Essential Life Skill The Art of Public Speaking
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Public Speaking
Essential Life Skill The Art of Public Speaking
world, has impressed man with no character so proper to distinguish him from other animals, as by the faculty of speech” (Quintilian) Plan: I. What is Public Speaking ? II. What is the history of public speaking ? III. Why is public speaking important ? IV. Famous orators throughout history V. Evil dictators What is Public Speaking ? Public speaking (oratory) is the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience. Public speaking is commonly understood as formal, face-to-face, speaking of a single person to a group of listeners. However, due to the evolution of public speaking, it is modernly viewed as any form of speaking (formally and informally) between an audience and the speaker. Traditionally, public speaking was considered to be a part of the art of persuasion. Public speeches can cover a wide variety of different topics. The goal of the speech may be to educate, entertain, or influence the listeners. Additionally, differing methods, structures, and rules can be utilized according to the speaking situation.
To sum up, Public Speaking as its name implies, is a way of making your ideas public – of sharing them with other people and of influencing other people. What is the history of public speaking ? Throughout history people have used public speaking as a vital means of communication. What the Greek leader Pericles said more than 2,500 years ago is still true today: “One who forms a judgment on any point but cannot explain it clearly might as well never have thought at all on the subject”. The art of public speaking was practiced long before the Greeks wrote about it in their treatises more than 2,500 years ago. For Greek man, it was a way of life, a way of being,
just like football and basketball are to us today. Although there is evidence of public speech training in ancient Egypt, the first known piece on oratory, written over 2,000 years ago, came from ancient Greece. Aristotle was one who first recorded the teachers of
oratory to use definitive rules and models. His emphasis on oratory led to oration becoming an essential part of a liberal arts education during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The classical antiquity works written by the ancient Greeks capture the ways they taught and developed the art of public speaking thousands of years ago.
Most scientists trace the origins of modern public speaking back to ancient Greece and Rome. Of course, those societies did not have any electronic convenience we have got today to help with public speaking (no slideshows). But they did have a need for public speaking and developed public speaking methods that are still studied today. Public speaking in the time of Greeks was called rhetoric. Later, when Rome came to power, public speaking was used during the sessions of the governing body – the Roman Senate. The Romans adopted the public speaking rhetoric
In classical Greece and Rome, rhetoric was the main component of composition and speech delivery, both of which were critical skills for citizens to use in public and private life. In ancient Greece, people spoke on their own behalf rather than having professionals, like modern lawyers, speak for them. Any citizens who want to succeed in social life, in politics or in court had to learn strategies and techniques of public speaking. Teachers who teach rhetoric, called Sophists. They teach how to speak effectively using techniques Separately from Sophists, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle developed their own theories of public speaking and taught these principles to students who wanted to learn skills in rhetoric The ancient Greeks, in particular, used public speaking primarily to praise or persuade others. At one point, all Greek citizens had the right to suggest or oppose laws during their assemblies, which resulted in a need for skilled public speakers. Public speaking became a desirable skill and was taught. Citizens would meet in the marketplace and debate issues on war, economics and politics. Good speaking skills were also essential for a prominent social life and mixing with the wealthy.
Aristotle and Quintilian are among the most famous ancient scholars to give public speaking definitive rules and models. Those people are considered the first scholars who studied public speaking. Aristotle defined rhetoric as the
He is most famous in the field of public speaking for creating the five canons of rhetoric, a five-step process for developing a persuasive speech that sophits still use to teach public speaking today.
Let’s take a look at 5 tenets of Rhetoric: Although this canons were originally created with a focus on oratory, or public speaking, most are also applicable to the process stages of prewriting, drafting and rewriting.
Invention is the process of coming up with material for a text. In writing, this is the brainstorming or prewriting stage.
Arrangement is the process of deciding how to order the material in a text. In writing, this is still part of prewriting stage.
Style is the process of coming up with the actual words that will be used in a text. In writing, this tenet is first approached in the drafting stage and continues in the rewriting stage. 4. Memory Memory is the process of committing a text to memory. Although this canon is not applicable to writing as it is to oratory, there is still occasions when writers must memorize their texts in order to deliver more effective 5. Delivery Delivery is the process of presenting a text to an audience. Like memory, delivery is less prominent in writing than in oratory. However, there are many occasions when writers must think of how to best deliver their texts.
As it mentioned above, Aristotle defined rhetoric as the art of persuasion. He thinks that so as to rally the people(citizens) into conformity, one need to persuade them. This is what he called rhetoric. In order to persuade people, he made three strategies such as Ethos, logos and pathos.
is able to show authority over the subject matter.
this, an audience use logic and deduction to decide on the strengths of the speaker’s argument.
In short :
As it mentioned above, in the political rise of the Roman public, Roman orators copied and modified the ancient Greek techniques of public speaking. Oratory in the Roman empire, though less central to political life than in the days of the Republic, remained significant in law and became a big form of entertainment. Famous orators became like celebrities in ancient Rome – very wealthy and prominent members of society. Instruction in rhetoric developed into full curriculum, including instruction in grammar, preliminary exercises (progymnasmata), and preparation of public speeches(declamation) in both forensic and deliberative genres.
involved a strong emphasis on a broad education an all areas of humanistic study in the liberal art, including philosophy. Humanistic study is a system of thoughts that focuses on human and their values, capacities and worth. If you fast forward to modern times, what was known as the Latin style of public speaking was popular in the US and Europe until the mid-20 th century. After World War II, however, a less formal and more conversational style of speaking started to become popular. Also electronic tools became available to enhance public presentations. Towards the end of the 20 th century, those electronic tools migrated to the computer and evolved into the computer software tools such as PowerPoint, that we know and use today.
Most people would probably do not like public speaking. Most of them even admit to being afraid of it, since fear of public speaking is very common fear.This kind of fear called as Glossophobia (informally “stage fright”). Most people confuse normal nervous and anxiety with a genuine phobia. Over the years, public speaking has played major role in education, government and business. Words have the power to educate, inform, persuade and even entertain. The spoken word can be even more powerful than the written in the hands of the write speaker. Given the importance of public speaking, it is not surprising that it has been taught and studied around the globe for thousands of years. Almost all cultures have an equivalent of the English word “orator” to designate someone with special skills in public speaking. The oldest known handbook on effective speech
prized in ancient India, Africa, and China, as well as among the Aztecs and other pre-European cultures of North and South America. Whether you are a small business owner a student or just someone who is passionate about something you will benefit it you improve your public speking skills, both personally and professionally. Some benefits to public speaking include:
Improves confidence
Better research skills
Stronger deductive skills
Ability to advocate for causes
And more … Public speaking is especially important for businesses since they have got a need to get their message before potential customers and market their business. Let’s take a look about the advantages of public speaking in detail. There are actually more benefits than you might think. The advantages of public
speaking range from increased confidence to meeting others to becoming more marketable. All these benefits can make a real and positive difference in your life. 1. Builds your confidence. Although you may be nervous before giving your first speech, you will feel a sense of accomplishment.(along with the sense of relief)
you feel confident and comfortable in your ability to speak well. 2. Improves your research skills. To make a successful public presentation, you need to research your topic thoroughly. You will definitely learn where to find the information you need for each presentation and how to tell whether the information is credible and relevant. In addition, having more and better information can help you make better decisions.
form a premise and draw a conclusion based on the information you have researched. This is called deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is another important skill that is improved by the speech writing process. Deductive reasoning is useful in everyday life. For example :
ability to communicate verbally. Public speaking is a form of oral communication. The more you practice giving speeches, the better you will be at communicating orally. This improves not only your speech, but also everyday conversation.
demand by employers. Communication skills include both written and oral communication skills.
public speaking is very common. In Great Britain, study found that fear of public speaking ranked third on a list of common fears after heights and snakes. Again, practice makes perfect. After delivering a speech, likely your audience giving you positive feedback, which will further reduce your fear of public speaking.
benefits of public speaking is that you will become more aware of how others perceive you. If you know how others perceive you, you can work to improve that perception. Public speaking requires you to pay more attention to your physical presence. There are some factors that have a need to learn to control so as to improve oral communications skills :
As you improve your control over these factors not just while you are speaking, but even in everyday conversation, you will notice that others view you in a more positive light.
advantages of public speaking is that it gives you a way to better support causes you care about. With your improved public speaking skills, you can create and give a winning presentation that’ll make others aware of your cause. You may even be able to use your speaking skills to motivate others to take action. 9. Learn to be calm in stressful situation. For most of us, public speaking is stressful. As you learn more about public speaking, you will also learn how to calm yourself so that you can successfully make your presentation. Some of the calming techniques that can help you to get through a public speech are the very same calming techniques you can use to get through many other stressful life situations.
Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was the British Prime Minister during World War II. He understood and once wrote, “Of all talents bestowed on men, none is so precious as the gift of oratory“ When World War II started and France was defeated, he gave his most inspirational speech “We shall fight on the Beaches”. And when London was suffering from its worst bombardment during Blitz, his speeches motivated the British to “never surrender”
speeches. John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy was the thirty-fifth president of the United States from 1961-63. His speeches were very powerful and inspirational. His speech “We choose to go to the moon” is considered as one of the most influtional to persuade the Americans for the space expedition to the moon.
His speech at the Berlin wall in 1963 can also be considered one the finest pieces of oratory. Just a few months previously, the Soviet Union had built the Berlin wall Kennedy’s message to the west Berliners was to assure them of US support against the threat of the communists in the east.
Martin Luther was a black civil rights activist in the United States who fought against racial discrimination. He always believed in non-violence and respect for humanity, irrespective of color, race or creed. His most famous speech, “I have a Dream” has been listen to by millions since he delivered it.Due to its powerful message, he got the presidential Medal of Freedom in the year 1997.
Ronald Reagan was a Hollywood actor and also an American politician. He served as the Governor of California and later as 40 th President of United Nations. Due to his ability to connect to his audience he was named the “Great Communicator” His most mesmerizing speech was “Tear down this wall”. This speech was delivered at Brandenburg Gate of Berlin on June 12, 1987. During the speech, he challenged that Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev to destroy Berlin wall Margaret Thatcher . Margaret Thatcher was the first female British Prime minister and used her aggressive public speaking skills to win several elections and stay in office. Margaret Thatcher was a conservative politician who had a powerful influence on politics at the end of the Cold War years. In foreign affairs, she helped spread the idea of free markets, fought the Falklands War and dealt with problems in Northern Ireland. Margaret Thatcher was known for her argumentative or forensic communication style. One of her best known catchphrases came during her party conference speech in Brighton in 1980 when she boldly defied her critics by saying “You turn if you want to. The lady’s not for turning”.
Cicero was a Roman politician and lawyer, who served as consul in the year 63 BC. He came from a wealthy municipal family of the Roman equestrian order, and is considered one of the Rome’s greatest orators and prose stylists. He introduced the Romans to the chief schools of Greek philosophy and created a Latin philosophical vocabulary, distinguishing himself as a linguist, translator, and philosopher. An impressive orator and successful lawyer, he probably though his political career his most important achievement. Abraham Lincoln The Civil War was a time of great divide, and at a moment where the fate of the country was at stake, Abraham Lincoln emerged as a leader capable of bringing his nation’s citizens back together.
what is perhaps one the greatest speeches ever delivered, “The Gettysburg
minutes, but its impact lasted much longer.
Leon Trotsky was a famous Marxist revolutionary and founder of the red army. During the communist revolution in Russia, he became famous for his
intellect and fiery speeches. The secret of his charisma was his sincere conviction about the ideals of the Marxist communism.
He was considered second only to Lenin. But after Lenin’s death, he was side-lined by the political manoeuvring of more ruthless Stalin. He was later exiled in Mexico where he was assassinated by the orders of Stalin.
The chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and Fuhrer of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler was perhaps the most intelligent, creative and brutal dictators of all them. He was largely responsible for the holocaust and the second World War. He believed that Jews were the root cause of all problems and set out to eliminate them. His action resulted in death of over 50 million people. It is said that Hitler committed suicide in his bunker on 30 th April 1945. Hard to believe that he was once a talented artist and part of a Bohemian community. He could hold the attention of millions as he spoke and, with a huge amount of charisma, generated a strong following among Germans at the time.
Hitler was well aware that mastering the art of public speaking was crucial to his political career and would spend hours upon hours rehearsing his speeches.
Hitler is an example of a leader who took advantage of his oratory skills and used them as a power for war and genocide, resulting in the death of millions.
Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin was dictator of the Soviet Union from 1922 till his death in 1953. As a young man, he was a robber and an assassin. For almost 30 years, he reigned with terror and violence in the Soviet Union. His decisions led to a famine that killed millions. Forget enemies, he even killed families of people who were fond of him. Under his rule, more than 1.5 million German women were raped and in all, he easily killed over 20 million people. He once said “One
nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 1945 and 1948. He died of a stroke in 1953.
He was head of SS and the brain behind the Final Solution to the Jewish question that is extermination of all Jews in Europe. Himmler had ordered the
killing of about 6 million Jews, 2 to 5 lac Russians and many other groups that the Nazis believed were unworthy of living. It is believed, not verified, that he had furniture made from the bones and skins of Jewish victims. He committed suicide and is buried at an undisclosed location.
He was the dictator of Iraq from 1979 to 2003. During his reign, he authorized countless attacks on people. His policies made way for the death of not less than 2 million people. He ordered chemical attacks, eye gouging, beatings and severe shocks on people. He also recorded several tortures and deaths to watch them later. Saddam was found guilty of crimes against humanity and hanged in 2006.
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