The theory and philosophy of stylistics asatova aziza????????‍????

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The theory and philosophy of stylistics
Stylistics is the study of style in language, usually described as the way in which language conveys an intended meaning beyond the bare grammatical structures of the sentences used. It involves analyzing the way words, phrases, and sentences are used in context to create meaning.
Stilistika tildagi uslubni oʻrganuvchi fan boʻlib, odatda tilda qoʻllanilgan gaplarning grammatik tuzilmalaridan tashqari moʻljallangan maʼnoni ifodalash usuli sifatida tavsiflanadi. U so‘zlar, iboralar va jumlalarning kontekstda qo‘llanilishini tahlil qilishni o‘z ichiga oladi.
The philosophy of stylistics is based on the idea that language is more than just a system of communication.
Stilistika falsafasi til shunchaki muloqot tizimi emas, balki undan ham muhim funkiyalarga ega degan fikrga asoslanadi.
Language use reflects the cultural, ideological, and social context in which it is used, and stylistics seeks to explore these contextual elements of language in order to understand the meanings that are conveyed.
Tilning qo‘llanishi u qo‘llanilayotgan madaniy, mafkuraviy va ijtimoiy kontekstni aks ettiradi va stilistika yetkazilayotgan ma’nolarni tushunish uchun tilning ushbu kontekstual elementlarini o‘rganishga intiladi.

Stylistics is eclectic in its use of theory, though it originated in literary theories of formalism and took on the theory of structuralism in early twentieth century ,these theories provided was descriptive apparatus such as grammatical and lexical terminology and categories which enable writer and scholars to present the techniques of construction that writer uses in his work .
In time, Stylistics countered to the developing of new theories of language ,based more on contextual factors in the case of pragmatics and discourse analysis and on cognitive factors in case of generative grammar and cognitive linguistics .It is able to use insight provided by all these theories to support new analytical processes and provide new insight into the style of texts and their reception by range of potential audience .
A recent set of developments in cognitive stylistics have drawn on theories that are seen by some as beyond the scope of linguistics as psychology and philosophy that they aid in providing insight and models for analyzing what is going on in the processing of texts by readers.
Stylistic analysis typically involves the examination of a text for patterns of repetition, variation, and deviation, as well as for the use of figurative language, rhetorical devices, and other linguistic features that contribute to the text's style. Stylistic analysis can be applied to a wide range of texts, including poetry, prose, and even advertising and political speeches.
Stilistik tahlil odatda matnni takrorlash, matndagi oʻzgaruvchanlik shuningdek, matn uslubiga hissa qoʻshadigan obrazli til, ritorik vositalar va boshqa lingvistik xususiyatlardan foydalanishni tekshirishni oʻz ichiga oladi. Stilistik tahlilni she’riyat, nasr, hatto reklama va siyosiy nutqlarni o‘z ichiga olgan keng doiradagi matnlarga nisbatan qo‘llash mumkin.
Ultimately, the goal of stylistics is to uncover the underlying meanings and values embedded within language use, and to reveal the complex ways in which language shapes our understanding of the world around us.
Xulosa qilib aytganda, stilistikaning maqsadi tildan foydalanishning asosiy ma'nolari va qadriyatlarini ochib berish va tilning bizni o'rab turgan dunyo haqidagi tushunchasini shakllantirishning murakkab usullarini ochib berishdir.


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