Participation in projects increases the level of practical
acquisition of English
language and computer skills. Moreover, formulates all forms of independent activity
and initiative. During the project, responsibility rests to the student as an individual.
The most important thing is that the child, not the teacher determines the content of
the project, as well as in what form and how the presentation would be like. The pro-
ject is an opportunity to the students to express their own
ideas in a creatively de-
signed form more conveniently for them.
1. Blumenfeld P.C.Motivating project-based learning:
Sustaining the doing,
the learning. Educational Psychologist. 1991. New Arizona
2. Thomas J. A Review of the Research on Project-Based Learning. The Autodesk Founda-
tion. 12 November 2008. London
3. MergendollerJ., ThomasJ. Managing project based learning: Principles from the field.
13 November 2008. London
© D.R. Pardayeva, 2016
УДК 1751
Д.Р. Пардаева
Аннотация. С внедрением новых технологий, важность применение информаци-
онных коммуникационных технологии в высших образовательных
учреждениях резко
выросло. Эта статья посвящена улучшению коммуникационной
компетентности изу-
чающих иностранных языков и преподавание иностранного языка при помощи метода
Ключевые слова: информационно-коммуникационные технологии (ИКТ), обуче-
ние иностранным языкам, метод проект.
© Д.Р. Пардаева, 2016