We love english
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SCENERIO OF ENGLISH MUSICAL PARTY “WE LOVE ENGLISH” The President of our country has created a number of conveniences and innovations for the teachers .This is a constant challenge for us to constantly improve our knowledge and experience because today is difficult to increase pupils interest in 21st technology age century However it is an indication of a greater deal of effort . The scenario for the month of foreign languages. This party is for the all. This scenario consist of mainly music singing, poems, dance, fairytales and some comedy plays. Party will begin with the song “Uzbekistan” performed by students of 6th grade. Leading1: We cannot hold back the excitement and joy, Listen to us, Motherland! Listen, Earth! Our greetings! Hello! Hello dear teachers! Leading2: Each of us is ready to convey to you A thousand kind and affectionate words From your yesterdays, From your current ones, Students! Leading1: Good morning dear guests and students. Today we can performance the musical party in English language. You know November is month of foreign languages. We prepared this musical party in order to show how much our students are good at English. We all wish all of participants good luck. Let us begin our English musical party “We love English” Leading2: Assalom aleykum qadrli mehmonlar va o’quvchilar! Bugun biz noyabr ingliz tilidan oyligi munosabati bilan ingliz tilida musiqiy tadbirni tashkil qildik. Biz bu tadbirni o’quvchilarimiz qanchalik ingliz tilini yaxshi bilishini, qiziqishini ko’rsatish uchun tayyorladik. Leading1: Now, we invite girls of 6th grade to our scene. They will dance to the song named “Everything at once” Leading2: Hozir esa 6 sinf qizlarini sahnaga taklif qilamiz. Ular “Everything at once” nomli qo’shiqqa raqsga tayyorlab kelishgan. Marhamat. (Girls will dance to “Everything at once” ) Leading1: Thank you! So dear guests, did you enjoy girls dancing? Very good. Our country is the best in Central Asia. It’s well its nationality, its hospitality, its friendly towards to others kindness. Uzbekistan has the great past, the great future! And we have a play from an old uzbek national film “Tangalik bolalar Ok, now we invite students of 3th grade to our scene “Do you want to take this one?” Leading2: Rahmat, qadrli mehmonlar, raqs yoqdimi? Juda yaxshi! Xalqimizda ana’naviy urf odatlari ko’p. Shulardan “Tangalik bolalar ” filmidan “Kim biladiyo shuginaniyo?” lavhasini e’tiboringizni haola etamiz. (Students will play a role play) Leading1: It was amazing! Thank you so much! Let’s contunie. Do you like fairytales students? Next stage is famous fairytale named “RED RIDING HOOD” performed by Samira, Ozodbek, Munira, Azizbek, ______________. Leading2: Ajoyib! Rahmat o’quvchilar! Davom etamiz. Ertaklarni yacshi ko’rasizmi? Keyingi sahna ko’rinishimiz “Qizil qalpoqcha?”. Samira, Munira, Ozodbek, Azizbek va _________ tomonidan ijro etiladi. (Students will show the fairytale “RED RIDING HOOD?”) Leading1: Wow, Wonderful! Thank you very much for an amazing fairytale. We are so pleased and enjoy your role play. Now, in next stage we have beautiful girls with beautiful voice. They prepared you a song called “Senorite” Leading2: Wow. Ajoyib! Ajoyib ertak uchun rahmat. Mazza qilib tomosha qildik. Hozir, esa navbatni shirali ovozi bilan, chiroyli qizlarimizni taklif qilamiz. Ular “Senorita” qo’shigini tayyorlab kelishgan. (Girls will sing a song “Senorite”) Leading1: Claps! Thank you girls. We like your voice. You are really great! Leading2: Qarsaklar. Rahmat qizlar. Bizga ovozingiz yoqdi. Haqiqatdan zo’r. Leading1: We have some interesting questions. And you should find the answers. Ok? We want to define a student, who is good at English. Leading2: Hozir esa bizda qiziqarli savollarimiz bor. Va siz javobini topishingiz kerak. Va o’quvchilarimiz orasida ingliz tilida kuchli o’quvchilarni aniqlamoqchimiz. (The questions will be showed on screen Question: Leading1: It’s high time to continue our imaginary journey. We want turn of the Time Machine and it takes us into old days of English comedian Charle Chaplin. Charle Chaplin was the greatest comedian of his generation, and probably of all time. He was born in 1889 in England. He was unusual because he is not only starred in his films but also wrote, directed and produced them. We want to invite a famous character of history Charle Charlin to the stage. Performed by Adug’afforov Sanjar. Welcome to our musical party Charle Chaplin. Leading2: Hozir biz sayohatga ketamiz. Vaqt mashinasini oldingi ingliz hayotiga buramiz, ya’ni Charle Chaplin yashagan davrga. Sahnaga mashhur komik Charle Chaplinni taklif qilamiz. Charli Chaplin rolida Abdug’afforov Sanjar. Uning o’qituvchisi _______________________________. (Charle Chaplin will dance) Leading1: Do you like our musical party. Let’s continue then. Now We will give time for poetry in English language. Leading2: Musiqiy kechamiz sizga yoqayaptimi? Unda davom etamiz. Hozir esa navbatni ingliz tilidagi she’rlarga beramiz. (Students will learn by heart poems in English) Leading1: Now, we have another play named “ Lion and mouse”. It’s a fairytale performed by our primary grades. Leading2: Hozir, bizda yana bir sahna ko’rinishimiz bor “Sher va sichqon”. Bu ertak boshlang’ich sinf o’quchilari tomonidan sahnalashtiriladi. Marhamat. (Students will show a play about “Lion and mouse”) Leading1: Well. Our party is going on with the dance of 11th and 8th grades girls to the song of “How do you like that?” Welcome girls. Leading2: Yaxshi. Kechamiz 11 va 8 sinf qizlarining ajoyib raqslari bilan davom etadi. Bo’lmasa sizlarni sahnamizga taklif qilamiz qizlar. (Girls will dance) Leading1: How a super dance, girls! Thank you. The next stage will be continued with English song “Diamond” performed by __________________________, _______________________________. Leading2: Ajoyib raqs, rahmat qizlar! Keyingi sahnamizda “Diamond” nomli inglizcha qo’shiq. ______________, _______________ kuylaydi. (Girls will sing a song Diamond) Leading1: Now, our teachers will certify our active, smart students of our school who takes part active in English month. Leading2: Hozir esa navbatni ingliz tili fan oyligida aqilli va aktiv bo’lgan o’quvchilarimizni taqdirlash uchun o’qituvchilarimizni sahnaga taklif qilamiz. (Students will be certified) Leading1: Thank you to all. Our party finished here and next party will be in Eve of New Year holiday. Bye Leading2: Rahmat hammaga. Kechamiz shu yerda tugadi va keying tadbirimiz Yangu til bayrami arafasida bo’ladi. Xayr Download 35.5 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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