Words related to "RESTAURANT"
🍽 1. Make a reservation - joy band qilmoq.
• I've made a reservation online for two people
• Asking for a table, Book a table for three, Reserve a table
🍽 2. On the side - yonida
• I'd like to have a salad on the side.
🍽 3. Portion - ovqat miqdori
• My portion is a bit small
🍽 4. Leftovers - qolgan ovqat
• Can I get the leftovers to go
🍽 5. Get the bills - xarajatni olmoq
• Can I get the bills
• Can I have the check
🍽 6. The way I expected it to be - men kutganimdek
• This meal hasn't been made the way I expected it to be.
🍽 9. Separate bills - xarajatlarni taqsimlamoq/bo'lmoq
• We'd like to separate the bills
• Split the bills
🍽 10. Pay by credit card or cash - kartada yoki naqt pulda to'lamoq
• May I pay by credit card?
Words related to "TAXI"
🚕 1. Catch a taxi - taksi ushlamoq/ o'tirmoq
Take a taxi
• I caught a taxi as I was rushing.
🚕 2. Hail a taxi - yo'l chetida qo'l ko'tarib taksi to'xtatmoq
• I hailed a taxi for ten minutes.
🚕 3. Take someone to somewhere - kimnidur qayergadir olib borib qo'ymoq
• The taxi took me to a wrong place/address.
🚕 4. Taxi fare - taksi narxi
bus fare, train fare, subway fare
• Taxi fare is going up quickly.
🚕 6. Get to one's destination - manziliga yetib bormoq
• Unfortunately I couldn't get to my destination on time because of heavy traffic
🚕 7. Make a stop at - to'xtamoq
• I would like to make a stop at McDonald's.
🚕 8. Do you mind if... - nimadur qilishimga qarshi emasmisiz
• Do you mind if I open the window?
🚕 9. Pick someone up - kimnidur biror joydan olib ketmoq
• Could you please pick me up at school at 6 p.m ?
🚕 10. Keep the change - qaytimi kerak emas.
• That's fine, keep the change.
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