Tirik jamoalar Rasmda Arizonadagi cho'ldagi joy ko'rsatilgan. Cho'l issiq, quruq joy. Bu o'simlik va hayvonlar yashashi mumkin bo'lgan joyga o'xshamaydi. Shunga qaramay, cho'lda ilonlar, kaltakesaklar, hasharotlar, qushlar
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Living Communities
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Living Communities The picture shows a place in a desert in Arizona. A desert is a hot, dry place. It does not seem like a place where plants and animals could live. Yet snakes, lizards, insects, birds, rats, and rabbits make their homes in the desert. What plants do you see growing in the desert? Tirik jamoalar Rasmda Arizonadagi cho'ldagi joy ko'rsatilgan. Cho'l - issiq, quruq joy. Bu o'simlik va hayvonlar yashashi mumkin bo'lgan joyga o'xshamaydi. Shunga qaramay, cho'lda ilonlar, kaltakesaklar, hasharotlar, qushlar, kalamushlar va quyonlar o'z uylarini quradilar. Cho'lda qanday o'simliklar o'sayotganini ko'rasiz? In many ways the desert is like other parts of the earth. There are living and nonliving things in all parts of the earth. The living things affect each other and are also affected by the nonliving things around them. And the living things affect the nonliving things. In this chapter you will learn about the ways in which living and nonliving things affect each other. You will also learn about different ways in which the living and nonliving parts of our world can change. Ko'p jihatdan cho'l yerning boshqa qismlariga o'xshaydi. Yerning barcha qismlarida tirik va jonsiz mavjudotlar mavjud. Tirik mavjudotlar bir-biriga ta'sir qiladi va ular atrofidagi jonsiz narsalar ham ta'sir qiladi. Va tirik mavjudotlar jonsiz narsalarga ta'sir qiladi. Ushbu bobda siz tirik va jonsiz mavjudotlarning bir-biriga ta'sir qilish usullari haqida bilib olasiz. Shuningdek, siz bizning dunyomizning tirik va jonsiz qismlari qanday o'zgarishi mumkinligi haqida bilib olasiz. — THE LIVING AND NONLIVING WORLD What is an ecosystem? — Tirik va jonsiz DUNYo Ekotizim nima? All living things are surrounded by other living things. They are also surrounded by nonliving things. These living and nonliving things affect each other. Everything that surrounds and affects a living thing is called its environment (en vl'ren- ment). What are some living things in your home environment? What are some nonliving things? In what ways do these living and nonliving things affect each other? The study of how living and nonliving things affect each other is called ecology (e kol'a je). Scientists who study this subject are called ecologists. Barcha tirik mavjudotlar boshqa tirik mavjudotlar bilan o'ralgan. Ular, shuningdek, jonsiz narsalar bilan o'ralgan. Bu tirik va jonsiz narsalar bir-biriga ta'sir qiladi. Tirik mavjudotni o'rab turgan va unga ta'sir etuvchi hamma narsa uning muhiti (en vl'renment) deb ataladi. Sizning uyingizda qanday tirik mavjudotlar mavjud? Jonsiz narsalar nima? Bu tirik va jonsiz narsalar bir-biriga qanday ta'sir qiladi? Tirik va jonsiz mavjudotlarning bir-biriga ta'sirini o'rganuvchi fanga ekologiya (e kol'a je) deyiladi. Ushbu fanni o'rganadigan olimlar ekologlar deb ataladi. Look at the picture of the fish tank. What living and nonliving things do you see? The living and nonliving things in the tank affect, or interact with, each other. Both the fish and the plants need water to survive. The plants give off oxygen, which goes into the water. The fish, which need oxygen to live, take the oxygen from the water. As they breathe, the fish give off carbon dioxide. The plants use the carbon dioxide to make food. Without the fish, the plants would die. And without the plants, the fish would die. Baliq tankining rasmiga qarang. Qanday tirik va jonsiz narsalarni ko'rasiz? Tankdagi tirik va jonsiz mavjudotlar bir-biriga ta'sir qiladi yoki o'zaro ta'sir qiladi. Baliqlar ham, o'simliklar ham omon qolish uchun suvga muhtoj. O'simliklar suvga kiradigan kislorod chiqaradi. Yashash uchun kislorodga muhtoj bo'lgan baliqlar kislorodni suvdan oladi. Nafas olayotganda baliqlar karbonat angidridni chiqaradi. O'simliklar karbonat angidriddan oziq-ovqat ishlab chiqarish uchun foydalanadilar. Baliqsiz o'simliklar nobud bo'lardi. Va o'simliklarsiz baliq o'ladi. The fish tank is an example of an ecosystem (6'ke sis tern). An ecosystem is a group of living things and their nonliving environment. An ecosystem includes all the ways the living things in a group interact with each other It also includes the way living things interact with their nonliving environment. Akvarium ekotizimga misol bo'ladi (6'ke sis tern). Ekotizim - bu tirik mavjudotlar guruhi va ularning jonsiz muhiti. Ekotizim guruhdagi tirik mavjudotlarning bir-biri bilan o'zaro ta'sirining barcha usullarini o'z ichiga oladi, shuningdek, tirik mavjudotlarning jonsiz muhit bilan o'zaro ta'sirini o'z ichiga oladi. An ecosystem can be as small as a single fish and a single plant in a fishbowl. Or an ecosystem can be as large as a forest, a desert, or an ocean. Look at the picture of the city park. The park is an ecosystem that may contain several smaller ecosystems. For example, under a rock you may find a small ecosystem that has many kinds of living things. A single tree in the park may be another ecosystem. The tree may be the home of squirrels, birds, and insects. Nongreen plants as well as green plants may also live on the tree. Ekotizim bitta baliq va baliq idishidagi bitta o'simlik kabi kichik bo'lishi mumkin. Yoki ekotizim o'rmon, cho'l yoki okean kabi katta bo'lishi mumkin. Shahar bog'ining rasmiga qarang. Park bir nechta kichik ekotizimlarni o'z ichiga olishi mumkin bo'lgan ekotizimdir. Masalan, tosh ostida siz turli xil tirik mavjudotlarga ega bo'lgan kichik ekotizimni topishingiz mumkin. Parkdagi bitta daraxt boshqa ekotizim bo'lishi mumkin. Daraxt sincaplar, qushlar va hasharotlarning uyi bo'lishi mumkin. Daraxtda yashil bo'lmagan o'simliklar bilan bir qatorda yashil o'simliklar ham yashashi mumkin. - LIVING THINGS IN ECOSYSTEMS - • What are communities and populations? You have learned that an ecosystem is made up of living and nonliving things. The living things in an ecosystem are known as a community (ka- myii'na te). A community is all the plants and animals that live and interact with each other in a. place. Communities are often named for the kind of place in which they live. There are forest, marsh, and pond communities. What are some other kinds of communities? Communities are made up of populations (pop- ya la'shanz). A population is a group of the same kind of living thing in a community. For example, all the pine trees in this forest make up one population. It is a population of pine trees. Which picture shows a population of grass plants? What other populations are shown? Download 12.58 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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