Past Continuous
Davomli o’tgan zamon
Positive: S + to be(was/were) + V1 +ing I was working
Question: to be(was/were) + S + V1 +ing? Was I working?
Negative: S + tobe(was/were) + not + V1 +ing I was not working
O’tgan zamonning ma’lum(aniq) bir paytida ish-harakatning davom etib turganini ifodalaydi:
- Yesterday at 5 o’clock he was writing. Kecha soat 5 da u yozayotgan edi.
- It was raining when I left the house. Men uydan ketganimda yomg’ir yog’ayotgan edi.
All day long; All day yesterday;
All the time; The whole evening;
From 5 till 8;
Iboralari bilan past simple ham past continuous ham kelishi mumkin.
- I was reading all day yesterday. (davomiylik)
- I read all day yesterday. (fakt)
Lekin ish-harakat ketma-ket bajarilgan bo’lsa, past simple ishlatiladi:
- I came home early, rested from five till six and worked the whole evening.
- Yesterday we went to town, bought some meat and went back.
yesterday at 5 o’clock, at that time, this time yesterday, while, when you came,…
Present Perfect
Tugallangan hozirgi zamon
Positive: S + have/has + V3 I have done.
Question: have/has + S + V3? Have I done?
Negative: S + have/has + not + V3 I have not done.
Hozirgina tugagan yoki hozir ko’z oldimizda bo’lgan ish-harakatni ifodalashda ishlatiladi:
- Oh! I have broken my pen. Oh! Ruchkamni sindirib qo’ydim.
Hech qanday signalsiz ham kelishi mumkin, shu xususiyati bilan Past Simpledan farqlash mumkin:
- I have bought a new car. Men yangi mashina sotib oldim.
- I have lost my pen and can’t find it. Ruchkamni yo’qotib qo’ydim, endi topolmayapman.
Past Simple esa odatda signalsiz kelmaydi:
- I bought a new car last week. O’tgan hafta yangi mashina sotib oldim.
- I lost my pen and bought another Kecha ruchkamni yo’qotdim va boshqasini oldim.
one yesterday.
Shu paytgacha bir necha marta takrorlangan ish-harakatni ifodalashda:
I have read this book twice. Men bu kitobni 2 marta o’qiganman.
- How many times have you been Toshkentda necha marotaba bo’lgansiz?
to Tashkent?
Today, this week, this year so’zlari tugallanmagan vaqt ko’rsatgichlari bo’lib kelganda Present Perfect ishlatiladi:
- Today I haven’t had breakfast, but Bugun men nonushta qilganim yo’q, lekin soat
It’s only 8:00 a.m. endi 8:00 bo’ldi.
Already, ever, never, yet, lately, just, since, for, recently, hardly, scarcely, so far.
Present Perfect Continuous
Hozirgi tugallangan davomli zamon
Positive: S + have/has + been + V1 + ing. I have been working.
Question: have/has + S + been + V1 + ing? Have I been working?
Negative: S + have/has + not + been + V1 + ing. I have not been working.
O’tgan zamonda boshlanib hozir ham davom etayotgan ish-harakatni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi:
- I have been working here for a long time. Men bu yerda anchadan beri ishlayapman.
- Jack started working in the garden in the Jek tongda bog’da ishlashni boshladi va u
morning and he is still working there. He haliyam u yerda ishlayapti. U bog’da
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