True, False, Not Given Questions
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- True. False. Not Given Tips: Read the instructions carefully and make sure you know if it is a true/ false/ not given
True, False, Not Given Questions: you will be given a number of factual statements and you have to check in the text if they are true, false or not given. The TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN questions are all about factual information in the passage. It's not about opinions; it's about fact. TRUE means that the statement in the question agrees with the information in the passage. FALSE means the statement in the question contradicts the information in the Passage (“contradicts ” means it's the opposite meaning). NOT GIVEN means there is no information on this. This task is used to assess the candidate's ability to find the particular information found in the passage. True. False. Not Given Tips: Read the instructions carefully and make sure you know if it is a true/ false/ not given question. Read all the statements carefully. Trying to understand what the whole sentence means rather than simply highlighting keywords. You need to find the right part of the text before you can answer the question. Remember that the questions follow the text. Finding key ideas in the text. Look for expressions of uncertainty. Look for modal verbs like could, might, or must. Look for expressions which indicate uncertainty, such as suggest, think, claim, believe, and know. For example, it is thought that or many scientists believe that. If you can't find the answer or if you are really unsure, mark it as NOT GIVEN and move on to the next question. If the question in the reading test is TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN, you must remember to write TRUE or FALSE or NOT GIVEN on your answer sheet; you can't write YES or NO. That means if the answer is TRUE and you write YES, the answer will be marked wrong. You can write a letter instead of a word for your answer. That means if your answer is TRUE, you can write only T. It still means true and IELTS will give you a correct answer for that one point. To'g'ri, yolg'on, berilmagan savollar: sizga bir qator daliliy so'zlar beriladi va ular haqiqat, yolg'on yoki berilmaganligini matnda tekshirishingiz kerak. HAQIQ, YOLG'ON, BERILMAGAN savollar - bu parchadagi haqiqiy ma'lumotlar. Gap fikrlar haqida emas; bu haqiqat haqida. HAQIQ, savoldagi bayonot parchadagi ma'lumotlarga mos kelishini anglatadi. FALSE degani, savoldagi gap Passage-dagi ma'lumotlarga zid kelishini anglatadi ("zid keladi", bu qarama-qarshi ma'noni anglatadi). BERILMADI, bu haqda hech qanday ma'lumot yo'qligini anglatadi. Ushbu vazifa nomzodning parchada aniq ma'lumotni topish qobiliyatini baholash uchun ishlatiladi. To'g'ri. Yolg'on. Berilmagan maslahatlar: 1. Ko'rsatmalarni diqqat bilan o'qing va uning haqiqiy / noto'g'ri / berilmagan savol ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling. 2. Barcha bayonotlarni diqqat bilan o'qing. Faqatgina kalit so'zlarni ta'kidlash o'rniga butun jumla nimani anglatishini tushunishga harakat qilish. 3. Savolga javob berishdan oldin siz matnning to'g'ri qismini topishingiz kerak. Savollar matnga ergashishini unutmang. 4. Matndagi asosiy g'oyalarni topish. 5. Noaniqlik ifodalarini izlang. Could, might yoki must kabi modal fe'llarni qidiring. Noaniqlikni ko'rsatadigan, taklif qilish, o'ylash, da'vo qilish, ishonish va bilish kabi iboralarni qidiring. Masalan, ko'pgina olimlar bunga ishonishadi deb o'ylashadi. 6. Agar javobni topa olmasangiz yoki chindan ham ishonchingiz komil bo'lmasa, uni BERILMADI deb belgilang va keyingi savolga o'ting. 7. Agar o'qish testidagi savol HAQIQ, YOLG'ON, BERILMADI bo'lsa, javoblar varag'ingizga HAQIQ yoki FALSE yoki YO'Q deb yozishni unutmasligingiz kerak; HA yoki YOQ deb yozolmaysiz. Bu shuni anglatadiki, agar javob rost bo'lsa va siz "HA" deb yozsangiz, javob noto'g'ri deb belgilanadi. 8. Javobingiz uchun so'z o'rniga xat yozishingiz mumkin. Demak, agar sizning javobingiz HAQIQ bo'lsa, siz faqat T yozishingiz mumkin, bu hali ham to'g'ri degan ma'noni anglatadi va IELTS bu bitta ball uchun sizga to'g'ri javob beradi. Download 149 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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