«toshkentdagi singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti»
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- «Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti» MCHJ (keyingi o‘rinlarda «TSMRI»
- «Talaba» ), ikkinchi tomondan, va ________________________________________________________ (keyingi orinlarda «To‘lovchi»
- “Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent” LLC
Sana: 2022-10-21 11:53:13 Serial raqami: 77BD7467 Tashkilot: TOSH.SINGAPUR MENEDJ.RIV.INSTI STIR: 300777608 F.I.Sh: SALIXOV JASUR SHAVKATOVICH Sana: 2022-10-21 12:16:37 Talaba ID: 2103976 F.I.Sh: Akbarova Ezoza Florentina Alisher kizi Telefon: 998935945664 Email: florentinaakbarova@gmail.com «TOSHKENTDAGI SINGAPUR MENEJMENTNI RIVOJLANTIRISH INSTITUTI» b2103976-k/2/22 – sonli SHARTNOMAGA QO‘SHIMCHA KELISHUV Toshkent sh. 2022 y. «21» October “MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE OF SINGAPORE IN TASHKENT” ADDITIONAL AGREEMENT TO THE CONTRACT No. b2103976-k/2/22 Tashkent city 21 October 2022 «Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti» MCHJ (keyingi o‘rinlarda «TSMRI») nomidan Ustav asosida ish yurituvchi rektor J.Sh. Salixov, bir tomondan va Akbarova Ezoza Florentina Alisher kizi (Talabaning familiyasi, ismi, sharifi) (keyingi o‘rinlarda «Talaba»), ikkinchi tomondan, va ________________________________________________________ (keyingi o'rinlarda «To‘lovchi») nomidan _______________________ asosida ish yurituvchi ______________________, uchinchi tomondan, (birgalikda «Taraflar» deb ataladi) quyidagilar to‘g‘risida 2022 yil «21» October dagi b2103976-k/2/22-sonli shartnomaga (keying o‘rinlarda «Shartnoma») ushbu Qo‘shimcha kelishuvni (keying o‘rinlarda «Kelishuv») tuzdilar: “Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent” LLC (hereinafter “MDIST”) represented by the Rector J.Sh.Salikhov, acting based on the Charter, on one hand, and Akbarova Ezoza Florentina Alisher kizi Student’s full name (hereinafter “the Student”), on the other hand, and _________________________________________________________ (hereinafter “the Payer”), in the person of _______________________, acting on the basis of _______________________, on the third hand, (hereinafter jointly referred to as the Parties), have concluded this Additional agreement (hereinafter the Agreement) to the Contract No. b2103976-k/2/22 dated 21 October 2022 (hereinafter the Contract) as follows: 1. Shartnomaning 2.4.2 va 3.7-bandlariga muvofiq, To‘lovchi shartnoma shartlariga muvofiq talabaning o‘qishi uchun to‘lov majburiyatini oladi. 1. In accordance with paragraphs 2.4.2 and 3.7 of the Contract the Payer assumes the obligation to pay for the Student's tuition according to the terms of the Contract. 2. Shartnomada nazarda tutilgan to‘lov huquqlari va majburiyatlari tomonlar ushbu shartnomani imzolagan paytdan boshlab to‘lovchiga o‘tadi. 2. The rights and obligations for payment provided for in the Contract shall pass to the Payer from the moment the Parties sign this agreement. 3. Agar to‘lovchi ushbu shartnomaning 2-bandi shartlarini bajarishdan bosh tortsa, To‘lovchi bu haqda TSMRIga yozma ravishda xabar beradi, shundan so'ng barcha to'lov majburiyatlari yozma kelishuvlarsiz talabaga qaytariladi. 3. If the Payer refuses to comply with the terms of paragraph 2 of this agreement, the Payer notifies MDIST in writing, after which all payment obligations are transferred back to the Student without any written agreements. 4. Talaba va To‘lovchi o‘rtasidagi huquqiy majburiyatlar ikki tomonning alohida o‘zaro kelishuvlari bilan tartibga solinadi, va TSMRI ularning bajarilishi uchun hech qanday majburiyat va javobgarlikni o‘z zimmasiga olmaydi. 4. The legal obligations between the Student and the Payer are regulated by separate mutual agreements of the two parties, and MDIST does not bear any obligations and responsibility for their fulfillment. 5. Shartnomaning boshqa barcha shartlari o‘zgarishsiz qolgan deb hisoblansin. 5. All other terms of the Contract shall be considered unchanged. 6. Ushbu shartnoma elektron shaklda Talabaning Intranet tizimidagi shaxsiy kabinetida tuzilishi mumkin. 6. This Agreement may be entered into electronically in the Student’s personal Intranet account. 7. Ushbu shartnoma shartnomaning ajralmas qismi bo‘lib, 6-band shartlari va/yoki Taraflar tomonidan qog‘ozda imzolangan paytdan boshlab kuchga kiradi. 7. This Agreement is an integral part of the Contract and shall enter into force on the terms of clause 6 and/or from the moment of its signing by the Parties on paper. 8. Ushbu shartnoma bir xil yuridik kuchga ega bo‘lgan uch nusxada, har bir tomon uchun bittadan tuzildi. 8. This Agreement is concluded in three copies with the same legal force, one for each of the Parties Download 129,07 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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