The Design of Robust Helium Aerostats

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Structural Analysis and Partial-Hard Balloon Design 

A structural analysis of the stresses in the envelope of a common 10.15 m diameter 

spherical aerostat in a wind flow was performed using MCS.PATRAN/NASTRAN’s 

nonlinear static finite element solver. It was calculated that when the envelope is filled 

with the standard over pressure of 1 inWG, dimpling occurs at the stagnation point for 

wind speeds above 20 m/s, and so this was the speed simulated. The constraint force and 

hoop stress for the aerostat returned by the simulation were within 0.4% and 0.9% of their 

expected values respectively. The onset of dimpling could be detected by the low stresses 

and relatively high displacements at the stagnation point. The highest stresses in the 

model were up to 19.9 MPa, and concentrated around the load patches in the regions of 







maximum hoop stress. When uneven loading amongst the 8 tethers as well as the 

differences between the drag coefficients of fixed, smooth spheres and tethered, free 

spheres were considered, the maximum stress rose to 484 MPa. This maximum stress was 

much higher than the 142 MPa breaking strength of the envelope fabric, showing that the 

balloon would need to be reinforced if it were to survive higher wind speeds. 

A hard shell made of carbon fiber was designed for the bottom 1/3 of the 10.15 m 

spherical aerostat so that it could operate in a 46.3 m/s (90 knot) wind with a safety factor 

of 1.5. A full 10.15 m balloon had to be embedded in the porous hard shell to contain the 

Helium. A finite element model of the partial-hard aerostat, similar to the fully-fabric 

aerostat model, was created to evaluate its performance. The simulation was run for a 

46.3 m/s wind, and the constraint force and hoop stress in the envelope returned were 

within 3.0% and 1.5% of their calculated values respectively. In the high wind, the fabric 

envelope saw relatively low stresses, yielding a safety factor of 2.9. Using a 2 layer 

carbon fiber shell with a ring of 5 layers around the tether attachment points, a general 

safety factor of 1.6 was attained for the balloon. The weight of the aerostat was doubled 

for the ultra-robust aerostat design, increasing the blowdown angle. Considering there is 

not a comparably sized balloon that can survive 46.3 m/s winds, the cost incurred may be 

deemed acceptable. 



Recommendations for Future Work 

The structural analyses performed on the fabric and partial-hard aerostats were limited by 

the approximations made. In future analyses, the following should be done: 


Determine the orthotropic mechanical properties of the ballooning nylon via 

biaxial stress cylinder tests and obtain specific matrix and fiber reinforcement 

mechanical properties for the carbon fiber material. These more detailed 

properties would increase the accuracy of the analysis 


Investigate using other finite element packages that have robust nonlinear solvers, 

such as ABAQUS, to see if the model can be more realistically constrained at the 

confluence point of the tethers, and if the envelope tethers can respectively be 







made from true membrane and rod materials with zero bending and compressive 



Determine a more realistic approximation of the drag-causing aerodynamic 

pressure profile to account for the differences in drag coefficient between smooth, 

fixed spheres and tethered, buoyant spheres 


Perform a coupled structural-CFD fluid-structure analysis to better predict the 

stresses in a fabric balloon beyond the point of dimpling 


To further the design of an ultra-robust aerostat the following steps should be taken 


Investigate “shock” loading, whereby slackened tethers are suddenly loaded, to 

determine its influence on aerostat stresses 


Conduct a more thorough analysis of how to attach the tethers to the carbon fiber 



Construct a scale partial-hard aerostat to further evaluate the feasibility of the 

partial hard balloon presented here 


Research the possibility of designing a hard shell for the bottom and front of a 

lower-drag streamlined aerostat 












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