a/an va some ni farqini ayting?
A cake bilan some cake ni farqi nimada?
A paper va some paperni ajrating
C punkitdagi sanalmaydigan otlarni yodlab bering.(advice, bread, furniture, hair, information, news, weather, work)
Eslatma: a job but not a work.
a/an and the
a/an va the ni farqini shu unit bo’yicha tushuntirib bering.
A punkitdagi example ni tushuntirib bering.
The dan foydalanamiz qachonki…? ( B punkitdagi qoida )
The same ( B punkitdan example so’rash )
C punkitda berilgan the bilan keladigan so’zlarni etib bering
The country ni ma’nosi nima?
Yonida, ustida, o’rtasida ( the top, the left, the right, the bottom, the middle) degan so’zlar bilan the ishlatamizmi?
Musiqiy instrumentlardan oldin the ishlatamizmi? (the piano the guitar the trumpet)
Nimalar oldidan the ishlatmimiz? ( D punkit bo’yicha; TV, breakfast, lunch, dinner, next last)
Go to work go home go to the cinema
Go to school va go to the school ni farqini tushuntirib berin
A punkitdan 2ta example so’rang
Doim the artikili bilan keladigan joylarni aytib bering
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