What do you usually do when you have holidays?
Occasionally, I do different things. For instance, I stay at home to read books or I surf the internet to relax. Sometimes, I go shopping or travelling. I also go to ride the bike in open fields and gardens because it is a great way for me to get close to the nature.
Do you want to have more holidays?
Yes, of course. I would like to go to school three days a week and have four days off if that is possible. However, if I have too much free time, I will feel bored. For example, during long vacations, I feel happy for the first week, and then, I might feel like going back to school to have structure in my life. I think, balance is the most important thing for me.
Where would you go for long holidays?
There are a lot of good places to go. I like both historical places and natural sites. If I have enough time and money, I will go to Samarkand, Bukhara or Khiva because there are a lot of beautiful sceneries and a variety of monuments in these places. I could observe different natural beauty and learn the cultural differences.
Holiday – dam olish kuni, bayram
Occasionally – ba’zan, odatda
Thing – narsa, buyum
Stay – turmoq
Surf – uchmoq, suzmoq
Relax – dam olmoq
Travelling – sayohat
Ride – minmoq
Bike – velosiped
Open field – ochiq maydon
Great way – ajoyib yo’l, yaxshi yo’l
Get close – yaqinroq bo’lmoq
Nature – tabiat
Off – tashqari, siz
Possible – mumkin, ehtimol
Too much – juda ko’p
Bored – zerikkan
Vacation – mehnat ta’tili, kanikul
Going back – ortga qaytish
Structure – tuzilish
Balance – muvozanat
Site – o’rin, joy, makon
Scenery – manzara, peyzaj
A variety of – turli hil
Monument – tarixiy yodgorlik
Beauty – chiroy
Cultural – madaniy
Difference – farq, tafovut
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