and studied it. I spent several hours working and reworking my opening
comments, trying to determine how I could cold-call on prospects in sales
organizations more effectively.
I finally realized where I was going wrong and developed a strategy to
compensate for it. The first thing I decided was that I had to be sure that I was
speaking to the right person before I made any attempt to set up an appointment.
Who is the prospect for sales training in a business organization? It was
obviously the person who was responsible for
making decisions about sales
training for the salespeople: the owner or sales manager.
My second question was,
what is the basic need or concern of my ideal
This, too, was obvious.
My ideal customer was not interested in sales training.
He was interested in higher sales volume, in increasing sales results. I realized
that I had to ask a question that
focused on that specific need, the result or
benefit that my ideal prospect was seeking.