What is transcription in translation? *Rendering the sound form of the words

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What is transcription in translation?
*Rendering the sound form of the words
A unit of constant context consists of a dependent and constant indicators
Relationship between the word and its users
The conformity in meaning but discrepancy in the structure of phase

By absence of syntactic correspondence we mean …

*lack of certain syntactic construction in the target languages
The conformity in meaning but discrepancy in the structure of phase
The conformity in structure and sequence of words in word – combinations and sentences.
Relationship between the word and its users

What are context-free words?

*Words with definite meanings which are retained in most contexts and are relatively not dependent on the context
Words with definite meanings which are retained in most contexts and are relatively dependent on the context
Words whose meaning in any sentence largely depends on the context in which they are used
Change of position or order of linguistic elements in the Target language

What may the equivalence between source text and target text be based on?

*The reproduction of different parts of the source text contents
A unit of constant context consists of a dependent and constant indicators
Relationship between the word and its users
It is a way of translation and rendering the meaning

What is kept in the first type of equivalence?

*Purport of communication
Identification of the situation
Method of description of the situation
Word semantics

What type of equivalence does this example belong to?

*He answered the telephone. – U go`shakni ko`tardi.
The second type of equivalence
The first type of equivalence
The third type of equivalence
The fifth type of equivalence

What is dynamic equivalence?

*Temporary meaning of a word
Permanent meaning of a word
Changeable meaning of a word
Synonymous order

What is one-to-one correspondence of words?

*To have permanent equivalents
To have temporary equivalents
To have dynamic equivalents
To have no equivalents
What is one-to-many correspondence of words?
*To have several equivalents
To have permanent equivalents
To have temporary equivalents
To have dynamic equivalents

What role do the pragmatic aspects play in translation?

*Its preservation in translation is the primary concern of the translator
Relationship of words with certain referents which they designate
Changeable meaning of a word
Relationship of words with people

What does the theory of equivalence aim at?

*studying semantic relationships between ST and TT
Studying lexical relationships between ST and TT
Studying grammatical relationships between ST and TT
Studying syntactic relationships between ST and TT.

By complete syntactic correspondence is understood …

*the conformity in structure and sequence of words in word – combinations and sentences.
The conformity in meaning but discrepancy in the structure of phase
Relationship between the word and its users
Lack of certain syntactic construction in the target languages

In what way are proper nouns and geographical names translated?

*Transcription and transliteration
Calque and synonymic translation
Antonymous translation
Descriptive translation

Find the synonym of the “Pseudointernational words”

*False friends of the translator
Friends of the translator
National and semi-national words
Geographical words.

By partial syntactic correspondence in word – combinations is understood …

*the conformity in meaning but discrepancy in the structure of phase.
The conformity in structure and sequence of words in word – combinations and sentences.
Relationship between the word and its users
Lack of certain syntactic construction in the target languages

What is equivalence in translation?

*A measure of semantic similarity between source text and target text
A unit of constant context consists of a dependent and constant indicators
Relationship between the word and its users
It is a way of translation and rendering the meaning

What is Stylistic meaning

*It is the colorfulness of the units of a language
It is a meaning that reflects in the collocations
It is a meaning that is expressed by gestures
It is a meaning that is expressed by sentences

What are pseudointernatonal words?

*Words whose formal similarity suggesting that they are interchangeable, therefore, deceptive and may lead to translation errors.
Units of constant context consists of a dependent and constant indicators
Terms and abbreviations
Clichés and stereotyped words

What type of equivalence does this example belong to?

That's a pretty thing to say! - Уяпмайсанми!
*The first type of equivalence
The second type of equivalence
The third type of equivalence
The fifth type of equivalence

Choose the right lexical transformations.

*Lexical omission, substitution and supplementation
Transliteration, transcription, calque, addition
Repetition, dropping, addition, omission
Substution, addition, omission, transposition

Who said that "speakers of different languages experience facts and phenomena differently, since these phenomena are expressed and formulated differently in their languages"?

*American linguist B. Wharf
W.von Humboldt

From what century did LC start studying not only language but also discourse, in which the corresponding image of the world is portrayed using various linguistic and discursive units?

*At the end of the XX century
Since XIX century
At the beginning of the xx century
XX century

Who among the researchers looked at the language context of the people's cultural background?

*V.A.Maslova , A.D.Shmelev
W.von Humboldt, A. Potebnya

During what time period did the fundamental interdisciplinary science LC emerge?

*the third period
The second period
The first period
The fourth period

What has recently been deemed a new paradigm in European Linguistics?

Linguacultural Competence
There is no correct answer.

What has evolved so much by the twenty-first century that it has become its own discipline?

Bilingual communication
Monolingual communication

What exactly is linguoculturology?

*A scientific discipline, the subject of study of which is the representation of cultural facts in the language, the peculiar product of which is the so–called linguoculturology.
Is an area of anthropological linguistics that studies the relationship between a language and the nonlinguistic cultural behavior of the people who speak that language
A scientific discipline, the subject of study of which is the representation of cultural facts in the language, the peculiar product of which is the so–called lculturology.
A and B are both correct.

In Europe, the dragon represents what?

*Evil and power
Health and prosperity
Spill the beans
No correct answers

What does the cuckoo's crowing mean in American folklore?

*predicts how many years a girl has left before the wedding
How many years left to live
It just brings happiness.
The archeology of culture

Gray is the color of what in England?

*nobility, elegance
Health and prosperity
Dark grey

What are the ways to overcome cultural barriers?

*Embrace diversity and accommodate cultural differences, promote open communication, lead open discussions about team norms and shared company culture, rally the team around a shared vision or common cause, reading cultural diversity as a global leader.
Promote open communication, don’t lead open discussions about team norms and shared company culture, rally the team around a shared vision or common cause, reading cultural diversity as a global leader.
Promote open communication, lead open discussions about team norms and shared company culture, rally the team around a shared vision or individual case cause.
What is Interpreting?
*It is group problem-solving method that involves the spontaneous contribution of creative
Ides and solutions.
It is a translational activity in which one produces a first and final target-language output on the
Basis of a one-time exposure to an expression in a source language.
It is communicative activities for two or more learners 
It is a method design teams use to generate ideas to solve clearly defined design problems

What is Simultaneous interpretation?
* SI is when an interpreter translates the message from the source language to the target language in real-time.
In SI the interpreter starts to interpret after the speaker pauses; thus, much more time (perhaps double) is needed. Customarily, such an interpreter will sit or stand near the speaker
This way the natural flow of the speaker is not disturbed and allows for a fairly smooth output for the listeners.
SI is an approach where students learn a subject and a second language at the same time

When was simultaneous interpreting first introduced?

* At the VI Congress of the Communist International in 1928
At the V Congress of the Communist International in 1930
At the VI Congress of the Communist International in 1925
At the late of 1921

Where is simultaneous interpreting used?

*All are correct
At the United Nations
Presidential speeches
At the courtrooms, business or board meetings, large scale conferences, lectures and presentations.

What is Consecutive translation?

*Is oneof the types of oral translations during which the speaker makes a pause necessary for the interpreter to translate all the above said.
Is a from of non-verbal communication
The interpreter speaks at the same time as the original speaker; there are no pauses.
Is an an proach where students learn a subject and a second language at the same time

When was consecutive translation first used?

*At the Paris Peace Conference in 1919
Bt the Paris Peace Conference in 1918
At the erlin Peace Conference in 1919
At the ondon Peace Conference in 1920

In what interpreter’s system words are contracted, vowels are omitted

*Note-taking or speedwriting
When Chinese language is introduced
None of them

What types of interpreting is typical of the public service sphere?

*Community interpreting
Public interpreting
Liaison interpreting
Fundamental interpreting

In what language should translator keep records?

*Each translator chooses for himself the most acceptable, rational ways of fixing
In the language of the source,
In a mixed language
In English

Choose the line where Abbreviated letter notation is given?

*strategy – strtgy, information – info, O1 – winter
Language-lan-ge, O2-winter
Strategy-saturat, language-lang, USA
XI – November, O3- summer, O2-winter

What are the types of translation transformation?
*Grammatical,lexico-grammatical types, the rigid transformation The rigid transformation,
The non-rigid transformation, complex transformation
Lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical types.
The non-rigid transformation, lexico-grammatical types.

What is Lexical substitution?
*putting one word in place of another
Replacing or substituting a word’s narrow meaning by one with a broad sense
Replacing or substituting a word with a broad sense by one of a narrower meaning
Replacing or substituting a word’s meaning by two with a broad sense

What is Generalization?

*replacing or substituting a word’s narrow meaning by one with a broad sense
Putting one word in place of another
Replacing or substituting a word with a broad sense by one of a narrower meaning
Putting two word in place of another

When translating verbs of movement such as come and go ………..

We use concretization
Do not translate word by word
We use lexical transformations:
We use grammar transformations:

Which technique is also used when transmitting other words with a broad meaning?

*The concretization technique
Lexical technique
Gramatical technique
Generalization technique

What technique is used figuratively to denote the barriers between the Western and Communist countries?


What is Modulation technique?

*It is a logical development of the notion expressed by the word
Complex lexico – grammatical substitution of a positive construction for the negative one
It is a rather rare technique of substitution.
Replacng or substituting a word’s narrow meaning by one with a broad sense:

What technique is used when certain elements in the original text cannot be expressed in terms of the language it is translated into?


What are the Components of typically Omissions/ dropping?

*English pair – synonyms, possessive pronouns and exact measures/ in order to give a more concrete expressions.
English word combinations N + N and Adj + N
Numerous interlinguistic lexical and grammatical transformations.
Logical development of the notion expressed by the word:

What techniques can be associated with lexical and grammatical transformations?

*Explicatory translation,Complex compensation,Metonymical translation
Antonymous translation, Complex compensation

What is “pragmatics” in translation?

*Relationship between the word and its users
A unit of constant context consists of a dependent and constant indicators
Set expressions which have figurative meanings
The conformity in meaning but discrepancy in the structure of phase

What is kept in the second type of equivalence?

*Identification of the situation
Purport of communication
Method of description of the situation
Word semantics

What type of equivalence does this example belong to?

You see one bear, you have seen them all. – Барча айиқлар бир-бирига ўхшайди.
*The second type of equivalence
The first type of equivalence
The third type of equivalence
The fifth type of equivalence

Choose the right lexical correspondences

*Complete, partial and absence of lexical correspondences
Substution, addition, omission, transposition
Lexical omission, substitution and supplementation
Transliteration, transcription, calque, addition

What type of equivalence does this example belong to? The Organisation is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members. – Барча аъзоларининг суверен тенглигига асосланган ташкилот.

*The fifth type of equivalence
The first type of equivalence
The second type of equivalence
The third type of equivalence

Which word has a one-to-one correspondence in translation?

*A machine-gun

What is kept in the fourth type of equivalence?

*Syntactic meanings
Purport of communication
Identification of the situation
Word semantics

What type of equivalence does this example belong to? It was late in the day. – Қоронғу тушарди.

The second type of equivalence
*The first type of equivalence
The third type of equivalence
The fifth type of equivalence

What is semantic meaning of the words?

*Relationship of words with certain referents which they designate
Relationship of words other words of the same language with which they make up syntactic unit
Relationship of words with people
Set expressions which have figurative meanings

What type of equivalence does this example belong to? The house was sold for 10 thousand dollars. – Уй 10 минг долларга сотилди.

*The fifth type of equivalence
The first type of equivalence
The second type of equivalence
The third type of equivalence

What is pragmatic adaptation?

*To understand the implications of the message and to be aware of its figurative or situational meaning
Set expressions which have figurative meanings
To understand what it is all about figurative or situational meaning
Relationship of words other words of the same language
Find Pseoudointernational words
*Decade, balloon, obligation, probe
Intelligence, balloon, international
Obligation, revolution, national, bread
Compositor, Parliament, diameter

The users of target text identify it with source text –

*Functionally, structurally and semantically
Functionally, structurally and syntactically
Functionally, structurally and morphologically
Functionally, structurally and grammatically

Define the main types of translation

*Oral, written, literary, informative
Consequent, simultaneous
Oral and written
Informative and oral

Choose the answer that used addition.

*Oil countries – neft ishlab chiqaruchi mamlakatlar
The British Government –Britaniya Hukumati
He was too busy – u juda band edi
He was given money – unga pul berishdi

What are context-bound words?

*Words whose meaning in any sentence largely depends on the context in which they are used
Words with definite meanings which are retained in most contexts
A word with a broad sense and a narrower meaning
A word with a narrower sense by one of a broad meaning

What is Referential or denotational meaning?

*Expresses the objects and real things in life: the sun, the moon, man, animal.
It is a meaning that is expressed by gestures
It is a meaning that is expressed by sentences
It is a meaning that reflects in the collocations.

The functional identification means…

*Keeping the style of the author and the style of the text.
No change in the sequence of narration or in the arrangement of the segments of the text
Maximum parallelism of structure which would make it possible to relate each segment of the translation to the respective part of the original
Semantic identification of the translation with ST

Compensation is used when …

*Certain elements in the original text cannot be expressed in terms of the language it is translated into
Certain elements in the original text can easily be expressed in terms of the language it is translated
A complex lexico – grammatical substitution of a positive construction
There are no corresponding grammatical categories
What is transliteration?
*Rendering the words letter by letter
Relationship between the word and its users
The conformity in meaning but discrepancy
A unit of constant context

What is transcription in translation?

*Rendering the sound form of the words
A unit of constant context consists of a dependent and constant indicators
Relationship between the word and its users
The conformity in meaning but discrepancy in the structure of phase

What does the theory of translation give to the translator?

*The theory of translation provides the translator with the appropriate tools of analysis and synthesis.
It gives the meanings and translation of the words.
Relationship between the word and its users
A measure of semantic similarity between source text and target text.

Choose the Russian scientists who contributed to the theory of translation.

*Shveytsar, Barxudarov, Komissarov, Retsker
Jukovskiy, Gyerbyel, Kasyer
Vvyedyenskiy, Kunin, Korolkova
Tryediakovskiy, Gribayedov, Varshavskaya

The semantic identification of the translation with ST

*It is presumed that the translation has the same meaning as the original text
Keeping the style of the author and the style of the text.
No change in the sequence of narration or in the arrangement of the segments of the text
Maximum parallelism of structure which would make it possible to relate each segment of the translation to the respective part of the original

In the process of translation translator should fulfill two tasks. They are:

*To understand the correct meaning of the original text; To express the content of the original text thoroughly and in a perfect way.
To understand the correct meaning of the original text; Must try to find the words or combination that are suitable for the norms of a translating language.
To express the content of the original text thoroughly and in a perfect way; Must try to find the words or combination that are suitable for the norms of a translating language.
Must try to find the words or combination that are suitable for the norms of a translating language; Word for word translation

English and Russian belong to …

*Germanic and Slavonic group of languages
Germanic and European group of languages
European and Slavonic group of languages
Germanic and Indo-European group of languages

English is notable for its …

*Analytical character
Inflected character
Agglutinative character
Synthetic character

The translator should have the followings:

*Sufficient vocabulary; Grammar, otherwise vocabulary without a grammar is a brick that we can not build anything; To know the methods and techniques of translation; To have knowledge in the branch which the text belongs to.
Sufficient vocabulary; Grammar, otherwise vocabulary without a grammar is a brick that we can not build anything; Must try to find the words or combination that are suitable for the norms of a translating language; Word for word translation.
To have knowledge in the branch which the text belongs to; Must try to find the words or combination that are suitable for the norms of a translating language; Word for word translation.
To know the methods and techniques of translation; To have knowledge in the branch which the text belongs to; To understand the correct meaning of the original text.

Choose the answer that used omission.

*He was a pretty heavy drinker – U ko’p ichardi
The proposal was rejected – Предложение было отклонено
I’m a very light eater – Я очень мало ем
Congolese Embassy – Kongo Elchixonasi

Define the types of translation according to a form

*Oral and written
Literary and informative
Word-for-word and oral translation
Informative and oral

Define the types of translation according to a style of the text

*Literary and informative
Oral and written
Word-for-word and oral translation
Informative and oral

What is Phraseological meaning

*It reflects in the phraseological collocations
It is a meaning that reflects in the collocations
It is a meaning that is expressed by gestures
It is a meaning that is expressed by sentences

What is Paralinguistic meaning

*It is a meaning that is expressed by gestures with the help of our organs of body
It is a meaning that reflects in the collocations
It is a meaning that is expressed by gestures
It is a meaning that is expressed by sentences
What type of equivalence does this example belong to? Не was standing with his arms crossed and his bare head bent.
*The fourth type of equivalence
The first type of equivalence
The second type of equivalence
The fifth type of equivalence

What type of equivalence does this example belong to? London saw a cold winter last year.

*The third type of equivalence
The first type of equivalence
The fifth type of equivalence
The second type of equivalence

What is kept in the third type of equivalence?

*Method of description of the situation
Purport of communication
Identification of the situation
Word semantics

Complete morphological correspondence is observed when …

*In the languages considered there are identical, grammatical categories with identical particular meanings.
There are no corresponding grammatical categories in the languages examined
In the languages examined there are grammatical categories ways identical categorial meanings
The equivalence is used in translation

What type of equivalence does this example belong to? Maybe there is some chemistry between us that doesn't mix.

*The first type of equivalence
The second type of equivalence
The third type of equivalence
The fifth type of equivalence

Partial morphological correspondence is observed when …

*In the languages examined there are grammatical categories ways identical categorial meanings but with some differences in the particular meanings.
There are no corresponding grammatical categories in the languages examined
In the languages considered there are identical, grammatical categories with identical particular meanings.
The equivalence is used in translation

What type of equivalence does this example belong to? He was never tired of old songs.

*The fourth type of equivalence
The third type of equivalence
The first type of equivalence
The second type of equivalence

What type of equivalence does this example belong to? Stop I have a gun!

*The second type of equivalence
The first type of equivalence
The third type of equivalence
The fifth type of equivalence

What is kept in the fifth type of equivalence?

*Word semantics
Purport of communication
Identification of the situation
Method of description of the situation

Macrolinguistics has several new branches, such as…

*Psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, text linguistics, communicative linguistics, etc.
Psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, text linguistics, communicative linguistics, history etc.
Psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, text linguistics, communicative linguistics, intercultural communication, etc.
Psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, text linguistics, communicative linguistics, linguistic theory of translation , etc.

What type of equivalence does this example belong to? I don't see that I need to convince you

*The fourth type of equivalence
The third type of equivalence
The first type of equivalence
The second type of equivalence

In the process of translation translator should fulfill _____ tasks


What meaning is expressed in the following sentence? Paddle your own canoe!Аравангни узинг торт!

*Phraseological meaning
Pragmatic meaning
Stylistic meaning
Referential or denotational meaning

What is a supplementation in translation?

*A formal inexpressibility of semantic components
A formal expressibility of semantic components
Addition of necessary componants of the sentences
Expressing equivalent lacking words in translation

In the process of lexical transformation of omission generally …

*words with a surplus meaning are omitted
Words with a surplus meaning are added
Words with a real meaning are omitted
Words with a narrow meaning are omitted

What type of equivalence does this example belong to? A rolling stone gathers no moss

*The first type of equivalence
The third type of equivalence
The second type of equivalence
The fifth type of equivalence
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