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Yosh Tadqiqotchi Jurnali
ISSN: 2181-3132 Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022) scientific journal impact factor 4.7 The article considers the correlation of the real facts and imagination in “Tamburlaine the Great” by Christopher Marlowe. 14 This article discusses an attitude to women in the past and the interpretation of the image of women in the works of some writers. 15 В современном обществе все более возрастает роль иностранных языков. Знание иностранного языка дает молодежи возможность приобщиться к мировой культуре, использовать в своей деятельности потенциал обширных ресурсов глобальной сети Интернет, а также работать с информационными и коммуникационными технологиями и мультимедийными средствами обучения. 16 This article deals with the heroes of the novel “Between Two Doors”, one of the most popular works of modern Uzbek literature. There is a comprehensive analysis of the female image. A special place in the work of Utkir Khashimov is occupied by the novel “Between Two Doors”. The writer is concerned not only with the pressing social issues of today, but with eternal moral problems. In particular, by calling “Between Two Doors”, the writer means the path of person, which he walked from birth to death. 17 Har bir millat madaniyatida kasallik nomlarini ifodalovchi qarashlar mavjud bo’lib ular shu xalq dunyoqarashini, dinini, urf-odatlarini, turmush tarzini va tarixini o’zida mujassamlashtiradi. Xususan, o’zbek va ingliz xalqi amaliy nutqida rak, sil, vabo kabi xavfli kasalliklar nomi qadimda tabulashtirilgan, bunga tarixiy sabablar mavjud. Hozirgi kunda ularning davosi topilgan bo’lsada, xalqimiz “yomon xastalik”,” og’ir dard”,” yomon kasallik” kabi birikmalarni qo’llash bilan kifoyalanadi. 18 14 Temirovna, M. P. (2021). THE CORRELATION OF HISTORICAL TRUTH AND IMAGINATION IN CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE’S TRAGEDY “TAMBURLAINE THE GREAT”. Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal, 2(12), 455-457. 15 Muradovich, R. M. (2021). The Image of a Woman in The Work of Uzbek Writers. Eurasian Research Bulletin, 3, 7-12. 16 Махмурова, М., Абдуллаева, Л. С., & Самадова, С. А. Современные методы преподавания иностранных языков. Коммуникативный метод. Наука. Мысль, 6, 72-76. 17 Turaeva, K., & Zarinabonu, A. (2022). Interpretation Of Woman Image in Modern Uzbek Literature (Based on Utkir Khashimov’s Book “Between Two Doors”). Eurasian Research Bulletin, 4, 42-44. 18 Baxronova Matluba. (2022). RUHIY KASALLIKLARNING INGLIZ ADABIYOTIDA BERILISHI. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6509637 |
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