Uslubiy asoslari 27
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-uslubiy asoslari" 27-28.10.2023 Urganch 322 tabiiy yaylovlar ostidagi tendensiyalarni baholash; va ularni bartaraf etish b yicha tavsiyalar ishlab chiqish; tabiiy yaylovlarni muhofaza qilish va ulardan oqilona foydalanish va davlat kadastrlarini yuritish Ch l yaylovlarini muhofaza qilish, ulardan samarali foydalanish, tabiatni muhofaza qiluvchi hududiy fitomeliorativ usullarni ishlab chiqishni taqozo etadi. Bunda Yerni masofadan zondlash va GAT texnologiyalarida foydalanish maqsadga muvofiq deb hisoblaymiz. Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar: 1. zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023 yil 16-fevraldagi shimcha chora-tadbirlar t -24-sonli Farmoni. 2. zbekiston Respublikasining 2019 yil 20- RQ-538- sonli Qonuni 3. 4. . - * . ( ) - MAPPING THE DYNAMICS OF LAKES IN THE AMUDARYO DELTA USING GIS TECHNOLOGIES. . . 1980-2022 , . . - Abstract. This article examines the dynamics of changes in lakes in the Southern Aral Sea. In the article, Sudoche, Jiltirbas and Shegekol lakes, among the main lakes of the South Aral Bay, were studied between 1980 and 2022. In the article, the mapping of lake area changes using GIS technologies was carried out. Key words: Amudarya delta, GIS, mapping, monitoring. * - -uslubiy asoslari" 27-28.10.2023 Urganch 323 - 3 3 3 - - 3 3 3 3 A 1- - -uslubiy asoslari" 27-28.10.2023 Urganch 324 - - 2010- - - 3 - - 3 - - - 2- - -uslubiy asoslari" 27-28.10.2023 Urganch 325 3- - 4- 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 1980 2000 2022 1980- ( ) -uslubiy asoslari" 27-28.10.2023 Urganch 326 - - - 1. -126. 2. -441. Sultanov Murodjon 1 , Muhammad Usman 2 , Christopher Conrad 2 ( 1- Urgench State University, Uzbekistan. 2- MLU Halle University, Germany) INNOVATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACHES USING INTEGRATED DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AND AGRICULTURAL MODELING Development of educational programs based on the well-organized research is the smart way to transform concept into the practice using innovative educational strategies. For example, research approaches of crop modeling integrated with smart agricultural technology are crucial for promoting early yield prediction and precise assessment of crop growth parameters. Application of advanced devices are efficient approaches to use in primary data collection to assess key determinants such as soil, water, plant growth, weather, and management options. The quantity of observations across sampling sites and time frequency are crucial to construct minimum data sets for the purpose to both achieve research goals and consequently into education. In addition to site-specific and management data assimilating model with time-series satellite images can introduce plant growth parameters based on spectral characteristics. The inner Aral Sea region of Khorezm, Uzbekistan, was the setting of this study, and the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) was calibrated to assess winter wheat crop growth and yield projection. The fusion approach used with R-studio to retrieve the satellite data obtained by Google Earth Engine on a regional scale using MODIS frequency and Sentinel spatial resolution was built on the foundation of the spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model (STARFM). The study's findings demonstrated the optimum management practices and cultivars among the four cultivars in two distinct soil types by four different farmers who were situated in various water availability circumstances. Primary data collection accuracy on soil, management, and plant growth factors was evaluated and found to be reasonable when compared to more sophisticated instruments like AccuPAR, FieldSpectrometer, and EM38. The final model, which was constructed using DSSAT data from the growth seasons of 2019 2021 and assimilated with satellite data to produce an estimation of for the season of 2021 2022, achieved a prediction accuracy range of 0.67 to 0.97 using R squares. The entire workflow, which starts with site selection, data collection and preparation for analysis, the algorithms utilized, and modeling integrated with all methodologies, are important factors for innovative education. -uslubiy asoslari" 27-28.10.2023 Urganch 368 ................................................................................................................................... 274 Yusupov B.B. GEOGRAFIYA FANLAR TIZIMIDA TURIZM VA UNI QITISHNING AHAMIYATI..................................................................................................................................... 279 Babadjanov K.R., Atabayeva M.R. AXBOROT-KOMMUNIKATSIYA VOSITALARIDAN FOYDALANISH ASOSIDA B LAJAK QITUVCHILARNING AUDITORIYADAN TASHQARI MUSTAQIL ISHLARI SAMARADORLIGINI OSHIRISH........................................... 283 ............................................................................................................ 287 Atabayeva M.R, Rustamova M.A. - K NIKMALARNI SHAKLLANTIRISHDA AUDIOVIZUAL VOSITALARDAN FOYDALANISHNING SAMARADORLIG....................................................................................... 289 6 | SECTION GEOINFORTMATIKA, GIS VA MASOFADAN ZONDLASHNING AMALIYOTDA QO LLASH NATIJALARI - APPLICATIONS IN GEOINFORMATICS, GIS AND REMOTE SENSING ....................................... 294 ...................................................................................... 299 Dr. Gisela Domej, Dr. Kacper Pluta, Prof. Marek Ewertowski CataEx: A Multi-Functional Export Tool for Google Earth Engine................................................................................................................ 302 ....... 309 .............................................................................................................. 314 Allashov Z.J., Bekanov K.K., Ibraimova A.A. SHIMOLI-G'ARBIY QIZILQUM YAYLOV YERLARINING SIFATINI MONITORING QILISHDA GAT VA MASOFADAN ZONDLASH TEXNOLOGIYALARINI Q LLASH.............................................................................................. 319 ................ 322 Sultanov M., Muhammad Usman, Christopher Conrad INNOVATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACHES USING INTEGRATED DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AND AGRICULTURAL MODELING....................................................................................................................................... 326 ................................................................................................. 327 Panayev S.S., Raxmonov D.N. SHAHAR HUDUDLARINI REJALASHTIRISH VA BOSHQARISHDA GEOGRAFIK AXBOROT TIZIMLARINING RNI VA AHAMIYATI......... 330 . 333 Usmanov M., Mohammad Suhail POTENTIAL OF GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGY IN STUDYING TOURISM SECTOR: A REVIEW OF METHODS....................................................... 336 Multi-objective Optimization of Sustainable and Resilient Land Use to Climate Change Using Genetic Evolutionary Algorithms NSGA-III............................................................................................................................................. 340 Download 4,05 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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