The role of art in human life, impact and significance on human psychology


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ADABIYOTLAR TAHLILI VA METODLAR BO’LIMI: San'at hayotimizda juda katta rol o'ynaydi, shu bilan birga u bizni muhim muammolar va atrofimizda sodir bo'layotgan narsalar haqida o'ylashga majbur qiladi, san'at esa inson ongini hayajonlantiradi va bizni befarq qoldirmaydi. Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoyevskiy, Bulgakov va boshqalar kabi buyuk klassiklar o‘z asarlarida insoniyatning muhim muammolari: sevgi va nafrat, urush va tinchlik, ayb va pushaymonlik, iste’dod va o‘rtamiyonalik, do‘stlik va xiyonat masalalariga to‘xtalgan. O‘ylaymanki, bu buyuk adiblar ijodida tasvirlangan dramatik hikoyalar odamlarning hayotga munosabatini qaytadan baholashga yordam beradi, ularni shafqatsiz, o‘ylamasdan, adolatsiz xatti-harakatlardan ogoh etadi, to‘xtatadi.
LITERATURE ANALYSIS AND METHODS SECTION: Art plays a very important role in our life, at the same time it makes us think about important issues and what is happening around us, and art excites the human mind and makes us indifferent. does not leave Great classics such as Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Bulgakov and others touched upon the important problems of humanity in their works: love and hate, war and peace, guilt and regret, talent and mediocrity, friendship and betrayal. I think that the dramatic stories depicted in the works of these great writers will help people to re-evaluate their attitude to life, warn them against cruel, thoughtless, unjust behavior and stop them.
Musiqa san`ati Sharqning buyuk allomalari Beruniy, Forobiy, Ibn Sinolarni ham qiziqtirib kelgan. Bu haqida ular maxsus asarlar ham bitganlar. Masalan, Ibn Sinoning «Al-muddohi ila san`atal musiqiy» asari fikrimizning dalilidir. U mazkur asarda shunday yozadi: «Musiqa hayotbaxsh, oliyjanob, axloqiy xususiyatlarni rivojlantiradi, u insonga xizmat qiladi. Uning ruhiy va axloqiy qiyofasini shakllantiradi». Olimlarning musiqaning tarbiyaviy ahamiyati haqidagi qarashlari Arastu fikrlari bilan hamohangdir. Bundan tashqari, Ibn Sino o`zining tibbiyotga oid «Kitob an- Najot», «Kitob ash-Shifo», «Donishnoma» kabi asarlarida ham musiqa nazariyasi va amaliyoti xususida nodir fikrlarni bayon etib qoldirgan.

The great scholars of the East, Beruniy, Farobiy, and Ibn Sina, were also interested in the art of music. They also wrote special works about it. For example, Ibn Sina's work "Al-Muddohi ila San’atal Musiqiy" is a proof of our opinion. He writes in this work: "Music develops life-giving, noble, moral qualities, it serves man. It forms his spiritual and moral image." The views of scientists about the educational value of music are consistent with Aristotle's thoughts. In addition, Ibn Sina in his medical works such as "Kitab an-Najot", "Kitab ash-Shifo", "Donishnama" also expressed rare thoughts on the theory and practice of music.

O`rta Osiyo olimlari Forobiy, Ibn Sino, Najmiddin Kavkabiy, Darveshali Changiy kabi allomalarning musiqa haqidagi kitoblari dunyoning turli tillariga tarjima qilingan va musiqa ilmi rivoji uchun hozir ham xizmat qilib kelmoqda. Shuni ham aytish lozimki, Sharq mutafakkirlari musiqa, ashula va maqomlarning yaratilish tarixi, shuningdek, kuylarni tinglash va ijro etishda vaqt va makonning roli xususida ham ibratli fikrlarni bayon etadilar. Masalan, Mirzo Ulug`bek, «Bulujiy, Shodiyona», «Axloqiy», «Tabriziy», «Usuli ravon» va «Usuli otlig`» kuylarini, Alisher Navoiy «Isfaxoniy» kuyini ijod qiladilar. Jomiy va Binoiylar muiqaga oid ko`plab asarlar yozadilar.

Books about music by scholars of Central Asia such as Farobiy, Ibn Sino, Najmiddin Kavkabiy, Darveshali Changiy have been translated into different languages ​​of the world and are still serving for the development of music science. It should also be said that the thinkers of the East express great ideas about the history of the creation of music, chants and statuses, as well as the role of time and space in listening and performing melodies. For example, Mirzo Ulugbek created the melodies "Bulujiy, Shodiyona", "Ahloqiy", "Tabriziy", "Usuli ravon" and "Usuli otlig", Alisher Navoyi created the melody "Isfaxoniy". Jomiy and Binoiy’s wrote many works related to music.

Musiqa jonli san`at turi sifatida davr, hayot, tabiat va inson his-tuyg`ularini, orzu

istaklarini aks ettiradi. Uni quvontiradi, o`ylantiradi va hayotdan ozuqa olishga
xizmat qiladi. Milliy madaniyatimiz bobokaloni Abu Nasr Al-Farobiy aytganidek,
«Bu fan tana sog`ligi uchun foydalidir». Bobomiz Shayx Sa`diy «Musiqa odam
ruhining yo`ldoshidir» - degan edi.
Music as a living form of art is a time, life, nature and human feelings, dreams reflects his wishes. It makes him happy, makes him think and get food from life serves. As the grandfather of our national culture Abu Nasr Al-Farobiy said, "This science is useful for body health." Our grandfather, Sayxh Sa`diy, is a man of music is the companion of his soul" - he said.
Hayotning ijodiy sohasi insonga haqiqiy go'zallikni o'rgatadi, uni yanada mehribon va mehribon qiladi. San'at, shuningdek, oddiy narsalarga boshqacha, ko'pincha ijobiy nuqtai nazardan qarashni o'rgatadi. Barcha ijodlarda aniq ma'no yo'q, har bir kishi ularda o'ziga xos narsani qidiradi. Har kim o’z hohlagan narsani ko’radi, his qiladi, anglab yetadi. San’at aynan shu holatni insonga taqdim qiladi. Odamlar ijodkorlik orqali rahm-shafqat, sezgirlik va hissiyotlarni o'rganadilar. Kundalik hayot insonni tushkunlikka solishi mumkin va san'at uning atrofidagi dunyo qanchalik go'zal ekanligini eslatadi.
The creative sphere of life teaches a person true beauty, makes him more kind and loving. Art also teaches us to look at ordinary things in a different, often positive light. There is no clear meaning in all creations, everyone is looking for something unique in them. Everyone sees, feels and understands what he wants. Art presents this situation to a person. People learn compassion, sensitivity, and emotion through creativity. Everyday life can be depressing, and art reminds us how beautiful the world around us is.
Ko'p odamlar turli xil mualliflik asarlaridan ijobiy energiya bilan oziqlanadilar. San'atning odamlarga ta'siri juda katta. San'at bizni kuldirishi yoki yig'lashi, sevishi yoki nafratlanishi, quvonishi yoki tashvishlanishi mumkin. Bu bizni ruhan va axloqiy jihatdan singan bo'lsak ham, o'zimizni mustahkamlashga ilhomlantirishi yoki majburlashi mumkin. San'at ba'zan bizni qiyin vaziyatda jang qilish yoki qo'llab-quvvatlashga ilhomlantiradigan yagona vosita bo'lishi mumkin. Urush yillarida ham shunday edi. Odamlar ma'naviy jihatdan charchagan va boshdan kechirgan yo'qotishlarning og'irligidan azob chekishgan.
Many people are fed with positive energy from various author's works. Art has a great influence on people. Art can make us laugh or cry, love or hate, rejoice or worry. It can inspire or compel us to strengthen ourselves even when we are spiritually and morally broken. Art can sometimes be the only tool that inspires us to fight or support us in a difficult situation. It was the same during the war years. People were spiritually exhausted and suffering from the weight of the losses they had experienced.
Va endi kurashishga kuch qolmagan va yashashga kuch qolmaganida, san'at odamlarga ishonch bag'ishladi, vayronagarchilik va vahima muhitiga ta'riflab bo'lmaydigan iliqlik va g'amxo'rlik muhitini kiritdi, odamlarda "ikkinchi shamol" ochdi va ularni yana yashashga, sevishga va baxt uchun kurashishga majbur qildi. Askarlar jangovar harakatlar, or-nomus, Vatan, muhabbat va o‘z xonadonlari haqidagi jangovar qo‘shiqlarni kuylab, jangga kirishdi va bu qo‘shiqlar qo‘zg‘atgan tuyg‘ular qo‘rquv, dahshat va iztirob tuyg‘ulariga soya soldi.
And when there was no more strength left to fight and no strength left to live, art gave people confidence, introduced an atmosphere of indescribable warmth and care into the atmosphere of destruction and panic, opened a "second wind" in people and made them live again, forced to love and fight for happiness. Soldiers marched into battle singing war songs about valor, honor, country, love, and home, and the emotions these songs evoked were overshadowed by feelings of fear, terror, and anguish. .
Agar kimdir san'atning insonga, umuman jamiyatga va hatto tabiatga ta'siri darajasini ko'rsatadigan asbobni yaratsa, qanday yaxshi bo'lardi. Rasm, musiqa, adabiyot, teatr, kino inson salomatligiga, uning hayot sifatiga qanday ta'sir qilishini aytmasak ham barchaga ma’lum. San’atning inson hayotiga ta’siri umuman, madaniyat, ilm -fan, san'at va ta'limning kombinatsiyasi sifatida, hayotning to'g'ri yo'nalishi va ustuvorliklarini tanlayotganda, shaxsga ham, umuman jamiyatga ham foydali ta'sir ko'rsatishga qodir.
How nice it would be if someone made many instruments under the influence of art on man, society in general and even nature. It is well known that painting, music, literature, theater, and cinema influence human creativity and quality of life. The influence of art on human life in general, as a combination of culture, science, art and education, when choosing the right direction and priorities of life, has a beneficial effect on both the individual and society as a whole. shows. 'able to transfer.
NATIJALAR BO’LIMI: Shunday qilib, san'at o'ziga xos ijtimoiy ongdir, u ilmiy emas, balki badiiy mazmundir. Masalan, L.Tolstoy san'atni his -tuyg'ular almashish vositasi deb ta'riflagan, fanga fikr almashish vositasi sifatida qarama -qarshi qo'ygan. San'at ko'pincha yaratuvchining fikrlari va his -tuyg'ulari orqali haqiqatni aks ettiruvchi oynaga o'xshaydi. U orqali bu oyna rassomning e'tiborini tortgan, hayajonlantirgan hayot hodisalarini aks ettiradi. San'atning har bir turi o'z asarlarining moddiy mavjudligi va ishlatilgan majoziy belgilar turi bilan bevosita ajralib turadi.
RESULTS SECTION: Thus, art is a kind of social consciousness, it is not a scientific but an artistic content. For example, L. Tolstoy described art as a means of exchanging feelings, and opposed science as a means of exchanging ideas. Art is often like a mirror that reflects reality through the thoughts and feelings of the creator. Through it, this mirror reflects the events of life that attracted the attention of the artist. Each type of art is directly distinguished by the material existence of its works and the type of figurative symbols used.
San'atning barcha turlri hususan, Musiqa, tasviriy san'at, raqs, adabiyot va shu kabilar insoniyat bilan necha asrlardan beri hamrohlikda kelmoqda. Insoniyatning dunyo qarashi tafakkuri boyigani sari san'at ham oʻzgarib bordi. Har bir zamonda insoniyat san'atni oʻziga moslashtirib keldi. Shuning uchun san'atni har kim oʻzicha har xil tushunadi. Kimdir uchun musiqa bu oddiy tovushlar yigʻindisi, rasm ranglar uyg'unligi,kimdirlar uchun esa fizik xodisa namunasi, kimdir uchun hayotini ajralmas bir qismi boʻlib hizmat qiladi Uning hayotimizdagi oʻrni beqiyos. Musiqani eshitmaydigan uni tinglamaydigan odam boʻlmaydi mening nazarimda. Sababi hech bir qalb yoʻqki musiqa, tasviriy san'at, adabiyot uning eshiklarini ochib kira olmagan boʻlsa. Inson suvga tashna boʻlgani kabi uning ruhi ham san'atga tashna boʻladi. Bu insonning oʻziga sezilishi yoki sezilmasligi ham mumkin. U jismoniy hamda aqliy mehnatdan keyin insonga ketgan ruhiy energiya ba’zasi toʻldirib, asab tizimini tinchlantirish xususiyatiga ega. Bu hususiyat nafaqat insoniyatga balki hayvonot olami vakillariga ham oʻz ta’sirini oʻtkazmay qolmaydi.
All types of art, especially music, visual arts, dance, literature, etc., have been accompanying humanity for centuries. Art has also changed as mankind's world view has become richer. Humanity has adapted art to itself in every age. that is why everyone understands art differently. For some, music is simple sounds in short, a picture is a combination of colors, and for some it is an example of a physical phenomenon, for someone it is inseparable from life His place in our life is immeasurable. The music In my opinion, there is no one who does not listen to him. No reason there is no soul, if music, visual arts, literature could not open its doors. Man is thirsty for water as his soul thirsts for art. This is a feeling of a person or may not be felt. It is for a person after physical and mental work It fills the base of lost mental energy and calms the nervous system. This feature affects not only humanity, but also the animal world, plants, and all living specimens will not pass.
Bu chegaralarda uning barcha turlari u yoki bu materialning xususiyatlari va bundan kelib chiqadigan badiiy tilning o'ziga xosligi bilan belgilanadigan navlarga ega. San'at inson evolyutsiyasining eng muhim bosqichlaridan biridir. San'at odamga dunyoga qarashga yordam beradi turli nuqtalar ko'rish Har bir davr, har bir asr bilan, inson tomonidan tobora takomillashib bormoqda. Har doim san'at odamlarga o'z qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirishga, mavhum fikrlashni yaxshilashga yordam bergan. Asrlar mobaynida odamlar san'atni tobora ko'proq o'zgartirishga, uni takomillashtirishga, o'z bilimlarini chuqurlashtirishga harakat qilishdi.
Within these limits, all its types have varieties that are determined by the characteristics of one or another material and the uniqueness of the artistic language arising from it. Art is one of the most important stages of human evolution. Art helps a person to look at the world from different points of view. Each era, with each century, is being improved more and more by man. Art has always helped people develop their abilities and improve abstract thinking. Over the centuries, people have tried to change art more and more, to improve it, to deepen their knowledge.
San'at - bu bizning hayotimiz tarixining sirlarini o'z ichiga olgan dunyoning buyuk siri. San'at - bu bizning tariximiz. Ba'zida unda eng qadimiy qo'lyozmalar ham javob bera olmaydigan savollarga javob topishingiz mumkin. San'at ko'p qirrali, abadiydir, lekin, afsuski, u odamlarga irodasi, aqliy zo'riqishi va ma'lum bir fikr asari holda ta'sir o'tkaza olmaydi. Inson go'zallikni ko'rish va tushunishni o'rganishni xohlashi kerak, shunda san'at unga, umuman jamiyatga foydali ta'sir ko'rsatadi. Bu, ehtimol, kelajakda bo'ladi. Bu orada iste'dodli ijodkorlar o'z asarlari millionlab odamlarga ta'sir o'tkazishga qodirligini unutmasliklari kerak va bu foydali yoki zararli bo'lishi mumkin.
Art is the great mystery of the world, which contains the secrets of the history of our life. Art is our history. Sometimes you can find answers to questions that even the most ancient manuscripts cannot answer. Art is multifaceted, eternal, but, unfortunately, it cannot influence people without will, mental effort and a certain work of thought. A person must want to learn to see and understand beauty, so that art can have a beneficial effect on him and on society as a whole. It will probably be in the future. In the meantime, talented artists must remember that their works can influence millions of people, and this can be beneficial or harmful.
Discussion section:
19-asr nemis shoiri. Gyote madaniyat fan va san’atga birdek muhtoj, deb yozgan edi. Ilm odamlarga zarar va qayg'u emas, balki foyda va quvonch keltirishi uchun u san'at bilan chambarchas bog'liq bo'lishi kerak. Olim ham, ijodkor ham olamni bosh maqsad – haqiqat, go‘zallik, ezgulikni amalga oshirish yo‘lida qayta yaratadi. Fan va san’at ahlini insonning tarixiy xotirasi sifatida tafakkur va bunyodkorlik birlashtiradi. Biroq, fan va san'at turli muammolarni hal qiladi: birinchisi olamning ob'ektiv qonuniyatlarini o'rganadi, ikkinchisi - insonning dunyoga, boshqa odamlarga, o'ziga bo'lgan munosabatini.

German poet of the XIV th century. Goethe wrote that culture needs science and art equally. In order for science to bring people benefit and joy rather than harm and sorrow, it should be closely related to art. Both the scientist and the creator recreate the universe in the way of realizing the main goal - truth, beauty, goodness. People of science and art are united by thinking and creativity as the historical memory of man. However, science and art solve different problems: the first studies the objective laws of the universe, the second - the relationship of a person to the world, to other people, to himself.
Rassomlik, haykaltaroshlik, grafikada bu rang, chiziq, chiaroscuro; in - musiqa - ritm, uyg'unlik; adabiyotda - so'z va boshqalar. Ushbu vakillik vositalarining barchasi badiiy shaklning elementlarini tashkil etadi, ularning yordamida rassom o'zining g'oyaviy va badiiy kontseptsiyasini o'zida mujassam etadi. San'at turi bu juda murakkab shakllanish bo'lib, uning barcha elementlari tabiiy ravishda o'zaro bog'liqdir. Rafaelning rasmida, Shekspir dramasida, Chaykovskiyning simfoniyasida, Xemingueyning romanida syujet, xarakter, dialog, kompozitsiya qurilishini o'zboshimchalik bilan o'zgartirish mumkin emas, butun asar yaxlitligini buzmaslik uchun uyg'unlik, rang, ritm uchun boshqa echim topish mumkin emas.
In painting, sculpture, graphics, this is color, line, chiaroscuro; in - music - rhythm, harmony; in literature - word and others. All these means of representation are elements of the artistic form, with the help of which the artist embodies his ideological and artistic concept. Art is a very complex formation, all its elements are naturally interrelated. In Raphael's painting, in Shakespeare's drama, in Tchaikovsky's symphony, in Hemingway's novel, it is impossible to arbitrarily change the construction of the plot, character, dialogue, and composition; it is impossible to find another solution for harmony, color, rhythm in order not to destroy the integrity of the whole work.
HULOSA: Xulosa qilib shuni aytish kerakki, san'at turi va inson tomonidan san'atni shaxsiy idrok etishidan qat'i nazar, u bizning hayotimizda juda muhim o'rin tutadi. San'at ham hayotning ajralmas qismi bo'lib, bizga bevosita ta'sir qiladi. U shaxsning faoliyati. Uning yordami bilan u dunyoni o'rganadi, dam oladi va yangi narsalarni yaratadi. San'atning inson hayotidagi o'rni va ahamiyatini e'tibordan chetda qoldirmaslik kerak. Usiz bu deyarli imkonsiz bo'lar edi. Bu keyingi kashfiyotlar uchun o'ziga xos asosdir.
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, regardless of the type of art and the personal perception of art by a person, it occupies a very important place in our lives. Art is also an integral part of life and affects us directly. It is a person's activity. With its help, he explores the world, relaxes and creates new things. The role and importance of art in human life should not be neglected. Without him it would have been almost impossible. This is a unique basis for further discoveries.
San’at insonning ichki dunyosini amalga oshirishga imkon beradigan ijodiy faoliyatdir. Siz tovushlar, raqslar, rasmlar, so'zlar, gullar, turli xil tabiiy materiallar va boshqalar yordamida yaratishingiz mumkin. San'at aqlli mavjudotlar ongining ko'p shakllaridan biridir. Bu nafaqat muallifni, balki boshqa odamlarni ham qiziqtiradigan mavzularga to'xtaladigan aniq shaxslarning ijodi tufayli yuzaga keladi. Ko'pchilik: "Insonga san'at kerakmi?" Javob, albatta, ha, chunki bu dunyoni bilishning bir usuli. Fan ham atrofdagi voqelikdan bilim olish turlaridan biridir. San'at bo'lishi mumkin.
Art is a creative activity that allows realizing the inner world of a person. You can create using sounds, dances, pictures, words, flowers, various natural materials, etc. Art is one of the many forms of consciousness of intelligent beings. This is due to the creativity of specific individuals who touch on topics that interest not only the author, but also other people. Many people ask: "Does man need art?" The answer is, of course, yes, because it is a way of knowing the world. Science is also one of the types of learning from the surrounding reality. It can be art.
San’at- odamda atrofdagi voqelik va san'atning go'zalligini idrok etish, his qilish, to'g'ri tushunish va qadrlash qobiliyatini shakllantiradi;
Art forms in a person the ability to perceive, feel, correctly understand and appreciate the surrounding reality and the beauty of art;
- odamlar hayotini, tabiatning o'zini tushunish uchun san'at vositalaridan foydalanish ko'nikmalarini shakllantiradi;
- forms the skills of using artistic means to understand people's life and nature itself;
- tabiat, atrofdagi olamning go'zalligi haqida chuqur tushunchani rivojlantiradi. bu go'zallikni saqlab qolish qobiliyati;
- develops a deep understanding of nature, the beauty of the surrounding world. the ability to preserve this beauty;
1. Nejnov G.G. San'at hayotimizda. - M., "Bilim", 1975
3. Pospelov G.N. San'at va estetika.- Moskva: Art, 1984.
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