The role of art in human life, impact and significance on human psychology
San'atning maqsadi kundalik hayotning changini qalbimizdan yuvishdir
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San'atning maqsadi kundalik hayotning changini qalbimizdan yuvishdir.
The purpose of art is to wash the dust of everyday life from our hearts. - Pablo Picasso KIRISH: San'at voqelikning obrazli aksidir, uning asosiy maqsadi insonni go'zal, hissiy, qiziqarli va go'zal, ba'zan hatto tushunarsiz va ziddiyatli narsalar bilan tanishtirishdir. San’at turlari inson qalbi va ongida turli tuyg‘ularni, his-tuyg‘ularni, fikrlarni uyg‘otishi kerak. INTRODUCTION: Art is a figurative reflection of reality, its main purpose is to introduce a person to beautiful, emotional, interesting and beautiful, sometimes even incomprehensible and contradictory things. Art forms should evoke different emotions, feelings and thoughts in the human heart and mind. Shubhasiz, bir xil badiiy asar kishilar qalbida mutlaqo qarama-qarshi tuyg‘ularni uyg‘otishi mumkin. San'atning barcha turlari bizning ichki dunyomizni boyitadi, bizga atrofdagi voqelik haqida yangi bilim beradi. Badiiy asarlarda biz muallifning vaziyatga nisbatan nuqtai nazarini yoki badiiy obrazlar orqali ifodalangan ijodkorning umumlashgan bilimini ko‘ramiz. Biz bu fikrga qo‘shilamiz yoki qo‘shilmasligimiz mumkin, chunki har bir insonning dunyoga o‘z qarashi bor, to‘g‘ri yoki noto‘g‘ri fikr yo‘q – qancha odam bo’lsa, shuncha fikr mavjud. Undoubtedly, the same quality work can arouse opposite feelings in the hearts of people. All types of art enrich our inner world, give us new knowledge about the surrounding reality. We see the artistic author's point of view on the situation or the generalized knowledge of the creator expressed through images. We can agree or disagree because everyone has their own view of the world, there is no right or wrong - there are as many opinions as there are people. Musiqaning insonga ta'siri katta. Inson tovushni nafaqat quloqlari bilan eshitadi; u ovozni tanasining har bir teshigi bilan eshitadi. Ovoz uning butun borlig'iga singib ketadi va ma'lum ta'sirlarga ko'ra qon aylanish ritmini sekinlashtiradi yoki tezlashtiradi; yoki asab tizimini qo'zg'atadi yoki tinchlantiradi; odamda kuchliroq ehtiroslarni uyg'otadi yoki uni tinchlantiradi, unga tinchlik keltiradi. Ovozga ko'ra ma'lum bir effekt hosil bo'ladi. Shu sababli, tovush haqidagi bilim insonga hayotni boshqarish, sozlash, boshqarish va undan foydalanish uchun sehrli vositani berishi mumkin, shuningdek, boshqa odamlarga eng katta foyda keltirishi mumkin.Hech kimga sir emaski, san'at shifo berishi mumkin. Music has a great influence on people. Man hears sound not only with his ears; he hears the sound with every pore of his body. The sound permeates his whole being and slows down or quickens the circulatory rhythm according to certain effects; or stimulates or depresses the nervous system; awakens stronger passions in a person or calms him down, brings him peace. A certain effect is created according to the sound. Therefore, the knowledge of sound can give a person a magical tool to control, adjust, control and use his life, and can also be of the greatest benefit to other people. It is no secret that art can heal. Taxminan 40 ming yil oldin san'at dunyoni o'rganishning mustaqil usuliga aylandi. U turli marosimlar, musiqiy kompozitsiyalar, xoreografiya, tana zargarlik buyumlari, toshlar, daraxtlar va o'ldirilgan hayvonlarning terilaridagi tasvirlar bilan ifodalangan. About 40 thousand years ago, art became an independent way of learning about the world. It is represented by various rituals, musical compositions, choreography, body jewelry, images on stones, trees, and the skins of killed animals. Bolalarni san'at bilan tanishtirish ularga adabiyot, musiqa, teatr, rasm, me'morchilik, musiqa va boshqa ko'p narsalarni tushunishni o'rganish imkonini beradi. U shaxsiyatni tarbiyalaydi. Biroq, odam san'at nima uchun kerakligini tushunmaydigan paytlar bo'ladi. Bunday xatti-harakatlar shaxs rivojlanishining bosqichlaridan biri bo'lib, undan keyin odamlarda yangi va noma'lum narsaga ixtiyoriy ishtiyoq paydo bo'ladi. Introducing children to the arts allows them to learn to understand literature, music, theater, painting, architecture, music, and much more. It nurtures personality. However, there are times when a person does not understand why art is needed. Such behavior is one of the stages of personality development, after which people have an involuntary craving for something new and unknown. San'at, qadimgi tsivilizatsiyalarda yaratuvchining ongida paydo bo'ladigan badiiy tasvirlar orqali atrofdagi dunyoni qayta tiklash sifatida paydo bo'lgan hodisadir. Bu jamiyatning axloqiy tarbiyasida katta ahamiyatga ega bo'lgan bilimlarni bilishning bir usuli hisoblanadi. Odamlar qalbida hukmronlik qilgan ruhiyatni har doim chiroyli qilib yaratgan, u quvonchga to'lgan, fe'ldan ilhomlangan. San'at va ijodga oid takliflar ko'plab mashhur asarlarda kuzatilishi mumkin va bu kunga ular bilan rozi bo'lmaslik qiyin. Shaxsda yoshligidan ijodga mehr singdiriladi. Art is a phenomenon that arose in the reconstruction of the world around us through the images that appeared in the civilizations that created it. There is a way to know the knowledge that has a great place in the moral education of this society. He always beautifully created the spirit that reigned in the hearts of people, it was full of joy, inspired by the verb. Suggestions for art and creativity can be found in many famous works, and today it is difficult to disagree with them. A person is instilled with love for creativity from a young age. Bolalarni san'at bilan tanishtirish ularga adabiyot, rasm, arxitektura, musiqa va boshqa ko'p narsalarni tushunishni o'rganish imkonini beradi. U shaxsiyatni tarbiyalaydi. Biroq, odam san'at nima uchun kerakligini tushunmaydigan paytlar bo'ladi. Bunday xatti-harakatlar shaxsiyatning rivojlanish bosqichlaridan biri bo'lib, undan so'ng odamlarda yangi noma'lum narsaga beixtiyor ishtiyoq paydo bo'ladi. Bu sizning dunyoqarashingizni kengaytirish, individual axloqiy qadriyatlarni takomillashtirish va shakllantirish imkonini beradi. Eng muhimi, ijodkorlik insonni yaxshilaydi. Introducing children to art allows them to learn to understand literature, painting, architecture, music, and much more. It nurtures personality. However, there are times when a person does not understand why art is needed. Such behavior is one of the stages of personality development, after which people have an involuntary craving for something new and unknown. It allows you to expand your worldview, improve and form individual moral values. Above all, creativity makes a person better. Download 42.31 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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