1. What are the components that make up the expressive meaning?

    1. Emotive semes,expressive semes, appreciative semes, stylistic semes

    2. Emotive semes,expressive semes, appreciative semes, stylistic semes, pragmatic semes

    3. Expressive semes, appreciative semes, stylistic semes, pragmatic semes

    4. Expressive semes, appreciative semes, stylistic semes, pragmatic semes,semantic semes

    1. How many
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