Using Stata for Survey Analysis
Page 16
3. Is there a statistically significant difference between the percentage of female-headed
households in urban and rural areas? (Hint: use tab command with the chi2 option)
4. What percentage of urban households are female headed household? (Hint: use “if
stratum==1” option)
5. What percentage of female households are in urban areas?
6. How does the percentage of female headed household vary across dzongkhags?
7. What is the average size of a household?
8. What is the average size of an urban household in Paro? (Hint: Paro is dzongkhag #3)
Note: The purpose of these exercises is to practice the Stata commands.
To get the correct answers,
we would have to use the sample weights which are described in Section 7.
The weights compensate
for the fact that some types of households are over-represented in the BLSS sample and others are