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“A resumé of The Dawn Breakers was given by Mr. Rinaldo Quigley; he began with the history of Persia covering that 

period, giving the background; then the Fore-Runners of the Bdb; the Revelation of the Bdb; stories of the Dawn-

Breakers; the Martyrdom of the Bdb. His conclusion was:  

‘We, their spiritual descendants, must contact that Divine Love which pervaded those Dawn-Breakers and carry on the 

same banner and establish the vision of hope for which they died.’ These classes set a beautiful atmosphere for the 

Prayer and Meditation class given by Doris and Willard McKay in which all experienced a deepening of consciousness 

which left an indelible impression on the minds and hearts, and resulted in a greater appreciation and understanding of 

the revealed prayers.  

“A course on The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys by Bahá’u’lláh was given by Mirzá ‘All Kuli-Khán, who first 

translated this book into English. Dr. Khán with his profound knowledge brought a wealth of information. The 

simplicity and self-effacement of the presentation deeply moved his hearers. This course was followed by one on 

learning how to spread the Teachings— Spreading the News Behind the News by Mrs. Dudley M. Blakely, and was 

based on the Study Outline on Public Speaking prepared by the Outline Committee. Every morning the entire class had 

practice in reading the Creative Word, and marked improvement in reading was shown each day. One student served as 

chairman later at one of the meetings, quoting from the Writings entirely from memory with fine effect.  

“Some Answered Questions was presented by Mr. Archie Tichenor and developed some fine discussion clearing up 

many abstruse points of view on important questions. Mi’. Tichenor brought a splendid selection of records to Green 

Acre with him and gave concerts in the afternoons. An evening concert interspersed with readings from the Sacred 

Writings was another feature of this week. Dr. Glenn Shook in his course on History in the Making gave the historical 

background and the steps leading to the final federation of the states in the United States as an example of the process 

neces sar 


for the future formation of the Federation of the World.  

“Bahd’! Adininist ration was given by Horace Holley, and he touched on: an organic World Community; Civilization: 

a Spiritual Achievement; the Principle of Consultation; and Justice: a New Creation—basing his course upon spiritual 

principles and the integrity of the individual in relation to truth and to God, and then developing his relationship to 

society. At the close of this course Mr. Harlan Ober gave the class a practical demonstration of a Bahá’i Convention.  

“In Mrs. Lorol Schopfiocher’s course on Humanity’s Coming of Age she showed the development and unfoldment of a 

World Civilization, marking the highest stage in man’s evolution from that of family, tribe, city, state and nation to the 

unification of all mankind in a World Federation. A forty- page digest of Current Religious and Scientific Writings on 

The Unfoldment of World Civilization, which she had compiled, was given each student of this course, making a very 

tangible contribution to their fund of information.  

“The last week of the season was given over to a course on Esperanto by Miss Roan Orloff, authorized instructor of the 

Esperanto Association of North America; of the International Cseh Institute of Esperanto in Holland; and of the 

Massachusetts University Extension. Miss Orloff uses the direct method of conversation which enables the student to 

speak Esperanto from the first lesson. There was also a Laboratory Teaching course in which the following subjects 

were discussed: Why a Summer School?—leader, Mrs. Harold M. Bowman; The Group as a Living Organism, by Mrs. 

Lorol Schopflocher; Creating the Capacity to Serve, by Mr. Horace Holley; Technique of a Discussion Group, by Miss 

Lorna Tasker; Teaching Practises, by Mrs. Harry Ford; and Pioneer Teaching, by Mr. and Mrs. Tom McNally and 

Miss Neysa Bissell.”  


“The opening session of the twelfth annual Bahá’i Summer School at Geyserville was held under the Douglas fir 

landmark on the Bosch estate Sunday, July 3, 1938. Some 






two hundred Bahá’is were present to enjoy the Unity Feast and to hear messages from persons, representative of the 

United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia.  

“This event, under the chairmanship of Mr. L. C. loas, initiated the extensive program of the Summer School at 

Geyserville. Responses were given by Mr. Ray Brackett for the Chamber of Commerce, of which he is President. Mr. 

John Bosch, speaking for himself and Mrs. Louise Bosch, expressed the great joy in welcoming the increasing number 

who partake of the facilities for education each year, and stated that this summer school was rapidly becoming the 

beacon- light of Bahá’i education in the western states. Mrs. Amelia Collins said, ‘the peace and calm prevailing at 

Geyserville instils higher joy and happiness.’ She conveyed the message from the Guardian, Shoghi Effendi, in which 

he hoped that this school would typify the ideal Bahá’i community in all phases of its sessions and life. Mrs. Helen 

Bishop, in her remarks, mentioned the establishment of summer schools in Germany, ‘Iraq, Egypt, England, and 

Australia. Mr. Mark Tobey explained in detail the founding of the summer school in England. He was impressed with 

how the program of this summer school was incorporating the practical and cultural phases of the Bahá’i teachings.  

“Greetings were brought by Miss Agnes Alexander from Japan; Mrs. Lorrol Schopflocher from her world wide travels; 

and representatives of Pacific Coast Assemblies and Denver. Former members of the Geyserville Assembly, Mr. and 

Mrs. Albert Entzminger of Oklahoma City, telegraphed their wishes for the success of the 1938 sessions. Messages 

were read from Shanaz Waite and Mrs. T. C. Smith, who were unable to attend.  

“The schedule of Courses, given during the morning sessions during the two weeks, July 4-16 inclusively, was 

developed by experienced speakers, chosen from wide fields of Bahá’i experience by the Program Committee of the 

School. The two courses:  

I. Unfoldment of World Civilization; and II. Rise and Expansion of Christianity, were presented during the first and 

second hours each morning. The order of presentation of Course I, was,—The Meaning of Culture; 


Rise and Fall of Civilization; Forms of  

Civilization and Culture; The Maturity of  

the Human Race; Religion as a Basis of  

World Order; The Bahá’I Faith; The World  

Order of Bahá’u’llah; Bahâ’i Procedure; The  

World Commonwealth.  

“Course II. entitled, 

The Rise and Expansion of Christianity 

was presented in the following sequence :—The Background; 

Spheres of Influence at the Time of Christ; Establishment of the Church; Development of Theocracy; The Dark Ages; The Influence 

of Islam; Divisions in the Church; Modern Isms; Mormonism; Christian Science; New Thought, Mystic, and Psychic Movements; The 

Oxford Movement, etc.  

“Other Summer School activities were:  

the devotionals, at 9: 15 A.M., Teaching Seminars, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:00 P.M., Youth Round Tables, Mondays, 

Wednesdays, and Fridays at 2:00 P.M. with main theme of 

The Place of Religion in Modern Life. 

Three public meetings were 

held at the Bahá’i Hall in Geyserville, and one at Scottish Rite Temple in Santa Rosa. One of these public meetings at Geyserville was 

sponsored by the Youth Group, which presented the Faith with a dignity and intelligence, exemplary of well trained Bahá’is. 

Introduction of a new feature, the Educational Evening, was well received on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8:00 P.M. A bit 

of culture was given by a lecture on the Fundamentals of Art by Mr. Mark Tobey. Travelogues and personal experiences were the 

subjects of other speakers during these evenings which were enjoyed by the entire school body and the townspeople.  

“The response to the school program was evident from the larger number attending in excess of the 1937 sessions. The attendance 

record follows: Devotionals, maximum 12 


minimum 40; daily lectures, maximum 130, minimum 


public meetings, 100 

average; teaching seminars, maximum 70, minimum 40; 15 children, under the committee with Mrs. Rhoba Jones as Chairman, were 

given instruction in the Bahá’i principles, and provided with facilities for handicraft and recreation on the Collison place.  

“Increase in the Library facilities through gifts, and revenue from discounts of books purchased through Mrs. Emma Smith at the 






sessions, has provided one or more copies of the principal Bahá’i books published in English and several non-Bahá’i books for 

correlarv reading. The growth of this library service, which is housed in the Bahá’i Hall annex, has proved indispensable for the 

reference of teachers and students.  

“With the passing of each summer session into history, there has remained a sense of progress in the Faith through the agency af the 

summer school. The method of approaching the problems of this world have been made more real because many individuals render 

voluntary service on the numerous committees and act as the mouthpieces for the intellectual and spiritual development of the ideals 

and principles of the Faith. To each is rendered the appreciation of this Committee for contributing their mite for the advancement of 

the Summer School. To them as with us their joy comes with the satisfaction of the true fellowship of learning which the Summer 

School has provided.”  

GEvsmtvsLLE—1 939 SEASON  


Daily for the three weeks at 9 A.M. fifty different Bahá’is were leaders or readers in the presentation of the writings of 

Bahá’u’lláh. Eighteen regular devotional periods were arranged, and two special observances were celebrated, one on the Anniversary 

of the Martyrdom of the Báb, and one in commemoration of those who had departed to the Abhá Kingdom during the past year. 

Particularly remembered at the later meeting were Shanaz ‘Waite and Joseph Bray, who were speakers for the school program and 

frequently students.  

“Each devotional period was in honor of an attribute of God, namely, Immortality, Steadfastness, Obedience, Unity, et cetera. Since 

these meetings established the spiritual tone for the activities of the day, the participation of adults, youth, and children became a 

common bond of communal unity.  

“Pro gram of Study. 

For the remainder of each morning excepting Sundays, three programs were concurrently in session, one for 

the adult classes, one for youth, and one for the children.  

“The adult program consisted of two successive lecture-discussion periods of one hour 


duration each. The first week of lectures was repeated during the third week. The major subject of the lectures was: The 

Spiritual Unfoldment of Humanity which included by title the following topics: The Source of Civilization, Judaism, 

Christianity, Islam, The Bahá’i Faith, A World Civilization, Culture and World Peace. Ten different speakers 

participated in this program. The second course was entitled: Bridges of 1-luman Relationships, which outlined the 

points of contact between social and welfare activities of the world and the Bahá’i Faith in the following series of 

lectures: Physical Science, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Race Relations, and Comparative Religions. 

Fourteen different speakers had prepared the agenda of these subjcts, which was enlarged upon in the discussion which 


“A maximum number attending the adult sessions was 100 and a minimum of 30 during the entire session. During the 

third week the average attendance was 38, which figure was comparable to the 72 average in attendance f or the first 

two weeks.  

“The Youth program was conducted in two sections daily excepting Sundays. The first session was presented under the 


The Young Bahci’I in the World Today, with eleven different adult leaders. Discussion of the Bahá’i attitudes towards 

such collective problems as war, nationalism, race and class struggle, and such individual problems as marriage, family 

relations, character, et cetera, was the means used. The second course every morning was a laboratory section with 

practical projects in the afternoons such as field contacts, publicity, radio, public speaking, dramatics and the use of 

Bahã’i literature in teaching. This discussion period by the youth was known as The Theory and Practice of Bahd’I 

Teaching. This project included the responsibility of providing the program for the tn-weekly meetings in Bahá’i 

Auditorium for the community. Notable was this contribution to the high standard of entertainment, as evident in the 

topics presented in the following sequence:  

Symphony Evening with musical interpretation; Depicting of the Episode of the Lb in a most impressive and solemn 

stage presentation; Travelogues via moving pictures with 






accompaniment of experienced narrators; a social evening with dancing; History of Art; and one pubhc meeting.  

“To Marion Holley, Virginia Orbison, and Charlotte Linfoot, who carried the responsibility for the Youth, is due the 

deepest appreciation for pioneering this activity, which proved most effective in imbuing the 22 youth with an 

intelligent desire to serve. The hope of the Youth Committee was expressed in their report that this experience was ‘but 

a foretaste of the time when Geyserville will attract a host of young people, providing for them the opportunity to 

mature and grow under the influence, and into the pattern, of true Bahá’i life.’  

“The early dawn of that integrated life among all age groups in a Bahá’i community may be foreshadowed in the brief 

report of the Children’s Committee, which is being added to the Adult and Youth reports. Eighteen children from the 

age of 2 to 14 years were in attendance at the daily classes. Seven of this number completed one or more lessons in the 

Outline A Bahd’I Life. Seven completed at least one handiwork project. During the afternoon and evenings the parents 

assumed the responsibility of the children. Through the voluntary service of ten adults the lessons in their Bahá’i 

studies and handicraft were completed. The coordination of the children’s training effort was under the supervision of 

Mrs. Louise Groger, Mrs. Ethel MacAllaster, and Mrs. Rhoba Jones and their assistants to whom highest praise is due 

for their excellent work.  

rGeneral Activity. There were six public meetings in which 32 Bahá’is participated as speakers and artists. Five of 

these meetings were held at Bahá’i Auditorium, in Geyserville, and one in Santa Rosa in conjunction with the display 

of the Bahã’i Temple model. Attendance ranged from 45 to 


and enabled an excellent group of Bahá’i teachers to 

effectively inform these growing communities with specific Bahá’I teachings.  

“Publicity which carried daily programs and personal notes totaling 360 column inches was printed at least once in 

every major city in California, and in Phoenix, Arizona. Liberal space continued to carry weekly news in the 

Geyserville, and Clover- dale papers. 


“Through the fine support of the friends, 157 volumes of the principal Bahá’i literature in English are now found in the 

Library, which is in constant demand during the sessions. These accessions have been catalogued and prepared for 

reference readings by Mrs. Janet Ward.  


“During the summer of 1938 the Louhelen Summer School Committee held four sessions at Louhelen Ranch, Davison, 

Michigan, with programs as follows:  

First Youth Session, June 26-3 0  

Morning Pro grain  


Practice of Mediation and Prayer, Mrs. Mamie Seto.  

2. a. The World Order of Bahâ’u’llah, Urbana Youth Committee.  

b. Fundamentals of the Bahá’i Faith, Mr. Wm. Kenneth Christian.  

3. Bahâ’i Character Building, Emeric and Rosemary Sala. 


Afternoon and Evening 


Recreation, Sports, Forum and Entertainment. 


Second Youth Session, July 3-7  

“The above classes were repeated, except that the course on Character Building was given by Professor Stanwood 

Cobb instead of by Mr. and Mrs. Sala. In addition, for those who stayed over and had already attended the first session, 

a class in The Dawn- Breakers was organized and one in an intensive study of some of The World Order Letters by 

Shoghi Effendi.  

“The Laboratory Session was something new, an experiment. Urged on by repeated suggestions from the Guardian that 

we should deepen in the Teachings, that there should be real study and incentive to go home and study more deeply and 

consistently, the committee planned a program which would be more hke a real school and which would include 

definite practice in opening up new territory, getting publicity and giving radio talks. About 35 were present for five or 

more days and others for shorter periods. There were five courses:  

A Frame of Reference for Bahá’i Sacred Writings, conducted by Wm. Kenneth Christian. 






The Three ‘Worlds, an Intensive study of the basic Teachings of the Babá’i Faith, conducted by Mrs. H. Emogene Hoagg.  

Publicity Methods and Writings and Radio Speaking, conducted by Mrs. Alice Bacon.  

How to make Contacts in New Places, conducted by Miss Marguerite Reimer.  

Public Speaking, conducted by Mrs. Maude Beagle of the Flint Public Schools.  

“The first named course included a classification of Bahá’i Sacred Writings based on their authoritativeness 


whether we have the 

original manuscript or not) and a brief survey of their contents, Also a comprehensive analysis and tabulation of all the types of 

teachings included in the Bahá’i writings was made. Assignments were made for outside work which involved research in the different 

Bahá’i books. The work done in this course is being compiled for future reference at the school.  

“Of the Frame of Reference made and 

used in this course the Guardian has written 

through his 

secretary, ‘He has read the general outline (Frame of Reference) and finds it very comprehensive and of indispensable value to every 

student of the Teachings.’  

“Mrs. Hoagg’s course was based on a condensation of her outline for study called 

The Three Worlds. 

She emphasized a more exact 

use of Bahá’i terminology, exact references, real and deep understanding of all the sacred writings, the need of a more exact 

presentation of the Bahá’i teachings.  

“Miss Marguerite Reimer’s course was one of practical contact snethods. Always she emphasized prayer combined with action. 

Members of the class went to nearby towns to make contacts with groups and individuals and to invite them to public lectures at 

Louhelen auditorium. The result of this field work enabled the class to send Wm. Kenneth Christian to three Rotary clubs as speaker, 

and to make engagements for teachers coming to the August session. Twelve towns were covered by members of the class in contact 

work, and through this effort and publicity work two most successful public meetings were held at the Louhelen auditorium during the 

laboratory session. Other visitors came from time to time to spend a day in the class room and some came from Flint daily to attend 

the regular lectures. 


“The class in publicity was conducted by Mrs. Bacon, former newspaper woman, and so had the advantage of her practical experience 

from the newspaper point of view. She gave writing practice in hnking excerpts 

from the Teachings with 

activities to make 

“live copy.” She also gave suggestions and 

experiences in radio broadcasting 

and gave 

the class opportunity to write a radio broadcast that would be included in an actual 

broadcast in August.  

“Mrs. Beagle’s course in public speaking 

included assignments to prepare each day 

and speechmaking for 

class work. Individual criticism and instruction from Mrs. Beagle and from the class gave excellent training for future Bahá’i teachers 



“In the General Session in August the following program was carried out. August  

20-2 8:  


ruing Pro grain  

Prayer and Meditation, Miss Pearle Easter- brook.  

The Laws of Bahá’u’lláh, Mr. Allen McDaniel.  

Divine Government, Mrs. Louise Caswell.  

Afternoon Program  

Notes and Experiences from Haifa, Mrs. Margery McCormick (4 days).  

Studies of Muhammad and Islam, teacher not reported.  

Edward B. Struven 



Studies in Biblical Prophecy, Miss Elizabeth 

Cheney (3 


Public talks, Mr. Harlan Ober (daily). 


Evening Program 


Public lecture or entertainment. 


“There was great earnestness and seriousness in deepening in the Teachings, several confirmations. A valuable addition 

at the end of the course in Administration was a comprehensive examination using the true- false 

and other modern examination methods. 

A Bahá’i wedding when Joseph and Caroline Williams of 

Kansas City received the blessing of the Bahá’i ceremony was one of the happy occasions of the week. 

There were many new visitors at this session both 

during the class periods and at the public 







Temple Model Exhibited at Big Bear Lake, California. 


Book Exhibit near the Bahá’i Temple Arranged During Convention. 













“Noticeable gain was made last summer in extending the scope of the influence of the school and in gaining more sympathetic 

understanding of its aims in nearby communities. This report is therefore not complete without including work done before and after 

the real sessions of the school. The first of May Mrs. H. Emogene Hoagg came to Louhelen Ranch and before the first session 

conducted a study class two nights a week for the Flint community and also spoke before a number of groups in nearby towns.  

“Following the Laboratory Session there was a demand for Bahf”i speakers so Mr. Carl Scheffier came a week before the opening of 

the August Session and spoke before Rotary Clubs in Lapeer, Imlay City, and Port Huron, the Caravan Club of Saginaw, and to 

groups in Flint, Clio and Marysville.  

“Robert Gaines of Urbana also gave several informal talks in August to Youth groups.  

“During the August session Mr. McDaniel and Mr. Ober each spoke before men’s clubs in a number of the towns previously contacted 

and Mr. McDaniel spoke over the radio in Port Huron. During the summer through these many contacts some 850 or more people 

heard of the Faith of Bahá’u’llab. The week following the August session Mrs. Caswell and Mr. Ober made contacts and did follow-

up work in Saginaw, Pontiac, Port Huron and Fenton. Mr. Ober gave a talk over the radio in Port Huron.  

“At the Flint Flower Show in September Louhelen Summer School displayed the Temple model surrounded by flowers. This attracted 

much attention.”  

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