Krol usulida suzganda gavda gorizontal holatda bo'ladi. Krol usulida
suzilganda odatda qo'l bilan ikki marta eshishga,
oyoq bilan esa olti marta
harakatlanishga ulgurish kerak. Oyoqlar harakati. Sportchi suzib ketayotganda
uning oyoq harakatlarining roli ham ko'p narsaga bog'liqdir. Shu jihatdan ular
harakatlariga nom berilgan. Oyoqlarning pastki harakat
qilishi ishchi harakati,
yuqoriga harakati esa tayyorlanish harakati deyilai. Bunda boshni shunday
ko'tarish kerakki, og'iz suvdan chiqqan bo'lsin va iyak suvda tursin. Oyoqlar krol
usulidagidek harakatlantiriladi. Qo'llar suvdan chiqarilmaydi,
balki eshib
bo'lgandan keyin tirsak biqinga yetkazilmay bukiladi va barmoqlar oldinga
When swimming crawl, the body is in a horizontal position. When
swimming crawl, you usually need to swim twice with your hands and six times
with your feet. Leg movement. The role of an athlete's
foot movement in
swimming also depends on many things. In this regard, their actions are named.
The downward movement of the legs is called the working movement, and the
upward movement is called the preparatory movement. The head should be
raised so that the mouth is above the water and the chin is in the water. The legs
move like in the crawling method. The hands are not taken out of the water, and
when they are swollen,
the elbows are bent, not reaching the hips, and the
fingers are directed forward.
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