The Common European Framework in its political and educational context What is the Common European Framework?
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TE Lev el 4 C AN contribut e ef fectiv el y t o meetings C AN read q uic kl y enough t o cope wit h C AN prepare/dr af t prof essional and seminars wit hin o wn area of w ork an academic course, t o read t he media cor respondence, tak e reasonabl y accur at e or k eep up a casual conv ersation wit h a for inf or mation or t o unders tand non- not es in meetings or writ e an essa y which good deg ree of fluency , coping wit h standar d cor respondence. sho ws an ability t o communicat e. abs tr act expressions. AL TE Lev el 3 C AN f ollo w or giv e a talk on a f amiliar C AN scan t exts f or rele vant inf or mation, C AN mak e not es while someone is talking topic or k eep up a conv ersation on a and unders tand detailed ins tr uctions or or writ e a lett er including non-s tandar d fairl y wide r ang e of t opics. advice. req ues ts. AL TE Lev el 2 C AN express opinions on abs tr act/ C AN unders tand routine inf or mation C AN writ e lett ers or mak e not es on cultur al matt ers in a limit ed w a y or and ar ticles, and t he g ener al meaning familiar or predictable matt ers. of fer advice wit hin a kno wn area, and of non-routine inf or mation wit hin a unders tand ins tr uctions or public familiar area. announcements. AL TE Lev el 1 C AN express sim ple opinions or C AN unders tand s tr aightf or w a rd C AN com plet e f or ms and writ e shor t req uirements in a f amiliar cont ext. inf o rmation wit hin a kno wn area, suc h sim ple lett ers or pos tcar ds relat ed t o as on products and signs and sim ple personal inf o rmation. textbook s or repor ts on f amiliar matt ers. AL TE Break - C AN unders tand basic ins tr uctions or C AN unders tand basic notices, C AN com plet e basic f or ms, and writ e th rough Lev e l tak e par t in a basic f actual conv ersation ins tr uctions or inf or mation. not es including times, dat es and places. on a predictable t opic. Document D2 AL TE social and tourist statements summar y AL TE Lev e l Lis tening/Speaking R eading W riting AL TE Lev el 5 C AN talk about com plex or sensitiv e C AN (when looking f or accommodation) C AN writ e lett ers on an y subject wit h issues wit hout a wkw ar dness. unders tand a t enancy ag reement in good expression and accur acy . detail, f or ex am ple t ec hnical details and the main leg al im plications. AL TE Lev el 4 C AN k eep up conv ersations of a casual C AN unders tand com plex opinions/ C AN writ e lett ers on mos t subjects. Suc h nature f or an ext ended period of time arguments as expressed in serious dif ficulties as t he reader ma y experience and discuss abs tr act/cultur al t opics wit h n e w spapers. a re lik el y t o be at t he le vel of v ocabular y. a good deg ree of fluency and r ang e of expression. AL TE Lev el 3 C AN k eep up a conv ersation on a f airl y C AN unders tand detailed inf or mation, C AN writ e t o a hot el t o ask about t he wide r ang e of t opics, suc h as personal for ex am ple a wide r ang e of culinar y a v ailability of services, f or ex am ple and prof essional experiences, e vents te rms on a res taur ant menu, and t er ms facilities f or t he disabled or t he pro vision cur rentl y in t he ne ws. and abbre viations in accommodation of a special diet. adv er tisements. AL TE Lev el 2 C AN express opinions on abs tr act/ C AN unders tand f actual ar ticles in C AN writ e lett ers on a limit ed r ang e of cultur al matt ers in a limit ed w a y and ne wspapers, routine lett ers from hot els predictable t opics relat ed t o personal pic k up nuances of meaning/opinion. and lett ers expressing personal opinions. experience and express opinions in predictable languag e. AL TE Lev el 1 C AN express lik es and dislik es in C AN unders tand s tr aightf or w a rd C AN com plet e mos t f or ms relat ed t o familiar cont exts using sim ple languag e inf or mation, f or ex am ple labels on f ood, personal inf o rmation. suc h as ‘I (don’t) lik e . . .’ st andar d menus, road signs and messag es on aut omatic cash machines. AL TE Break - C AN ask sim ple q ues tions of a f actual C AN unders tand sim ple notices and C AN lea ve a v er y sim ple messag e f or a th rough Lev e l nature and unders tand answ ers inf o rmation, f or ex am ple in airpor ts, hos t f amil y or writ e shor t sim ple ‘t hank expressed in sim ple languag e. on s to re guides and on menus. you’ not es. C AN unders tand sim ple ins tr uctions on medicines and sim ple directions t o places. Document D3 ALTE social and tourist statements Overview of concerns and activities covered CONCERN ACTIVITY ENVIRONMENT LANGUAGE SKILL REQUIRED Day-to-Day Survival 1. Shopping Self-service shops Listening/Speaking Counter service shops Reading Market place 2. Eating Out Restaurants Listening/Speaking Self-service (fast food) Reading 3. Hotel-type Hotels, B & B, etc. Listening/Speaking 3. accommodation Reading, Writing (form filling) 4. Renting temporary Agency, private landlord Listening/Speaking 3. accommodation (flat, Reading, Writing 3. room, house) (form filling) 5. Settling into Host families Listening/Speaking 3. accommodation Reading, Writing (letters) 6. Using financial and Banks, bureaux de Listening/Speaking 3. postal services change, post offices Reading, Writing Health Getting/staying well Chemist’s Listening/Speaking Doctor’s Reading Hospital Dentist’s Travel Arriving in a country Airport/port Listening/Speaking Touring Railway/bus station Reading, Writing (form Getting/giving Street, garage, etc. filling) directions Travel agency Hiring Rental firms (car, boat, etc.) Emergencies Dealing with Public places Listening/Speaking emergency situations Private places, e.g. hotel Reading (accident, illness, room crime, car breakdown, Hospital etc.) Police station Sightseeing Getting information Tourist office Listening/Speaking Going on tours Travel agency Reading Showing people around Tourist sights (monuments, etc.) Towns/cities Schools/colleges/ universities Socialising Casual meeting/ Discos, parties, schools, Listening/Speaking getting on with hotels, campsites, people restaurants, etc. Entertaining Home, away from home The Media/Cultural Watching TV, films, Home, car, cinema, Listening/Reading events plays etc. theatre, Listening to the radio ‘Son et Lumière’, etc. Reading newspapers/ magazines Personal contacts Writing letters, Home, away from home Listening/Speaking (at a distance) postcards, etc. (telephone) Reading, Writing Appendix D: The ALTE ‘Can Do’ statements 253 Document D4 AL TE work statements summar y AL TE Lev e l Lis tening/Speaking R eading W riting AL TE Lev el 5 C AN advise on/handle com plex delicat e C AN unders tand repor ts and ar ticles C AN mak e full and accur at e not es and or cont entious issues, suc h as leg al or lik el y t o be encount ered during his/her continue t o par ticipat e in a meeting or financial matt ers, t o t he ext ent t hat w ork, including com plex ideas seminar . he/she has t he necessar y specialis t expressed in com plex languag e. kno wledg e. AL TE Lev el 4 C AN contribut e ef fectiv el y t o meetings C AN unders tand cor respondence C AN handle a wide r ang e of routine and and seminars wit hin o wn area of w ork expressed in non-s tandar d languag e. non-routine situations in whic h and argue f or or ag ains t a case. prof essional services are req ues ted from colleagues or ext er nal contacts. AL TE Lev el 3 C AN tak e and pass on mos t messag es C AN unders tand mos t cor respondence, C AN deal wit h all routine req ues ts f or that are lik el y t o req uire att ention repor ts and f actual product lit er ature goods or services. during a nor mal w orking da y. he/she is lik el y t o come across. Download 5,68 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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