Travel. Pro and cons of travelling

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  1. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Traveling

  2. Why Travel is Important in Your Life? (Pros and Cons)

  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Travelling Abroad


When it comes to traveling, it can look like it’s all sunshine and rainbows on social media (and sometimes it really is).

However, like with anything in life, there are some pros and cons to the travel lifestyle, especially when it comes to long-term travel or solo travel.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of traveling so that you can decide if traveling is the right option for you.
Without a doubt, the biggest plus to traveling is all of the new experiences you will get across the world. These are usually experiences you wouldn’t have otherwise like staying with local hill tribes in Thailand or snorkeling with sharks in Australia.
A lot of time while traveling is spent prioritizing having fun and experiencing new adventures, which is so different from our usual daily lives. You can create memories that last a lifetime while traveling, and this is definitely a huge plus when it comes to looking at the advantages of traveling.
Experience New Cultures
You can expand your mind and open yourself up to new cultures and ideologies while traveling. During travel, you are coming into contact with cultures and people that you might not have come into otherwise.
Immersing yourself in the culture of another country can be an opportunity for a lot of learning, and you will see the world through fresh eyes and with a completely new perspective once you get to see how other people live.
Personal Growth
During travel, you spend a lot of time outside of your comfort zone, which leads to a lot of growth at a rapid pace! You will grow to be more independent, even if you are traveling with others.
This can be a great way to gain more confidence too, and learn more about yourself, especially when traveling alone.
Traveling can bring a lot of clarity when it comes to how you want your life to be in the future.
Without the regular stressors of day-to-day life, your mind is clearer to start seeing what is really important to you for your life and your future.
Lower Cost Of Living
Depending on where you travel, your day-to-day living expenses could end up being much cheaper than in your own country. If you are working while traveling, you might even end up saving some money.
The great thing is, you will have the option of doing things on the cheap in the majority of places that are popular with travelers. You will be in a position to choose a hostel over an expensive hotel in more places.
Make New Friends
You will meet people from all over the world that you would not have met otherwise.
It often happens that you make deep and meaningful connections with people extremely quickly while traveling. This has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of travelers will be on a similar wavelength to each other. Most people you will come across are in search of adventure and connection.
Depending on where you are traveling, you might meet people several times if they are on a similar route to you. If you are traveling solo, you might even find some people to travel with from time to time.
It’s also an incredible excuse to see more of the world by visiting your new friends in the future.
Disadvantages Of Traveling
Of course, there are also some disadvantages of traveling. Here are a few things to remember before booking your trip.
Traveler at a train station
It Can Be Expensive
Although your cost of living may be cheaper than in your home country, if you’re not working while traveling, you could go through your hard-earned savings quite quickly. This is especially true if you are traveling to more expensive places like Europe or Australia.
Staying in hotels, eating in Western restaurants, or taking part in organized group tours are all likely to burn through your savings very quickly.
If you are willing to travel on the cheap and stay in hostels while only eating local food, you can definitely stretch your money much further.
This is an unavoidable part of travel, unfortunately. Whether it’s from food, water, or some mysterious source, the vast majority of people traveling long-term pick up some sort of sickness from time to time.
It can range from a simple tummy bug for 24 hours, to fully-fledged food poisoning that could require medical attention.
This can be costly for an individual, especially if you don’t have good travel insurance to cover it.
It Can Be Lonely
Particularly if you’re traveling solo, there can be moments of loneliness while traveling. If you are in a country that has fewer solo travelers or backpackers than others, it can sometimes be difficult to make connections and people can end up spending a lot of time on their own.
This is often something that holds people back from travel, and for good reason. Being homesick is a huge drawback for a lot of people when it comes to traveling.
Some people struggle with the thoughts of missing important occasions and milestones with their family at home. It’s also tough to imagine being away from home in case of an emergency.
Final Thoughts On Pros And Cons Of Traveling
So, what’s the verdict? There are advantages and disadvantages of traveling. It all comes down to what your priorities are.
I hope this guide helped you understand some of the advantages and disadvantages of traveling.
Ultimately, the decision comes down to your personal preferences and needs.
Consider your savings, opportunities for adventure, time away from loved ones, and personal growth, and decide what works best for you at the moment.

I am passionate about travel. Anyone visiting this site should be aware of this. But just because I love it doesn’t mean I’m not aware of its faults. As with many other things in life, there are both pros and cons to travel; ups and downs.

I get some of the cons thrown at me every now and then from people who don’t understand my desire to see the world.
“Why would you want to be away from home that long?” they ask. “How will you afford it?”
So I decided to take a look at both the good AND bad about travel, so that maybe next time I’ll have a solid argument for all the skeptics.
Pros of travel
Escapism. Travel allows you to escape. Whether it’s from a bad relationship (or perhaps no relationship at all), a job you hate, or simply a boring, sedentary life, sometimes you feel like you just need to get away. Travel is the perfect form of escapism – far better than reading a book or watching a movie – because it actually means you get to leave your current situation. You can trade in whatever is making you unhappy for something different, even if it’s just for a little while. A change of scenery is sometimes just what you need to get over boredom or the blues, and being far removed from a problem or stressor often allows you to look at it through new eyes.
Travel is a learning experience. Seeing other parts of the world and immersing yourself in foreign cultures opens up completely new avenues of discovery. Travel in itself can be educational, and can open your eyes in ways you never thought possible. Through travel, you can become more aware – both of yourself, and the larger world around you. A traveler has the unique ability to be a citizen of not only his/her own country, but also of the world.

Deadvlei in the Namib Desert

Ability for self-discovery and reinvention. When you’re out on the road meeting new people and opening up to new experiences, you may find that you are also slowly reinventing yourself. Or perhaps letting the self you’d like to be finally emerge. Travel can be liberating in many ways, but especially when it comes to self-discovery. Being thrown into a foreign culture (or even into a not-so-foreign culture) without all the comforts of home can be challenging, but it’s often those truly tough, personal challenges that will help you grow as an independent individual.
Opportunity for adventure and spontaneity. Travel can open up so many doors and provide for so many adventures, both planned and spontaneous. If you’re in the mood to make a lasting memory, get out and see the world. Let life happen, both to you and around you, and just go with it. Who knows where it could lead?
It can be affordable. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a millionaire or have a large trust fund in order to travel. Saving a little here and there can go a long way over time. Being a deal hunter and looking for alternative accommodation can pay off. And, if you choose destinations where the cost of living is low, a little can go a long way. For example, a month of your U.S. salary could easily last you two, three, maybe even four months in Southeast Asia or Central America.
Little Corn Island, Nicaragua
Nicaragua, for example, is quite affordable.
Cons of travel
Escapism. Yes, travel allows you to escape. But sometimes escaping can take the form of running away. Whether it’s that bad breakup or loss of a job, sometimes you just want to leave it all behind and do something crazy, like move 10,000 miles away for a while. But if you truly run away and never look back (or never confront the initial problem that sent you fleeing), travel may do more harm than good. Escaping a bad situation is fine, but hiding behind the guise of travel in order to avoid dealing with that bad situation is not quite as advisable. Eventually, you have to face your demons.
Being homesick. Even if you aren’t terribly close to your family, it’s likely you’ll still feel some semblance of homesickness at some point during your travels. Maybe you miss your significant other. Maybe you miss a sibling or cousin. Hell, maybe you really miss your cat. Being away from home can be stimulating and wonderful, but it’s not unnatural to fall into a funk every now and then when you pine for “home.” The good news is that things like Skype, Facebook and e-mail make keeping in touch incredibly easy in this day and age.
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Lanterman's Mill in Mill Creek Park
I definitely miss home in Ohio when I'm away for a long time.
Missing family milestones/emergencies back home. Maybe your sister gets engaged, or has a baby. Maybe grandma dies. Maybe a close friend gets diagnosed with cancer. You’d love to be there for all of these important milestones and tragedies; you want to be able to offer your love and support in person, and not through a computer screen. But, it’s likely to happen if you’re traveling for any length of time. Life at home will go on without you, and it’s one thing you just have to come to terms with.
It can be costly. Just as travel can be affordable, it can also be extremely expensive. Many European countries, as well as Australia and New Zealand, have incredibly high costs of living. If you’re dead-set on moving Down Under for any length of time, for example, that $10,000 you saved up over the past two years unfortunately isn’t going to get you very far. The same goes for hard-to-reach destinations like Antarctica. If you’re dreaming of the ultimate budget travel adventure, you may have to edit your list and cut many places – like the South Pole – out.
The addictiveness of travel. They don’t call it the “travel bug” for nothing. Once it bites, it can infect you with an insatiable desire to travel that never goes away. Once is often never enough, as evidenced by the scores of travelers out there who are on the road indefinitely. Especially if you’re prone to becoming addicted to things that give you a good high, don’t expect one trip to ever be the end of it. This can easily turn into an incurable sense of restlessness that no amount of movement can satisfy.
St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow
Looking at this list, I’m sure I’m not alone in deciding that the “pros” far outweigh the “cons” when it comes to travel.
With any great adventure or endeavor in life, there are going to be risks, and there are going to be sacrifices.
Some people might put “the dangers of travel” on the cons list, but, really, just getting in your car and driving to work each day is dangerous. Sure, there are risks to travel, especially long-term travel. But life itself is a risk.
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The sacrifices, though, are real, and do exist when it comes to travel.
But if I have to sacrifice some family time to better understand my place in the world, I think it’s worth it. If I have to substitute one destination for another because of finances, then I’ll do it. And, honestly, travel is just about the best thing a person could become addicted to, as far as I’m concerned.
The most commonly heard hobby from all age groups is “Traveling”. While few take it as a way to get away from everyday hassles and stress, some of them take it as an opportunity to learn and explore different cultures, and nationalities. Irrespective of whether it is for revitalization or for exploring, there are various advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad.
Amidst this traveling abroad imbibes mixed emotions for the traveler, as on one hand he has the packed excitement from what could be expected to form his or her trip and on the flip side he or she is holding his/her worries for any possible barriers or problems they might have to face in the foreign land.
So, if you are also someone who has the mindset to travel and explore abroad, we have cumulated a quick read through the pros and cons of traveling abroad.
Top 10 Advantages of Traveling Abroad
Having the advantages of traveling listed might be long or maybe never-ending because when you travel you grab your own set of benefits, experiences, and certain advantages. However, we have listed the 10 best advantages below:
1. Strengthens your life skills
Life Skills are essential for everyone. Not necessary that you need to be born with it, certainly life skills can be nurtured, and traveling is the best school to strengthen your Life skills from Communication, decision–making, interpersonal skills, creative thinking, empathy, and more.
Traveling in a way introduces you to the hard facts of life that hype your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, ensuring your sustained peace and readiness for future uncertainties or challenges.
2. Helps attain the most required boost for your emotional and mental revitalization
Traveling not just helps with life learning and experiences but has a significant role in wellness and health.
Holiday has been believed for a long as the best getaway from your daily stressful schedules and to replenish your body and soul, through nature’s way (therapy).
3. Expand your thinking horizons
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” - Mark Twain
Traveling to different places or rather a journey away from your safe hub brings in many experiences and learnings, one of the major of which is broad-mindedness and new ways of thinking.
When you travel to different foreign lands you get to explore their culture, festivity, diversity, and much more, (default) as part of your trip but this plays a crucial role in indirectly understanding to evolve from the misconception society that’s been prevailing around.
4. Contributes to your self-development and personal growth
Considering the pros and cons of traveling, one of the major benefits or rather say advantages is that you gain confidence and other major skills (practically) required to sustain a better life.
While you travel you get to explore many places, a chance to witness their lives and strive (which we generally do not specifically take note of in our daily life), this will make you understand and realize the hard facts of life and nurture you towards a more organized and systematized living.
Traveling no doubt involves meeting new people (co-travelers, residents, etc.), hence interactions for sure which bring out or develop your communication skills and build confidence.
5. Experience different cultures and diversity
Exploring and experiencing different diversities and cultures can introduce you to very varied learning concerning their history, living, eating habits, behavior, festivals, celebrations, etc.
This also helps you to view life from a new perspective, strengthening your knowledge and morale.
6. Explore and live the foreign beauty
“Surely, of all the wonders of the world, the horizon is the greatest.” - Freya Stark
One of the additional benefits of traveling also includes the unique and breathtaking sceneries.
Sometimes nothing too very special but the benefit here is the moment you hold on (a while longer) to appreciate its essence, brings you the true definition of utter bliss and satisfaction.
7. Booster to start your career (business)
You never know how! exploring, meeting new people, communicating, and understanding the different perspectives and gaps might hype your interest toward the required push for you to set up your career pathways (business)
8. Explore yourself
“You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your way can illuminate the world.” - Oprah Winfrey.
Traveling can help discover yourself – your interests, your passion, and sometimes even help search for the meaning of your life.
Traveling indirectly (but directly) brings a huge change in your daily routine (for the time being that you travel), hence ropes in great leisure to ponder over your thinking, life, interests, etc helping to strengthen your connection with your soul.
9. The best opportunity to learn foreign languages
Among the best advantages, traveling abroad could include the learning experience of new languages among the natives and not as a course or by being part of an institute. It’s a known fact that we humans learn faster while doing it.
Read More: 11 Ultimate Benefits of Learning a Second Language
10. Networking (personal and professional connections)
“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” -Tim Cahill
Traveling not just can be benefiting for learning and exploring but also includes building connections.
These connections can be in terms of new friends (meeting people from different nations and bonding with them on the go, irrespective of their backgrounds, status, etc.) or maybe one of these people you meet could refer you to your future employer (you surely gain the benefit of physical networking rather than online).
Also, international experiences can be the brownie points for your next employment consideration as companies prefer people who are adaptable and flexible. This could be a major advantage for people in the marketing or advertising domain.
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Top 5 Disadvantages of Traveling Abroad
Where the list of advantages of traveling abroad is impressively long and unique concerning the individual traveler, this act also accounts for fewer disadvantages that we as well might list down.
Before we read through the list below it is also important to note that the disadvantages do not necessarily apply to every of your foreign travel package, there are as well aspects like time, place (destination), etc.
1. You might miss the Company
Traveling alone does have a few drawbacks and one of the majorly felt or experienced is the feeling of isolation or loneliness.
Where every day of yours is filled with peers or known faces suddenly moving around between unfamiliar places and people might be overwhelming to start with.
2. You might feel disassociated or distanced from your nativity
This is something common among long-term travelers, spending a long period at home surely does introduce you to an altogether new world and scenario, but might have you loosen your strength or hold on to your roots.
This according to me is certainly not a complete disadvantage if you bag in more advantages collateral to it like broadening your perspective or thinking horizons, discovering yourself like such.
3. Traveling might decrease your saving
As the act is certainly not economically free, the cost involved can stress you down a little, but on the brighter side to it, you get to gain a lot more than invested which certainly not in monetary terms but rather, as a person or emotionally (a lot more meaningful than money) along with building ways to economic standing.
4. Health problems
Well changing atmosphere and environment can take a toll on your health, not just that the change in the time zones and different cuisines can further hit you with dietary problems.
5. Might miss important dates
Though this disadvantage is not mandatory, sometimes it might have its reflection on the traveler’s life if you are involved in very long periods of traveling.
Anyway, this problem is not difficult to resolve, you can probably plan your travel dates considering the life events, another way for it to risk missing it (weighing the importance of the event).
Tips to encash disadvantages to advantages
Ensure to make a note of your travel requirements (necessities) like medicines, things to help your guidance, etc.
While ordering food ensure to check with (read through if possible) the ingredients to reduce any possible health issues.
Check with the destination’s climate and weather checks to ensure the suitable clothing is packed.
Try traveling with a company as this reduces your loneliness yet is effective for exploring and shared learning.
Ensure not to have frequent long traveling – traveling can be an advantage when added to your resume but overdoing is not suggestive as this might hinder your work efficiency.
Traveling Abroad, Surely has Much More for You to Uncover
While traveling ropes in many learnings and experiences, the act has been witnessing high growth in numbers year on year. Traveling is a package of numerous factors namely sharing, learning, smiling, enjoying, adventure, exciting, growing, and so on all in all the conclusion that can actively draw here is relaxing, revitalizing, exploring, and most importantly transforming.
Hope this article has charged you up to get on and plan your next destination. Ensure to make your checklist and pinpoint the tips mentioned above so that you do not miss any of the possible experiences of a lifetime.
Traveling refers to movement from one geographical location to another, either for recreation or work. The majority of the people who love traveling do it when they are young because of the availability of adequate time and lack of pressing responsibilities such as work and family (Hasbrouck, 2011). Traveling is an important pastime activity that is fun, and that exposes people to other countries, cultures, and societies. Travelers learn a lot because traveling necessitates changes in lifestyle and ways of communication. Moreover, travelers learn new languages, interact with people from other races and ethnicities, and explore new geographical locations (Mitchell, 2006). Individuals who travel regularly possess adventurous spirits that yearn for new experiences to learn new things. Despite having numerous benefits, traveling has disadvantages too. It is costly, exposes individuals to the risk of contracting diseases, and causes excessive fatigue.
Advantages of Traveling
Traveling offers people an opportunity to visit interesting places, learn new things, and meet new people (5 Benefits of Travelling, 2013). It is one of the best ways to interact with people from other races, cultures, and ethnicities. Travelers explore the various beliefs and traditions that guide other people’s lives and learn how interconnected humanity is (Mitchell, 2006). For example, there are very many cultures in the world that have preserved their traditional beliefs, customs, and practices. Visiting countries such as Kenya, Mexico, China, and India is an occasion to experience such unique cultures. On the other hand, meeting new people who speak different languages and who live differently is exciting and educational. Travelers also visit interesting places that have great cultural and historical value (5 Benefits of Travelling, 2013). For example, the Eiffel Tower in France, Machu Picchu in Peru, and the Pyramids in Egypt possess great historical and cultural value. Learning about their histories can help travelers to comprehend the cultures, traditions, and customs of different tribes and societies, as well as their dynamics.
Another advantage of traveling is the chance to learn, relax, and widen one’s scope of knowledge (Mitchell, 2006). In certain cases, one of the requirements of traveling abroad is learning the language that is used in the country that one intends to visit. English is an international language. However, it is not spoken in all countries. Therefore, it would be necessary to learn new languages in order to enhance effective communication and interaction with people who speak indigenous languages (Thumb, n.d). There are numerous historical sites to visit around the world, and visiting them teaches furnishes knowledge about their historical significance to various countries and cultures (Marks, n.d). For instance, people who travel to Egypt learn a lot about the pyramids as well as when and why they were built. Exploring the cultures practiced by different communities increases appreciation for human diversity (Mercer, n.d).







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