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At the end of the 20th century the development of computer technologies was its peak.20-asrning oxirlarida kompyuter texnologiyasining rivojlanishi yuqori cho’qqiga chiqdi.In fact the most work today is done by computers, which made people’s life easier.Faktlarga ko’ra,bugungi kunda insonlarning hayotini oson qiluvchi kompyuterlar barcha ishlarni qilmoqda.Two main types of computers are in use today.Bugungi kunda 2xil kompyuterlar amalda. Analog and digital. Analog va raqamli.THE FUTURE OF THE INTERNET IN OUR MODERN LIFEZamonaviy hayotimizdagi internetning kelajagi.Everywhere we go, we hear about the Internet. Qayerga borsak,internet haqida eshitamiz.It’s on television, in magazines, newspaper, and in schools. U haqida televideniyadan,jurnallardan,gazeta va maktablarda eshitamiz.It is estimated that forty five to fifty million users currently are on the Internet. 45 yoki 50 million kishi internetdan foydalanishi mumkin.According to a recent statistics, an average Internet call lasts five times as long as the average regular telephone call. Statistika ma’lumotlariga qaraganda,5 martasi internet qo’ng’iroqlariga,10 percent of the Internet calls last 5 hours or longer.10% oxirgi 5 soat.The Internet, up to the beginning of the 90s, was used only to different texts. Internet 90-yillarning boshlaridan boshlab,faqatgina turli xil matnlarda ishlatiladi.Then in the early 90’s, a way was made to see pictures and listen to a sound on the Internet.Keyinchalik rasmlarni ko’rish va internetda ovozlarni eshitish mumkin bo’ldi. This breakthrough made the Internet to be most demanded means of communication, data saving and transporting.Bu narsaning ma’nosi aloqa,ma’lumotlarni saqlash va o’zgartirishdan iborat edi. iborat ediHowever, today‘s net is much more than just pictures, text, and sound. Hozirgi kundagi netda rasmlar,matnlar va tovushlar bor.The Internet is now filled with voice massages, video conferencing and video games. Hozir internet ovozli xabarlar,video konferensiyalar va video o’yinlar bilan to’ldirilgan.With voice messages, users can talk over the Internet for the price of the local phone call. Ovozli xabarlar orqali foydalanuvchilar internet orqali ma’lum narxda mahalliy telefon qo’ng’irog’ida gaplashishi mumkin.Faster ways of connecting to the Internet may sound like a solution to the problem, but, just as new lanes on high-ways attract more, a faster Internet could attract many times more users, making it even slower than before. Internetning tezkor aloqasi muammoni hal qilishi mumkin,lekin yangi yo’llar tezroq natija berishi mumkin.To help solve the problem of Internet clogs, Internet providers are trying new ways of pricing for customers. Internetdagi muammolarni hal qilishda ta’minlovchilar mijozlarga yangi yo’llarni ochishda harakat qilishmoqda.Download 259.5 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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