The theme of the dissertation of the doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) wasregistered at
the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Cabinet of Ministries of the Republic of
Uzbekistan for B 2020.1. PhD/Iqt774.
The dissertation has been prepared at Tashkent institute of architecture and construction
The dissertation abstract in three languages (Uzbek, Russian and English) is placed on the
webpage of scientific council (www.tdiu.uz) and informational-educational portal «ZiyoNet»
Scientific supervisor:
Kazakov Olim Sobirovich
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Official opponents:
Makhmudov Nosir Makhmudovich
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Khojimuhamedova Shokhida Ibragimovna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Leading organization:
Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology
The Defense of the dissertation will take place on «___» _________ 2020 at _____ at the
meeting of the Scientific Council DSc.03/10.12.2019.I.16.01 on awarding academic degree at
Tashkent State University of Economics Address: 100003, 49 Islam Karimov Street, Tashkent.
Phone: (+99871) 239-28-72; Fax: (+99871) 232-01-49; e-mail: tdiu@tdiu.uz.
The dissertation can be reviewed at the Informational Resource Center of Tashkent State
University of Economics (registered under №____). Address: 100003, 49 Islam Karimov Street,
Tashkent. Phone: (+99871) 239-28-72.
The dissertation abstract was distributed on «_____» __________ 2020.
(mailing report № _____ on «____» __________2020).
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