Topic: Organization, stages and main features of the world economy
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COURSE WORK Topic: Organization, stages and main features of the world economy. Contents: Introduction Main part Chapter I World economy and the main essence of the international economy Organization, stages and main features of the world economy. The main forms of international economic relations. The essence, forms and objective foundations of international economic integration. Chapter II The role of Uzbekistan in the world economy 2.1 The penetration of Uzbekistan's economy into the world economy. World market. International currency and credit relations. Summary. Reference list Introduction Relevance of the topic of the course work. In the current period, the socio-economic development of the countries of the world differs sharply from the previous stages in terms of its meaning. The most basic and important aspect is the increasing integration and globalization of national economies. At the same time, these processes affect the intensification of competition in the international arena, the intensification of the struggle of each country to strengthen its position in the international division of labor. The development of foreign economic activity is an extremely important issue for every country. The task of improving the structural structure of the economy is always in the center of our attention when implementing economic reforms, and it is an important factor of our achievements in terms of economic development. The complex processes taking place in the world economy have strengthened the need for continuous improvement of its structural structure in order to sustainably develop the economy and increase its competitiveness. The competitiveness of the country is primarily expressed through the competitiveness of its economy. This directly depends on policy instruments in the field of foreign economic activity. Goals and objectives of the course work. The main goal of the course work is to shed light on the world economy, international economic relations, and to give practical suggestions and recommendations regarding problems in this area and their solutions. The object and subject of the course work. The object of this course work is national economies, transnational corporations (TMC), integrated associations, international economic organizations. Foreign Trade Activity of Uzbekistan represents the subject of the course work. Theoretical and methodological sources of course work. the course work was carried out using the works and scientific works of a number of foreign and domestic economists and experts on world economy, international economy. I. Stages and main features of the establishment of the world economy. . The emergence of the world economy is an objective historical process, consisting of the deepening of economic relations between different countries. As a result of the long-term development of the market economy, a world economy in the form of a capitalist economy emerged in the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The global economy consists of a whole system of international economic relations and means of their implementation. As a result of scientific and technical progress, the development of productive forces and the deepening of the distribution of food led to the development of national economies and the need to move from the domestic market to the foreign market. Distribution of mekhnat began to take place not only within one country, but also between countries. As a result, international cocktail distribution was created. The international distribution of cocktails has become an environmental factor of the establishment and development of the world economy. The global economy is the result of the centuries-long development of the productive forces, the continuous deepening of the distribution of income on the national, regional and global scale, the exit of the production of different countries from the isolated situation and their gradual entry into the international economic system. The deepening of the international trade distribution is considered to be the objective basis of scientific-technical, production, trade-economic relations between the countries, and because of this, the internationalization of production becomes a global process. Therefore, the international distribution of cocktails is a decisive factor in the formation and development of the entire world economy. The global economy includes all national economies. The global economy has an object and a subject in relational style. If the distribution and effective use of resources on an international scale, the specialization of production, its cooperation, economic integration, trade, scientific and technical cooperation, putting an end to communalism and poverty, conducting economic activities that do not harm the environment are the objects of global relations, different countries, international and national firms, international organizations are considered their subjects. Stage I. At the initial stage of the development of the world economy, countries were divided into two categories: Capitalist monopoly countries. Colonial, semi-colonial and colonial countries. II stage. In the period from 1920 to 1990, the world economy was divided into two opposing economic systems, that is, the world capitalist and socialist economic systems. The socialist world economy was defeated in the sharp economic, ideological and political competition between them. III stage. At the current stage of the world economy, the independent countries that are going through the period of transition to the market economy are forming a market economy system typical of many countries by introducing economic reforms to enter the world economy. The global economy develops on the basis of certain laws. The global economy follows the laws of the market. a) The world economy is a product of the distribution of labor, but this economy deepens the distribution of labor and strengthens the internationalization of production. This allows reducing costs and increasing the quality of products and services based on specialization. b) Economic relations in the world economy develop and their forms change, the circle of participants expands due to new countries. In the following years, the young countries of Central Asia, including the Republic of Uzbekistan, entered this circle. v) The deepening of economic relations brings international economic integration to the surface, and integration becomes their highest form. Inter-country, inter-regional integration relations will eventually end with global integration. g) One of the important laws of the world economy is the convergence of different countries in terms of the level of development. This process is based on inter-country competition, transformation of less developed countries into economically developed countries. (for example: England was an industrially developed country at the end of the 19th century, and by the 70s of the 20th century, the USA, Japan, France, Germany, Canada and Italy were also developed countries. By the mid-80s, new industrialized countries in Asia joined their ranks . South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand have joined.The convergence and equalization of the economic levels of different countries is considered the result of civilized relations.) The internationalization of production binds the economies of countries together. As a result, equal and mutually beneficial relations strengthen the influence of countries on less developed countries and support their development. d) One of the most important features of the world economic development in the current period is the growing interdependence between different countries and economic regions. The dependence of qualifications on world principles in the fields of trade, production, currency and finance is considered an objective reality. At the present time, regardless of how developed its economy is, it is impossible to ensure its continuous economic development without involving it in global economic relations. The world is divided into various social and economic systems, international groups, which differ from each other in terms of goals and mechanisms of action. Classification of the countries of the World Community is carried out on the basis of various criteria. I. Approaching the classification of the countries of the World Community on a general basis, it is possible to distinguish three groups of countries according to the nature of economic systems: a) developed; b) developing in the market economy; c) countries without a market economy. According to the level of development, three groups are distinguished: low, medium and high developed countries. Newly industrialized countries (GDP) in Northeast Asia and Latin America. High-income oil exporting countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc.). Least developed countries (LDCs) (Ecuador), including the poorest countries (Chad, Bangladesh, Ethiopia), are divided into various regional alliances and international groups. VI. Cura to the Sinuii approach: Socialist countries; Capitalist Countries: Third World Countries. All this diversity is drawn into a whole, through various aspects of economic interdependence. The internationalization of the economy is a recurring phenomenon, which creates various relations in the world economy. Subjects of the world economy. The world economic system can be expressed in the form of a mechanism consisting of its components or main participants - subjects. The main of these subjects are national economies, transnational corporations (TMC), integrated associations, and international economic organizations. National economies are an important subject of the world economy. The main characteristic of national economies is that most countries of the world maintain economic sovereignty. At first, national firms engaged in foreign economic activities in one or another country, and the domestic market of the country was considered the main market for them. But in the last decade, most of our companies have risen to the level of TNCs, and the whole world has become an area of our business (trade, industry, finance). As a result, TNCs have become an important independent part of the world economy, and they account for 1/5-1/4 of the world's gross domestic product. As a result of the activities of TNCs, the economies of most countries have joined together and are forming international regional economic associations. These associations have become a structural mechanism of the world economy, some of them, including the European Union (EU), operate on behalf of their members in the outside world. But most integration associations (with the exception of Yale and the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA)) do not have a strong influence on the national economy of their members. Currently, international economic integration is successfully implemented in relatively developed regions of the world, while in other regions, this process will deepen proportionally with the increase in the level of development of the world. In the years after the Second World War, the number and status of international economic organizations increased dramatically. One of the important tasks of international economic organizations is to prepare statistical analyzes on the development of the world economy. Publications of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (World Economic Outlook), World Bank (World Development Report), UNCTAD (World Investment Report), World Trade Organization (WTO) (World Trade Report) and other organizations are widely used in practice. Figure 1.2.1. Development stages of the world economy International economic relations gradually became a structural element of the world economy. Currently, international economic relations can be evaluated as an independent economic system formed as a result of the development of the world economy. Such confirmations are also reflected in the development process of the world economy and its stages (Figure 1.2.1). The development practice of the world economy makes it possible to distinguish the following principles and laws of development specific to the modern world economy, which apply at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. 1. Deepening of the process of internationalization of the economic life of the countries of the world . 2. Liberalization of foreign economic relations. 3. Strengthening of regional economic integration. 4. Transnationalization of production and capital. 5. Establishing a system of interstate regulation of world economic relations and unification of economic rules. 6. Globalization of the world economy. II. The main forms of international economic relations. The activity of the world economy as a system is related to the movement of goods, services and factors of production. International economic relations are formed on the basis of this dependence. International economic relations are economic relations between residents and non-residents. It is possible to group according to the forms of international economic relations. Traditionally, international trade of goods, services and intellectual property is separated as a separate form. The movement of production factors takes place in the form of international economic relations, international capital movement, international labor migration, international transfer of technologies. Unlike capital, labor and technology, natural resources, which are considered one of the important economic resources, are not mobile, so they participate in world economic relations through the international trade of products prepared on the basis of their processing. The factor of entrepreneurial ability moves together with capital, labor and technology, therefore it does not participate as a separate form of international economic relations. The next form of international economic relations, international currency-credit and financial relations, is recognized as a product of international trade and international movement of production factors, but it is recognized as independent economic relations of special importance in the world economy. International distribution of cocktails is the basis of international economic relations, that is, economic relations between different countries. International economic relations are manifested in the following forms: international trade with goods and services, movement of capital and foreign investments; labor migration; interstate cooperation of production; exchange in the field of science and technology; currency-credit relations. Trade is in the leading position in international economic relations. Trade in international economic relations is carried out through the world market. As a result of the development of the international distribution of cocktails and the strengthening of the specialization of countries, the world market is formed. A global market is a stable trading relationship between different countries connected to each other through international trade. The world market consists of markets for goods, services, finance, scientific discoveries, and cocktails. The deeper the international distribution of cocktails, the more the global market will expand, the goods and services sold there will increase, and the number of market participants will increase. The global market has its own infrastructure. (International commodity exchanges, stock exchanges, banks, auctions, finance-insurance, trade-industrial companies, recruiting firms...) In the global market, countries specialize in certain goods and services for objective and subjective reasons, and they are one -delivers goods to one. (The objective reasons for specialization are the countries' geographical location, climate, underground and surface resources. Subjective reasons are the development of science and technology and qualified personnel in the country.) The global market has a strong influence on the development of the national economy. Currently, it is not possible to produce all types of industrial and agricultural products within one country. As a result, the developed countries are forced to buy the goods they need from the US, Japan and other countries on the world market. (For example: the USA needs to import products such as coffee, cocoa, silk, nickel, natural rubber, diamonds.) Countries are classified according to their economic position in the world market. They are divided into two groups: a) countries that supply finished products and b) countries that supply raw materials. Developed countries export more finished goods (supplies), while developing and developed countries export more raw materials. The position of various countries in the world market depends, firstly, on their economic strength, and secondly, on the deep specialization of their production, that is, on their export orientation. Through the global market, money capital, labor and technology are distributed among countries. The global market, in contrast to the national market, is based on the inter-country specialization of production and the need to supply goods to each other. International movement of capital is the placement and operation of capital abroad. It is issued abroad in the following forms: a) in the form of private or state capital. The movement of capital through international organizations is often distinguished as an independent form; b) in the form of money and goods. In particular, capital issue can be in the form of machinery and equipment, patents, know-how, and commodity loans. c) in the form of short-term and long-term loans; g) in the form of loans and business capital. Capital in the form of loans earns interest on deposits, and capital in the form of business earns profits. One of the most complex aspects of international economic relations is the international migration of labor force, which is expressed in the movement of labor resources from one country to another in order to provide employment in more favorable conditions. Along with economic factors, the process of international migration is influenced by political, ethnic, cultural and other factors. International migration includes two main components: emigration and immigration. Emigration means departure from one country to another country for permanent residence, immigration means entering the host country for permanent residence. For example: in 2004, 7 mln. someone came and worked. Migration takes place between CIS countries and between them and distant foreign countries. Uzbekistan also participates in this process. According to some data, migrant workers from Uzbekistan numbered 700,000 people in 2002. In 2004, there were 5,000 illegal migrants from Uzbekistan in the Republic of Korea (ECO No. 5, 2004, p. 12) . It can happen anyway. Scientific- enlightenment-technical cooperation between countries is of great importance in the global economy. This cooperation includes the exchange of scientific and technical information, experts, employees of the field of science, providing research and news on the basis of a license, carrying out scientific and research works, joint ventures for the production of general science, technology and technology. (Engineering is one of the most important forms of scientific and technical cooperation. International engineering consists of the provision by this country of the necessary accounting projects for the design and construction of industrial and other objects, as well as the provision of engineering and construction services.) budgets and large companies create various monetary funds and provide various assistance from these funds. For example: in order for Uzbekistan to enter the market economy, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank, and the European Union are providing free training of personnel, helping them to improve their qualifications abroad. One of the main forms of international economic relations is economic integration relations. The role of these relations is increasing nowadays. III. The essence, forms and objective foundations of international economic integration. At the beginning of the 20th century, the following two interrelated trends are operating in the world economy: - the process of formation of the integrity of the world economy - globalization; - regional economic integration. The term international economic integration (XII) was first used in the works of German and Swedish economists in the 30s of the 20th century. The word integration is derived from the Latin word "integratio" and means "joining", "uniting", "turning of parts into a whole". International economic integration means a high level of internationalization of production on the basis of deep and stable interactions between national economies and division of labor, which leads to the gradual integration of the production structure of a number of countries. The goal of international economic integration is to eliminate the restrictions that hinder the free movement of goods, services and production factors in the future. Goods, services, money and labor resources that are the basis of production, scientific-technical cooperation and exchange are considered objects of XII, and economic parties implementing international production, scientific-technical cooperation and exchange are considered subjects of XII. It is necessary to distinguish the integration structure according to the level achieved in the integration of production, and it is necessary to take into account the fact that the integration can have a formal and real character. Formal integration is the generalization of production at the international level, on the basis of which economic relations between countries are organized on the basis of international division of labor. Real economic integration will consist of international generalization of production based on the parity of socio-economic indicators of the participating countries. Economic integration, in turn, creates conditions for the improvement of indicators of socio-economic development of participating countries. World practice shows that countries with a small domestic market, not rich in resources, with a small share in the world GNP, benefit more from integration . The nature, purpose and stages of international economic integration According to the analysis, XII is based on the following objective factors and reasons: - growing internationalization of economic life; - deepening of the international division of labor; - the uniqueness of global scientific and technical development; - increase in openness of national economies; - increase of incomes in integrating countries; - emergence of new trade flows; - increase in economic well-being due to the decrease in production costs, prices of goods and services; - strengthening of the economic position of the member countries of the integration union in relation to third countries; - the development of political cooperation in the region and the strengthening of the political position of the member countries of the integration union in relation to third countries. Conditions and stages of development of economic integration. The conditions for the formation of economic integration are as follows: - the level of economic development of the integrating countries and the closeness of the level of development of market relations. In most cases, international integration develops between industrially advanced or developing countries; - the geographic proximity of the integrating countries, in most cases the presence of a common border and historically formed economic ties. Most of the integrated associations in the world started from neighboring countries that are geographically close to each other, have borders, transport connections, and often speak the same language; - generalization of the economic and other problems facing the integrating countries. Economic integration focuses on solving a specific set of problems facing countries; - the effect of demonstrating superiority. In the countries that have formed an integration union, positive economic changes (acceleration of economic growth, reduction of inflation, increase in employment, etc.) usually occur, and this situation has a certain psychological impact on other countries that are following these changes. 'secret shows; - "domino effect". While most of the countries of the region are members of the integration union, the countries outside the union face some economic problems. These problems are related to the integrity of the economic relations of the countries belonging to this group. This often leads to a reduction in trade with countries that remain outside the economic union for fear of being left out of the integration framework. The integrated associations that are forming and developing in the world economy have the following tasks: 1. Using the advantages of a large-scale economy. Expanding the size of markets based on the theory of large-scale economics. reduce transaction costs and use a number of other advantages. This, in turn, directly allows attracting foreign direct investment, which enters large markets with great enthusiasm. 2. Creating a favorable foreign political environment. The purpose of most integration associations is to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation of the participating countries in political, military, social, cultural and other spheres. 3. To solve the task of trade policy. Regional integration is often seen in terms of negotiations between participating countries within the framework of the GATT/WTO. The statement on behalf of the bloc of countries is a serious matter and will have the expected results in the field of trade policy. 4. To support the structural restructuring of the economy. while integrating their national economy into the integration processes, more developed countries will also be interested in the creation of a full- fledged and large-scale market in those countries and the development of market reforms in them. Joining Yale in one form or another, many Western European countries have pursued this goal. 5. Support of young industries of the national industry. Integrative associations are seen as a supportive way to open up a wider regional market for local producers to operate in, even if they do not apply discriminatory measures to third countries. Historically, integration processes have their own stages of development. Each of them represents a certain level of development. The foundations of the typology of integration groups are reflected in the evaluation of the convergence of the national economy of the participating countries at the macro and micro level and how deeply they penetrate each other economically (Table 16.2.1). Table 16.2.1 Countries entering economic integration will have the following advantages: - integration of national markets leads to the expansion of the domestic market of countries, which, in turn, stimulates the growth of the total gross domestic product; - the increase in the purchasing power of the population leads to an increase in the average per capita income and a decrease in the price of goods; - production efficiency and competitiveness increase; - increase in the "economy of scale" resulting from the deepening of the level of production specialization; - formation of a relatively efficient structure of production taking into account the competitive advantages of the member countries; - increasing investment attractiveness due to unifying the market, ensuring free movement of production factors, increasing labor productivity and income; - acceleration of economic growth. All of these factors are interrelated, and integration is the process of development of stable economic relations based on the international division of labor between countries and the departure of reproduction from the national economy. Economic integration in the global economy is an integral connection between national markets and national economies of countries, ensuring harmonious development, free movement of resources within different countries, unification for the purpose of creating a single common market. (International economic integration is the process of the development of deep, stable mutual relations between different countries and economic relations between them on the basis of the distribution of labor between national economies.) The main forms of international economic integration are considered to be the following: Free trade zones . This is the simplest form of economic integration, in which trade restrictions between participating countries are abolished. Trade between the countries that make up this zone will be free, customs fees will be abolished, and quotas (norms) will not be set for exports. An example of this is the mutual agreement between the European Free Trade Association and the CIS countries. Customs Union. This form of economic integration, together with the operation of free trade zones, requires the establishment of uniform foreign trade definitions and the conduct of a uniform foreign trade policy towards the third country. (the European Union is an example of a customs union). Payment Union. This ensures the free exchange of national currencies and the use of a single monetary unit for settlement. A payment union for the European Community, Southeast Asia and the CIS countries is the ultimate goal. General market. It is a complex form of economic integration that provides its participants with free trade and a single foreign trade definition, free movement of capital and labor, and mutually agreed economic policies. For example: Common market or European economic union. Within its framework, all customs duties, import quotas (norms) will be abolished, the entry of goods from other countries into the European market will be regulated in the same way, the free flow of money and labor will be ensured across the border, and a unified policy will be adopted to solve common problems. Economic and monetary union. This is the highest form of interstate economic integration. In this case, all the considered forms of economic integration are adapted along with the transfer of general economic and currency-financial policy. A number of objective factors of the process of international economic integration dictate: Internationalization of economic relations; Deepening of international cocktail distribution; Universal science and technology revolution; Increasing openness of the national economy. International economic integration. It creates favorable conditions for the economic development of every participating country. Now the world economy is characterized by globalization, that is, globalization. Globalization is the globalization of the economy, the influence of the national economy of each country on changes in the world economy. Globalization also occurs in countries that are not integrated in the process of integration. As a result, labor force, capital, investment, new technology and finally new economic ideas will quickly spread around the world, the economy will develop, prosperity will increase, and the number of poor people will decrease on earth. Globalization causes investments to flow to countries with the highest returns. As a result, the world's economic growth will accelerate, globalization will bring great benefits to the world economy (but it will also cause a number of problems). IV. The penetration of Uzbekistan's economy into the world economy . Due to national independence, Uzbekistan is entering the world economy system. In this situation, it is necessary to form a unique system of managing the foreign economic complex, develop rules and principles for establishing foreign relations, and determine the ways to join the republic's global economic system. At the first stage of economic reforms, the principles and strategy of joining the world economy, foreign economic activities were developed and implemented. It should be noted that the foreign economic policy is based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, not falling under the influence of any country, deepening cooperation within the framework of international economic unions, and establishing relations with different countries free of independent and biased views. August 31, 1991 - the day of the official declaration of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan - is the date of the beginning of large- scale and dynamic integration of our country into the international community. As of July 1, 2015, Uzbekistan has established diplomatic relations with more than 130 countries of the world. Embassies of 45 foreign countries, 9 honorary consulates, representative offices of 11 international organizations, representative offices of 5 international financial organizations, and 3 trade representative offices with diplomatic status are operating in Tashkent. Today, 46 diplomatic and consular offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan operate in foreign countries and international organizations. Uzbekistan is a member of more than 100 international organizations and is developing relations with various multilateral cooperation structures. According to the concept of foreign political activity of the country, the main priority direction of Uzbekistan's foreign policy is the Central Asian region, and the vital interests of the country are closely related to this region. Uzbekistan's policy in Central Asia is aimed at ensuring peace and stability in the region, helping to solve the most important problems of regional security, including the situation in Afghanistan, fair and rational use of water resources of transboundary rivers of Central Asia, and ecological stability in the region. It is aimed at completing border delimitation and demarcation processes, taking effective measures to combat new threats, establishing close, beneficial and practical cooperation with all neighboring countries. Uzbekistan will always be a supporter of open, friendly and pragmatic policy in relations with its close neighbors, all current political, economic and environmental problems in the region will be dealt with by Central Asian countries, taking into account mutual interests. supports dialogue and resolution on the basis of international law norms. Based on the traditional position of non-interference in the internal affairs of this country, Uzbekistan pursues a policy of good neighborliness and friendship with Afghanistan, based on mutual national interests and the choice of the Afghan people. prefers to organize on a bilateral basis, respecting 'l. According to Uzbekistan, the only way to solve the Afghan problem is through political negotiations based on the financial, economic and humanitarian support of donor countries and the active participation of the United Nations. is to reach an agreement between the warring parties. The priority direction of Uzbekistan's foreign policy is the CIS member countries. Historically formed political, economic, transport-communication and other ties connect Uzbekistan with these countries. Uzbekistan will continue to establish bilateral cooperative relations with all CIS countries on the basis of equal rights, mutual benefits, taking into account and respecting each other's interests. The Agreement on Strategic Partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation (June 16, 2004), the Agreement on Allied Relations (November 14, 2005), as well as the Deepening of Strategic Partnership (June 4, 2012) consistent development and comprehensive strengthening of friendly relations with the Russian Federation is in the interests of both countries and serves to strengthen stability and security in the region. Further strengthening and diversification of trade and economic relations and investment cooperation, combating transnational threats and cooperation in regional security issues are important aspects of bilateral relations between Uzbekistan and Russia. The development of mutually beneficial and practical cooperation with the United States of America on the basis of common interests remains a priority in the foreign policy of Uzbekistan. These relations are based on the Declaration on the Basics of Strategic Partnership and Cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the USA, signed on March 12, 2002. The issues of expanding cooperation in the field of investments and technologies in order to support the establishment of peace and stability in Afghanistan, to fight against transnational dangers and threats, and to support the processes of modernization and reforms carried out in Uzbekistan are important aspects of bilateral relations. are complaints. Uzbekistan pays great attention to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation with European countries, as well as the European Union and NATO. The development of trade, investment and financial cooperation, the transfer of high technologies, relations in the fields of science, technology, education, ecology, health and culture, as well as issues of strengthening regional security are important ways of Uzbekistan's cooperation with European countries and organizations. are complaints. As a close regional neighbor and a country that plays an important role in solving global problems, Uzbekistan is interested in further strengthening strategic partnership relations with the People's Republic of China. Further development of bilateral relations with China to the Joint Declaration on the Establishment of Strategic Partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the People's Republic of China signed on June 6, 2012, Friendship signed on September 9, 2013 and is based on the cooperation agreement and the joint declaration on the further development and deepening of bilateral strategic partnership relations. Expand trade and economic relations with all leading countries in the Asia-Pacific region on a mutually beneficial basis, attract investment and new technologies to the priority production sectors of Uzbekistan's economy, as well as science, education, health care, culture and tourism development of relations in the fields are the main directions of cooperation. The Republic of Uzbekistan supports the development of comprehensive and mutually beneficial relations with South Asian countries. In particular, he is interested in further development of cooperation with India and Pakistan in trade-economic and transport-communication spheres. Mutually beneficial relations with the countries of the Near and Middle East, including within the framework of the OCT and ITB, are consistently developing and strengthening in the fields of economy, transport communications, finance and investment. Uzbekistan has been participating in the work of prestigious international organizations, first of all, in the activities of the UN. Uzbekistan considers the UN to be the only universal and responsible organization for maintaining peace and security in the world, helping to ensure the stable development of countries in the ongoing globalization processes. Our republic also actively participates in the work of regional organizations. Within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Uzbekistan supports the development of cooperation in the fight against regional security threats, support for the stable socio-economic development of member countries, and the implementation of joint infrastructural and investment projects. The priorities of Uzbekistan's multilateral cooperation within the Commonwealth of Independent States include trade and economic cooperation, development of transport and communication networks, and combating transnational security threats and dangers. As an independent country, Uzbekistan is taking active measures to create an open economy and liberalize foreign economic activities. Therefore, within a short time after gaining independence, our Republic established diplomatic relations with more than 80 countries, opened diplomatic embassies in more than 20 countries of the world. Many international organizations - UN economic institutions, the World Bank, the International Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the International Finance Corporation, and other international financial and economic organizations have become members. The first union that the republic became a member of was the Commonwealth of Independent States (established in 1991), as well as the economic cooperation organization established by Turkey, Iran and Pakistan together with Central Asian countries (1994). Based on the requirements of Uzbekistan's integration into the international community, all institutions necessary to engage in foreign economic activities (Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, National Bank of Foreign Economic Activities, Customs Service, etc.) were practically reorganized. From the Cabinet of Ministers to the local level of management and enterprises, relevant external economic bureaus were established. Trading houses were opened and chambers of commerce and industry were established in several countries of the world. Along with foreign trade, other forms of economic cooperation have also developed significantly. The number of enterprises with foreign investment registered on the territory of the republic has increased to 3445. The development of multilateral relations and cooperation of the Central Asian countries is given first-class importance in foreign economic activity. The agreement on the single economic space between Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan began to bear fruit. The penetration of Uzbekistan into the world community is reflected in the UN projects implemented in the republic in the fields of economy, education, health care, culture, and science. Economic and trade cooperation with European Union countries, participation of our country in NATO's "Partnership for Peace" program is the next direction of its penetration into the world economy. In particular, the partnership and cooperation agreement signed between the European Union and our republic (July 1996) is a priority direction of foreign economic activity. Uzbekistan's cooperation with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank is the next direction of foreign economic activity. In this direction, the IMF approved programs for financing structural reconstructions, supporting entrepreneurs in the field of structural and macroeconomic policies. Cooperation with international banking organizations - the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDU), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the International Investment Guarantee Agency (IIA). The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Development Bank, and the World Trade Organization play an important role in the implementation of Uzbekistan's foreign economic strategy. In conclusion, cooperation with countries of the world, international and regional organizations has a decisive role in the integration of Uzbekistan into the world community, which strengthens the internationalization of the national economy, and is considered the main external factor for raising economic development to a higher level. V. International currency and credit relations. Currency relations also play a role in the global economy. Because there was no universal means of payment, it was difficult to conduct economic relations. This task is performed by Jahan Puli. Economic relations related to the use of money in the world economy and serving various international economic relations (foreign trade, labor and capital migration, income, credit and flow of subjects, exchange of science and technology, tourism, etc.) international currency-credit called relations. Currency is a country's monetary unit (for example: sum, dollar, pound sterling...). National and foreign currency differences are taken into account in international economic relations. Each national market will have its own national currency system. The national currency system represents the form of organization of currency relations in a given country, determined by national legislation. The international currency system is a form of international currency relations that is legally consolidated in interstate agreements. It will consist of the following components: national currencies; gold; international currency units: SDR, euro. the mechanism of determining currency numbers and keeping it; procedure for equalization of international payments; currency returnability; international currency market and gold market system; system of interstate institutions regulating currency relations. Currently, currency relations between countries are based on the world currency. In this form of money, mostly US dollars are accepted. A currency relationship occurs when the exchange rate of national currencies is compared to each other and to the US dollar. A fixed exchange rate is required to maintain a single currency in the interstate ledger. The exchange rate should be more or less stable. Therefore, a fluctuating (oscillating) exchange rate is acceptable in international relations. This is an exchange rate that changes only within a certain limit, and it can be called standard. All currencies are denominated in USD. Since it is the only means of payment, the exchange rate of all currencies is expressed in dollars. Their exchange rate is also determined by dollars. The global currency system went through 3 stages in its development. The first stage, covering the period 1879-1934, was dominated by the gold standard monetary system. From the end of World War II (1944) until 1971, the gold standard (known as the Bretton Woods system) was dominant. These two systems are based on recorded exchange rates. The current currency system was established in 1971, and this system is called the managed floating currency system. Because the state often intervenes in the currency market to change the international value of its currencies. Currently, currencies are divided into freely convertible, partially convertible, and non-convertible currencies. A freely convertible currency is a currency that can be freely and unlimitedly exchanged for any other foreign currency at the prevailing exchange rate. This includes the US dollar, Canadian dollar, euro in the countries of the European Community, Sweden, Switzerland, and Japan. A partially convertible currency is a domestic currency but is convertible into some foreign currency. And not for all types of international payment (instrument) transactions. A non-convertible currency is a currency that temporarily serves only as a domestic payment and cannot be converted into a foreign currency. Currently, international or inter-country monetary units (euro) are increasingly widely used in international calculations along with national currencies. They do not have the form of a banknote. In banks, it is used for cashless payment by writing to account numbers. Conclusion Summarizing economic activity and its types, it can be said that human interests and their provision are at the basis of all economic processes. Human needs are diverse and he tries to satisfy them through different methods and means. The set of means and methods of satisfying human needs, i.e. livelihood, is called economic activity. If we look at economic activity in the way of activity that ensures human existence, we can divide its development during the history of human society into two main types: 1) appropriating and 2) producing. At the initial stage of human society, people lived by direct assimilation of everything in nature. From a certain moment, humanity has turned from an assimilator of ready-made gifts in nature to a producer due to objective necessity. Since then, his work has reached a new level in quality. Labor has become an economic process. Now people have adapted nature's blessings to their needs. Economic activity is the basis of human life. It is very complex, includes various events and processes. As long as human society lives, these processes continue continuously. Economists theoretically divide economic activity into four phases: production, exchange, distribution, consumption. The result of the economic activity of people is a social product, and its movement passes through these four phases and repeats itself continuously. Economic activity begins with production. From this process, factors of production are combined and blessings are created that satisfy various needs of people. List of used literature. 1. 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