The Physics of Wall Street: a brief History of Predicting the Unpredictable
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“. . . because in 1934 the U.S. government instituted the Federal De-
posit Insurance Corporation . . .”: for more on the history of the fdIc, and other changes in the financial regulation in the United States, see Markham (2002). 220 “But what caused the quant crisis?”: there remain many views on what caused the financial crisis, including the quant crisis. for instance, see Shiller (2008), Krugman (2008), Zandi (2008), McLean and nocera (2010), or the financial crisis Inquiry commission (2011). the analysis presented here is heavily indebted to Gorton (2010). 222 “First was Renaissance . . .”: this part of the story is from Patterson (2010). 222 “The securitization procedure by which subprime mortgages . . .”: the model is presented in Li (2000). See also Salmon (2009). 224 “. . . it seems poised for another collapse”: for a picture of the deep financial and economic problems lurking under the surface of the world’s economies, see rajan (2010). Aelian, claudius. 1959 (200a.d.). On the Characteristics of Animals [De animalium natura], ed. A. f. 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