Write about benefits and dangers of social meadia
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Card 1
- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Talk to the hand is an English languag
- Surfing the net
- Blossoming
- Memorable
- Muddy weather
Card 1 Write about benefits and dangers of social meadia. This is age of smart phones and micro blogging. Everything that we need to know is just a click away. Social media is the most widely used tool by all age groups of today, but us more popular among the young and students. Keeeping this in mind researchers feel that social media can play a very important part in the field of education. Today platforms like Facebook, twitter, Linkedln are most widely used by teachers, professors and students and they have become quite popular among them. For a student social media plays avery important role as it makes it easier for them share information and connect with teachers.Students can watch videos, see images, check out reviews and instantly clear their doubt while watching the live processes happening. According to the dangers of social media,People might be surprised to leran the negative effects of social media are both physical and mental. They can change your perception of the world and yourself. While social media does have some positive effects and there are positive social media stories out there, it also has a lot in the drawbak column It cannot be denied that if used wisely social media can make education much better and create smart students. Card 2 What do hand gestures mean in different cultures? Malaysia: Pointing with your index finger As a little kid, you may have been chastised that “it’s rude to point!” especially if you dared pair the gesture with laughter. But, while it can be inconsiderate in the United States in certain circumstances, an index finger point is always rude in Malaysia. Thailand: Touching someone’s headIn the United States, patting someone’s head especially that of a baby or little kid can be a sweet, loving gesture, and ruffling someone’s hair is a playful one that perhaps could offend a particularly vain person The Finger Snap This gesture is made by pressing your middle finger on your thumb with your index finger pointing up and your ring and little fingers resting on the palm of your hand. The movement results in a snapping sound . What is very interesting about this gesture is that it can have different meanings depending on the context it is used in. It is definitely a way of attracting someone’s attention, maybe because you had a brilliant idea, and it can also signify that you finally remembered something you were trying so hard to recollect. Knocking on wood is a superstitious gesture used to ensure that a good thing will continue to occur after it has been acknowledged. However, it is sometimes used after speaking of a plausible unfortunate event, so that it does not actually occur. Talk to the hand is an English language slang expression of contempt popular during the 1990s. The associated hand gesture consists of extending a palm toward the person insulted, similar to the Greek insult gesture Moutza. Card 3 Scenery- the natural feature of a particular part of a country that you can see, such as mountains, forests. Globally responsible means appreciating that there is a world beyond us; a world we are a part of and one that we can – and should – play an active role in improving. Broadcast programming is the practice of organizing and/or ordering (scheduling) of broadcast media shows, typically radio and television, in a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or season-long schedule. Surfing the net One easy and quick way to find any information is through the Internet. Internet Surfing as it is popularly known means to go from one page to another on interest. Internet Surfing usually involves: ▪ Starting an Internet browser.the Internet, browsing for topics of Picturesque resembling a picture : suggesting a painted scene charming or quaint in appearance;evoking mental images : VIVID Printed produce (books, newspapers, etc.), especially in large quantities, by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text or designs to paper. "
Blossoming- a flower or the flowers on a tree or bush, Obesity- the condition of being very fat or overweight Glossy – having a shiny or lustrous surface; havinf a false or deceptive appearance or air. Eye-catching is very noticeable. ... a series of eye-catching ads. Synonyms: striking, arresting, attractive, dramatic More Synonyms of eye-catching Memorable very good, enjoyable or unusual and worth remembering is worth remembering or likely to be remembered, because it is special or very enjoyable. Covert advertising ' is a term used to describe marketing programs where 'advertisers' fail to publicly declare or acknowledge their investment at the point of presentation Muddy weather English Language Learners Definition of muddy · filled or covered with mud · similar to mud · not clear or bright : dull or cloudy. Undesirable weather, especially foggy or stormy weather conditions. Download 19,42 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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