Break down work hours
One of the biggest problems found in the
daycare system
was that parents got so involved in caring for their
children that they didn’t have the time to stick to their
hours at work. Some parents will regularly ask their
employer how much time they needed to leave to care for
their child and the answer mainly depends on how much
they needed to get done.
It became apparent that there was no simple formula that
would give them the answer that they are looking for.
They probably want you to give
them a simple number
that they could use to plan their workday, but there was
no such thing.
Create the right productivity toolbox
Organize your business in the right way by creating a productivity
toolbox and then placing it in the proper places, for example, on
your desk and the computer or a shelf next to your office chair.
Make sure that every single tool in your
toolbox is organized and
labeled to show that you are serious about productivity and
putting your customers first.
Tip: Use these to organize your
business, and put your best
productivity into use!