§ 523. Sometimes subordination and coordination may be combined within one sentence, in which case we may have compound-complex and complex-compound sentences.
1 See M. Ganshma, N. Vasilevskaya, op. cit., p. 321.
A compound-complex sentence is essentially a compound sentence in which at least one coordinate clause is complex in structure.
/ know that she loathes me, but I'll make her love me. (Gray).
If a complex sentence has two (or more) subordinate clauses "connected by way of coordination, we have a complex-compound sentence, as in
He told me I could see for myself he wasn't very young and his health wasn't very good. (Gilbert).
§ 524. Among the composite sentences of English and other languages we find a peculiar type differing from the rest.
Cf. He said, "/ love you". (Greene). ,
He said he loved her. ~~
The first sentence is traditionally called direct speech, the second sentence — indirect speech.
Usually direct speech is defined as "the exact words of the speaker" 1. But this definition is unsatisfactory in several ways.
1. It is not grammatical. It does not say anything about
the syntactical structure of the sentence. No wonder, there
fore, that some authors 2 use the term 'direct speech' in
reference to all kinds of utterances:
To-morrow morning I leave England.
This is the last time I shall ever look on you. •
"So you, too, are leaving London?" I remarked.
2. 'Exactness' is no criterion. We do not and need not
check up whether the words used are exactly those somebody
said, especially since that 'somebody' may be an imaginary
1 See M. Ganshina, N. Vasilevskaya, op cit., p. 330.; В. Л. К а-
ушанская and others, op. cit., p. 299.
2 See, for instance, И. П. И в а н о в a, op. cit., p. 86.
person. What matters is not exactness but the way the words are presented.
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