Variant №1 You've been having a nap you? Sorry if I woke you up

If anything happens to the children, you may go to ... hospital to get medical aid

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1. If anything happens to the children, you may go to ... hospital to get medical aid.
A) no B) several
C) any D) some
2. I want a new car. So i... up to buy one, A) had saved B) was saved
C) am saving D) save
S. Choose the answer which correctly
completes the sentence.
Do you know who is responsible ... the
travel arrangements?
A), for B)of C) in D) about
4. We have a lot of good hotels in Scotland. While traveling, you may stay in ... of them. A) neither- B) any C) each D) every
5. The secretary asked me to hold ... until Mrs. Harris was ready to take my call.
A) on B) back C) In D) up
8. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Where shall we go for dinner tonight? Would you object to ... to an Italian
A) went go B) go
C) going D) gone
7. A chameleon is a tree lizard that can change colours ... to conceal itself in the vegetation.
A) such B) that C) order D) so
8. I'd ... instead of you if you ... about it, but you didn't
A) have stayed / had asked
B) not have stayed / had asked.
C) would / have stayed / had asked
D) would stay / asked
9. Choose the answer which correctly
completes the sentence.
The islands were discovered by the Dutch.
Their motherland, the Netherlands, used to
be ... sea loving nation.
A) the В)- C) an D) a
10. "Have any of the buildings been damaged?" The correspondent wanted to know ... damaged.
A) have any of the houses been
B) if some of the houses were
C) whether some of the houses had been
D) had any of the houses been
___Irtgllz tili
11. I'm interested in what her... step is going to be. Will she be wise enough this time? A) near B) next
C) nearest, . .t D) nearer .
12. Ppof. Jones left home a week ago and .... since then.
A) hasn't been seen B) wasn't seen
C) hasn't seen, D) hadn't been seen
13. Farida came to the door. It was unlocked. She wondered who ... the door open. A) leaves B) left
C) was leaving D) had left
14. My younger sister can't play the piano. A) Neither can I B) So does she C) So can't I D) Neither do they
15.1... when Colin asked me to make him a cup of tea.
A) had hard sat down
B) had sat hard down
C) would sit down hardty
D) had hardly sat down
16. I live in a beautiful... part of Madrid. A) resident B) residence
C) reside D) residential
17. Let's not waste time ... about
A) argue B) to have argued
C) having argued D) arguing
18.....I think it's useful to write an outline of
your essay before you start to write the first draft.
A) Similarly B) Interestingly
C) Personally D) Definitely
19. All our compositions ... written in ink,
according to our teacher. He won't accept
papers in pencil.
A) is B) must
C) may be D) have to be
20. They don't want to leave their job. They don't want to move to another city .... A) either B) also C) too D) neither
21. When she needs to remember... something important, .she ties a knot in her handkerchief.
A) did B) doing C) does D) to do
22. Trying your best is the important thing,...? A) are you B) isn't it
C) aren't you D) is it
23. He wishes that she ... his love yesterday. A)'hadn't ignored B) ignored C) would ignore . 0) didn't ignore
Read the text. Then choose the correct answer to question 24-26.
All contact lenses are now made of plastic but hard and soft varieties are available. The newer and more expensive can be bent and will return to their original shape. Made water-absorbing plastic, they cause very, little discomfort andean be worn for as short or as long a period as you like. Lenses of hard plastic do cause discomfort during the adjustment period and must be worn regularly so that another break-ih : period, isn't necessary. However, vision through soft contacts isn't as good as through hard contacts. Another disadvantage of soft lenses is their tendency to absorb eye secretions and mists from hair spray, room deodorant and the like.
24. One advantage soft contact lenses have over hard ones is that they ...
A) aren't as expensive.
B) are completely flexible.
C) are made of natural products.
D) come in two varieties.
25. We learn from the passage that hard plastic lenses...
A) do not provide clear vision.
B) are initially uncomfortable.
C) may break if dropped.
D) are water absorbent.
26. We can conclude from the passage that a person wearing soft plastic lenses ...
A) ought to use them for short periods.
B) should a void using aerosol sprays.
C) won't have any difficulty seeing clearly.
D) doesn't need to have them checked frequently
Read the text. Then choose the correct answer for the gaps 27-28 in the text.
In 2002, the EU promised to make 1 billion euro available in reconstruction aid for Afghanistan over a five-year period. Among the results of this support are new health clinics, road ... (27), the successful elections in 2004 and 2005, and better policing ... (28) customs and border management. And they will continue their support with a focus on public health, administrative reform and rural development.
A) rejections C) failures
A) so much as C) in order
Read the text. Then choose the correct answer for the gaps 29-31 in the text. Hunting with birds is a very old sport. In some countries the golden eagle is used (29)... hunting. After training, the eagle (30)... to afield. The eagle sits on the arm of the hunter. The hunter's arm is covered with a long, special (31)... to protect it from the sharp claws of the bird.
A) by
B) improvements D) mistakes
B) in spite of O) to as well as
B)at C)in
A) takes B) is being taken
C) has taken D) is taken
A) suit B) clothes
C) scarf D) glove
Read the text. Then choose the correct answer to questions 32-33. The jumper I had been given for my birthday was too smail for me, I thought it would be sensible to dash into the large department store where it had been bought and exchange!} for a larger 6'neVl" went to the store. The girl I spoke to at the counter was extremely helpful, but unfortunately they had no others in my size, so I left with the original gift after putting it and the receipt for it back in my bag.
As ! was leaving the shop, my arms were grabbed viciously by a stern man and a woman. They refused to tell me who they were or what I was accused of. I demanded to know what I had done wrong, but this was met with silence as they marched me through a side entrance to the store and to a small room upstairs. I had always _; assumed that a receipt would be enough to prove a shopper's innocence in such cases. When I showed them mine, they looked at me as if I were trying to get away with a particularly cunning trick.
I insisted on taking me to the shop-assistant which they did. She confirmed ali i had said. They let me go, but didn't even apologize.
32. The writer dashed to the store and came out with ...
A) a larger jumper. 8) another present.
C) another jumper in the same size.
D) in same jumper.
33, When the writer asked what was happening the man and t woman ...
A) took her to the police station
B) accused her of stealing
C) told her they were store detectives
D) refused to answer her questions
Read the text. Then choose the correct answer to questions 34-36. When it is hot and humid outside, most of us e: air-conditioning. Although many people believe that conditioning only cools the indoor air, it also controls its nature content and cleanliness. Because human comfort depends on humidity to a large degree, air-conditioning can remove mature from the air or add it as necessary. Air-conditioning dew also control air circulation by bringing in fresh air and removes polluted air. During winter, it warms the air to a comfort, temperature and pumps clean, moist air into the quarters who people live and work. In business offices,
air-cdnditioning"proves the efficiency of workers. In air-conditioned offices, ptoyees become less tired, make fewer mistakes and have few accidents. The same can be said about drivers who may tired and sleepy While sitting in a warm vehicle. That is driving an air-conditioned car makes one less prone to accident especially in the afternoon or evening.
34. What is the function of air conditioning?
A) It sometimes cleans the air.
B) It changes climatic condition.
C) It only cools the indoor air.
D) It controls the indoor environment.
35. Why is air-conditioning beneficial for office workers?
A) They make more mistakes.
B) They are sleepy and exhausted.
C) They enjoy fresh ail.
D) They feel active and not so tired.
36. The word EMPLOYEE in the text means....
A) a person who gives lectures
Bj a person who works for somebody
C) the owner of the company
D) a person that employs other people

1. Because he deserved promotion, Karim was sure to get acknowledged as he worked.... A) hard B) hardness
C) hardly D) more hardly
2. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence,
Malika looked good in jeans and a black sweater and her hair was... washed after her gym class.
A) fresh B) fresher
C) freshen D) freshly
3. After the Constitution was signed, Delaware became the first state ... it. A) was ratifying B) ratifying
C) ratify D) to ratify
4. Choose the answer which correctly, completes the sentence. At last I found the story: the story ... had won the contest in our grade.
A) when B)that C) who D)what
5. I'm sure it isn't going to snow, I... take an umbrella.
A) oughtn't
B) mustn't
C) don't have to
D) can't
6. Let me explain what you have to do. Take the books and sort them into categories. Then you ... them according to subject. A) have filed B) filed
C) ate filing D) file
7. We always have the car... by the children
who live next door.
A) to clean B) cleaning
C) cleaned D) clean
8. A car mechanic examined the damaged car ...and told me how much it would cost to repair it.
A) closer B) the closest
C) close D) closely
9. The islands were discovered by the Dutch. Their motherland, the Netherlands, used to be ... sea loving nation. A) the B)- C)an D) a
10. "Have any of the buildings been damaged?" The correspondent wanted to know... damaged.
A) have any of the houses been
B) if some of the houses were
C) whether some of the houses had been
D) had any of the houses been
11. Since industrial and commercial centers in the last decade were vital, many countries in Europe have developed — A) rapidly B) rapid
C) rapids D) rapidity
12. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. <
- Why do you want to go to Egypt?
- Because it is much ... than France. A) warmer B) warmest
C) as warm D) warm
13. The temperature of an object rises when heat... into it.
A) flew B) will flow
C) flow . D) flows
14. I will not pass all of my exams unless I study very....
A) hardly B) hard
C) harder D) hardest
15. Because I... all my exams by then, I'll have much more time next week. A) have done B) shall do C) shall have done D) shall be doing
16. Some urgent measures were taken while the doctor... for.
A) was waiting B) was waited C) was being waited D) waited
17. Azim asked, "Did you go to work yesterday?" Azim asked....
A) whetner I had gone to work the day before
B) if had I gone to work the day before
C) we went to work yesterday
D) did you go to work yesterday
18. - When my brother tells me funny stories I can't help laughing.
A) Neither can I. B) So can I. C) Neither I can. D) So l can't.
19. Don't go inside,...?
A) do you B) shai! we
C) don't you D) will you
20. Choose the answer whtoh-eowoctly completes the sentence.-,
This is no parking area, and ... bicycles parked here will be removed by the police: A) some 8) every C) any D) no
21. - You know, I'm a quiet sort of person.
- And .... I lead a pretty quiet life. A) I too В) I do too C) so am I D) I
32. - Have you moved to the new house yet?
- N'es. The last boxes ....
A) were just moving
B) were just moved .
C) have just movedi.. -asm
D) have just been moved
23, Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. J
A charreleon is a tree lizard that can change colours ... to conceal itself in trie vegetation,
A) sc 8) such
C) in order D) that
Read the text. Then choose the correct answer to question 24-26.
The business of tennis clothes has grown astoundingly in the past few years. Over 250 million dollars is spent annually on the trappings of,tennis. Apparently everyone wants to look, even though 20% of the clientele has nevereven played.fhe game. Manufacturers pay the stars lucrative fees for wearing their brands of clothes and wielding their racquets on center court. Chris Evert-Lloyd, for example, is rumored to have signed a five-year contract for 5 million dollars with Ellesse, a producer of fancy, expensive tennis wear. John McEnroe gets a reported 600,000 dollars for playing with a Dunlop racquet, 330,000 dollars for sporting Tacchini clothes, and 100,000 dollars for tying his Nike tennis shoes. Obviously, in a bad year, these stars make more as fashion models than as athletes. Not only tennis players get free clothing, but also all the people involved in the game - the referees, lines peopie, ball boys and girls -
_Ingliz tili
are living adve^ieerhents for tennis wear producers. Where, traditionally, conservative white clothing was required for the entire tennis coterie, changing times have seen a new vogue in tennis outfits. Flamboyant colors, designers' nameplates, geometric figures, and bold lines distinguish the new tennis togs from their predecessors.
24. It can be inferred from the passage
that... ., vij,:,,: . ;riv,v.-
A) tennis stars get huge sums for - № endorsements
B) tennis clothing appeals to the wealthy
C) the price of tennis racquets has remained stable
D) bright colors entice people to buy tennis wear ■
25. The author's intention is to ...
A) describe the new tennis clothing
B) describe the means Of advertising expensive tennis clothes
C) explain why the cost of tennis clothes has risen
D) defend tennis wear manufacturers from complaints about their high prices
26. A good title for this passage would be ...
A) Big Business in Tennis Wear
B) Tennis Stars' Flamboyant Clothes
C) The High Cost of Playing Tennis
D) The Stars at Play
Read the text. Then choose the correct answer for the gape 2Y-28 in the text. The federal government is beginning to crack down on college graduates; who default on their federally ... (27) school v loans. In Philadelphia this week, federal officers impounded thirteen cars, including a Jaguar and a Lincoln, belonging to some of the 500 people in that section of the state who have failed to ... (28) to lending institutions' requests for payment.
27. *■ ' ' »
A) insured B) insuring
C) insures D) insure
'28. ... :;,#C
A) respond • B) offer
C) involve D) apply
Read the text. Then choose the correct answer for the gaps 29-31 in the text.
The hot lamp loses energy to the surrounding air - this is carried (29)... by a convection current. The light and infra-red radiation are absorbed by the wails and other (30)... causing them to warm up. All the energy from the lamp (31)... into the room, causing a very small temperature rise. Almost all the energy that we take from sources such as electricity, gas, coal and petrol ends up as heat in our surroundings.
A) away C) about
A) surface C) surfaces
A) to spread out C) spreads out
B) with D) in
B) surface' D) surfaces'
B) spread out D) are spread out
Read the text. Then choose the correct answer to questions 32-33.
Lacrosse is the national game of Canada and was developed there around 1850, and later in the US in 1877, from the centuries old Indian baggataway, played by rival tribes with teams numbering thousands. The name, French for "the crook", is from the stick used. The modem game is played on a field 100 by 60 metres, with caged goals about two metres square. A team consists of ten players: defence men, midfield players, attack players and a goalkeeper. The object is to score goals by carrying, throwing or batting a sponge rubber ball with the stick, which has a 25-centimetre net at the end. Only the goalkeeper may touch the ball with his hands, and the game is divided into four quarters of 15 minutes each. •
32. We learn from the passage that today, lacrosse is played...
A) by teams of thousands of people at the same time.
B) by people riding horses and carrying sticks.
C) by teams of ten players in four distinct positions.
D) on a field many times the size of a football pitch.
33. According to the passage', a lacrosse game ...
A) is played for sixty minutes in four sections.
B) allows the players to handle the ball with hands.
C) requires the teams to employ a lot of players.
D) Is only popular among the Indians living in Canada.
Read the text. Then choose the correct answer to questions 34-36. Lake Ontario is the smallest and the most eastern of the five Great Lakes. Although the lake is navigable for large ships ail year round, ft is less traveled than the other Great Lakes. The lake is about one hundred ninety-three miles wide and coveres an area of seven thousand five hundred square miles. The shore of the lake is approximately four hundred eighty miles around. Two-thirds of the lake waters lie below sea level and, because Lake Ontario is very deep, it does not freeze in the winter except near the shore where the water is shallow. A constant current carries the water from west to east at the rate of about one-third of a mile per hour. Because of the capacity of large bodies of water to keep heat, the lake has a moderating effect on the climate of the areas that surround it. For example, while the eastern shore of the lake never has a really hot day, on its southern shore fruit trees grow. The lake empties into the Atlantic Ocean through the St. Lawrence River, while the Niagara River and the Weliand Canal connect, it to Lake Erie in the southwest.
34. How Is Lake Ontario different from the other Great Lakes?
It is....
A) the deepest B) the smallest C) the longest D) not navigable
35. Complete the sentence according to the text.
Lake Ontario ....
A) empties into the Pacific Ocean
B) has less traffic than other Great Lakes
C) is heavily travelled
D) covers an area of 750 square miles
36. Which is not true
A) It's navigable fori
B) The lake freezes only near the shore.
C) Most part of the lake waters lie below sea level.
D) The lake makes the climate around it severe.

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