Zbekiston respublikasi jismoniy tarbiya va sport vazirligi

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Sport turi

jismoniy tarbiya va sport sohasidagi faoliyat turi bo‘lib, u insonning sport musobaqalariga o‘ziga xos tarzda tayyorgarlik ko‘rishi bilan ajralib turadi, sport musobaqalarini o‘tkazish va ularda ishtirok etishga doir talablar, tartib va shartlar belgilanadigan qoidalarga, nizomga (reglamentga) ega bo‘ladi;

is a type of activity in the field of physical culture and sports, which is characterized by a person's specific preparation for sports competitions, has rules, regulations that determine the requirements, procedures and conditions for the conduct and participation in sports competitions


odamlarning muayyan qoidalar bo‘yicha tashkil etilgan, ularning jismoniy va intellektual qobiliyatini taqqoslashdan iborat bo‘lgan havaskorlik asosidagi va professional asosdagi faoliyati, shuningdek ushbu faoliyatga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish hamda bu faoliyat jarayonida odamlar o‘rtasida yuzaga keladigan munosabatlar;

amateur and professional activities of people, organized according to certain rules, consisting of a comparison of their physical and intellectual abilities, as well as the preparation for these activities and the relationships that occur between people in the process of these activities;


qisqa ma’noda shaxsiy musobaqa faoliyati deyilsa, keng ma’noda shaxsiy musobaqa faoliyati, shu faoliyat asosidan kelib chiqadigan maxsus tayyorgarlik hamda uning me’yor va yutuqlari tushuniladi.

in the short sense it means personal competition activity, in the broad sense it means personal competition activity, special training arising from this activity and its norms and achievements.

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