Yangiyer branch of Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute
12100, I Tinchlik street, Yangiyer Syrdarya province, Uzbekiston Tel:(998) 95 51158 56
tkti_yf@mil.ru, www.tktiyf
Confirmation letter
Ref:_________ Date:___/___2023 y.
To whom it may concern
This is to certify that, Rakhmonberdi Khujayozov, D.O.B. 10.12.2002 is a student of Yangiyer branch of Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute.
This student has accepted by Yangiyer branch of Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute in 19.09.2020 and will graduate in 01.04.2024.
This student's official holiday date will begin from 10.06.2023 and will finish on 10.09.2023. This student is allowed by the university to participate in summer in job program during this period.
Deputy Director for
Science and Innovation M.Samadiy