Ushbu berilgan ma’lumotlar orqali uy narxiga qaysi omillar, qanday ta’sir qilishini o’rganamiz

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Maxmudov Farrux Ekonometrika oraliq

Matematika 20-04M guruh talabasi

Maxmudov Farruxning
Ekonometrika fanidan oraliq nazorati

Ushbu berilgan ma’lumotlar orqali uy narxiga qaysi omillar, qanday ta’sir qilishini o’rganamiz.

Data on houses in Saratoga County, New York, USA in 2006

A data frame with 1728 observations on the following 16 variables.

Price - price (US dollars)

lotSize - size of lot (acres)

age - age of house (years)

landValue - value of land (US dollars)

livingArea - living are (square feet)

pctCollege - percent of neighborhood that graduated college

bedrooms - number of bedrooms

firplaces -number of fireplaces

bathrooms - number of bathrooms (half bathrooms have no shower or tub)

rooms - number of rooms

heating - type of heating system

fuel - fuel used for heating

sewer - type of sewer system

waterfront - whether property includes waterfront

newConstruction - whether the property is a new construction

centralAir -whether the house has central air

* Qiymatlari excel faylda

SPSS da berilgan matn ko’rinishidagi ma’lumotlar songa quyidagicha almashtirildi;

heating - type of heating system

fuel - fuel used for heating

sewer - type of sewer system

waterfront - whether property includes waterfront

newConstruction - whether the property is a new construction

centralAir -whether the house has central air

Bu orqali ko’rishimiz mumkinki, barcha ma’lumotlar 1728 marta (100%) qatnashgan. Ya’ni,berilmay qolgan joyi yo’q.
Va ma’lumotlarning umumiy ma’lumotlarni ko’ramiz:

Endi korelyatsiya(pirson) orqali Pricega qolgan o’zgaruvchilarini qanday bog’langanligini ko’ramiz.

Ko’rishimiz mumkinki, living area (r=0.712), Bathrooms (r=0.597), landvalue (r=0.581), rooms (r=0.531), bedrooms (r=0.4) and firplaces (r=0.377) price bilan korelyatsiyasi yuqori ekan. Ya’ni, endi biz shu o’zgaruvchilar bilan chiziqli regressiyani tuzamiz.

Bunda, model haqida ma’lumotdan R-kvadrat=0,624 (62.44% nuqtalar qamrab olingani ni) ko’rish mumkin. 1 ga qancha yaqin bo’lsa yaxshi.
Va jadvaldan koeffitsientlar va konstantani ko’rishimiz mumkin.
Unga ko’ra modelni quyidagicha yozishimiz mumkin:

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