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.PERSONAL COMPUTER (PC)Shaxsiy kompyuterlarPersonal computer, machine capable of repetitively and quickly performing calculations instructions.Shaxsiy kompyuter,mashina takrorlashga iqtidorli va tezda hisoblash tuzilmalarini bajaradi. (PC) used by a single person, a PC is smaller, less expensive, and easier to use than other classes of computers, such as supercomputers, mainframe computers and workstations. Shaxsiy kompyuter bir kishi orqali boshqariladi,shaxsiy kompyuter boshqa kompyuter turlariga qaraganda kichikroq,ancha arzon va ishlatishga qulaydir.However, it usually has less computational power. Shuningdek,u doimo kamroq kuchga egadir.Nowadays we can’t imagine modern technology without computers.Hozirgi kunda biz zamonaviy texnologiyani kompyuterlarsiz tasavvur qila olmaymiz.PCs have revolutionized entertainment, science, the media, art, medicine, education, and they provide computational abilities at a low cost to people with no extensive programming experience .Shaxsiy kompyuterlar qabulni,fanni,mediani,san’atni,tibbiyot haqidagi bilimlarni inqiloblashtiradi va ular hech qanday dastur tajribalarisiz insonlarga yetkazadi.PCs enable artists to envision and manipulate images. Shaxsiy kompyuterlar artistlarga rasmlarni qalbakilashtirishga imkoniyat yaratadi.Musicians use them for learning, creating, and recording music. Qo’shiqchilar ulardan o’rganishda,tanqid qilishda va musiqalarni qayd etishda foydalanishadi.Businesses track finances and forecast company performance using PCs.Shaxsiy kompyuterlarni ishlatishda biznes sohasida ishlarni moliyalashtiradi va kompaniya oldindan amallarni bajaradi. Foreign correspondents can compose news stories on portable PCs, called laptops and electronically submit these stories from remote locations. Chet el muhbirlari yangi hikoyalarni shaxsiy kompyuterlarda yaratishadi,bular bu hikoyalarni olisdagi tarmoqlarga uzatishadi.Many people work at home and communicate with fellow workers via their PCs in a practice known as telecommuting.Ko’pchilik odamlar uyda ishlashadi va shaxsiy kompyuterlar orqali telekommunikatsiyada tajriba almashishadi. PCs are also able to interface with worldwide communication networks, such as the Internet, and the graphics-based information database known as the World Wide Web to find information on any subject. Shaxsiy kompyuterlar orqali jahon aloqa tarmoqlari,shuningdek, internet,grafiklar,www tarmoqlariga bog’langan holda, xoxlagan ma;lumotimizni topishimiz mumkin.PCs consist of electronic circuitry called a microprocessor, such as the central processing unit (CPU) that directs logical and arithmetical functions and runs computer programs.Shaxsiy kompyuterlar mikroprotsessor,shuningdek,mantiqiy va arifmetik vazifalarni bajaruvchi markaziy jarayondan iboratdir va u kompyuter dasturlarini himoya qiladi. A PC also has electronic memory to temporarily store programs and data and mass storage devices- such as hard, floppy, and compact disk (CD-ROM) drives- to permanently store programs and data. Shaxsiy kompyuterda yana dasturlarni vaqtinchalikdasturlaydigan electron xotira bor va u juda ko’p ma’lumotlarnishuningdek,qattiq,yumshoq va kompakt disklarni boshqaradi.Information and commands are entered by the user via a keyboard or pointing device called a mouse.Ma’lumotlar va buyruqlar klaviatura va sichqoncha orqali boshqariladi.Information from the PC is displayed on a video monitor or on a liquid crystal display (LCD) video screen or it can be printed on laser, dot-matrix, or inkjet printers.Shaxsiy kompyuterning ma’lumotlari video monitor orqali yoki silliq kristal doskalarda namoyish qilinadi yoki u laser,dotmatrix yoki printerlar orqali nashrfga chiqariladi.Download 259,5 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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