Geographical structures
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13. GEOGRAPHICAL STRUCTURES Plan 1. From mercantelism to fritredism. 2. When placing Production I.Tyunen and A.Weber ideas. 3. Crystaller-Lyosh theory. 4. The idea of spreading news across territories. The international (geographical) division of Labor was not so developed until the formation of a single system of the world economy. Even until the 17th and 18th centuries, many countries had policies in international economic relations against the introduction of foreign products into their domestic markets. This policy, or import restriction, has been named mercantilism in the history of the economy. Of course, in such conditions it is impossible to speak about the world market. The world market dictates the introduction of a free economy, an open trade system. Such a direction is called fritredism, that is, free trade. When creating its scientific basis, A.Smith and especially D.Ricardo's service was great. Their ideas were aimed at a large-scale development of the international geographical division of Labor, the activation of cross-country trade sales, which received the name of the law of comparative privilege or convenience ("zakon sravnitelnogo preimuhestva"). The essence of this law is that each country, based on its internal capabilities and conditions, cultivates a particular product cheaper than in other countries, that is, at a lower cost, making it easy to realize in the market. The money of the product sold does not have it in itself, or buys a commodity that costs more expensive, more expensive to grow. Such a turnover can also be carried out without cash, in the "ayr-head", that is, in the barter method. The implementation of the ideas of fritredism has a great influence on the formation of the world economy, on the development of the division of Labor. At the moment, there have also been changes in the specialization and territorial organization of the economies of countries. Scientific ideas about the placement of direct production were first created in Germany. For example, the German landowner Johann Henry Tyunen in the 20-30s of the XIX century expressed his scientific thoughts on the placement of agricultural sectors in his special works (Russian name "Izolirovannoe gosudarstvo"). The main essence of the Tyunen idea is the territorial organization of the cultivation of agricultural products around a single city, that is, a consumer center. It is based on the distance between the farm and the city or market (in its example it is the city –Rostock in Mecklenburg), the price, value and land rent of the agricultural product in order to implement this idea. And land rent is determined by the ratio of income received with the funds invested in it. Using the above conditions I.Tyunen creates a location system of agricultural networks around the city. This system is known in the literature as the "Tyunen peoples". Because, various industries specializing in the cultivation of various products are popularly located around the Consumer Center. For example, the first sack-gardening, vegetable growing and partly dairy cattle breeding; the second - forestry (for firewood in that period), the third sack - potatoes, barley cultivation and seed production, dairy cattle breeding, the fourth-high-yielding grain production and milk - meat cattle breeding, the fifth –grain production and, finally, the sixth sack-pasture livestock. I.Tyunen's service was that he was the first to raise land use issues and introduced the concept of "economic space" into scientific literature. In his abstract model, he pays great attention to the fact that the product is delivered to the market-to the consumer inexpensively and with intact quality. So I.Tyunen became the creator of the initial scientific basis for the deployment of agricultural industries. In 1909, Tyunen's compatriot –Alfred Weber-published his work "on the industrial staff". He focused his attention on factors that influence the positioning of industrial production. To this end, Weber differentiated, depending on the force of action of the factors, identified the main decisive factor. A.Weber is the founder of the industrial headquarters. And SHtandort-means the location of the enterprise or the optimal (standard) location point of the enterprise. The placement factor is assessed from the point of view of economic efficiency, profit, which is envisaged in the construction of one or another enterprise. This profit, according to Weber, consists mainly of the ratio of costs incurred by raw materials for product realization, transportation and labor, as well as the value of the main production funds. Later, he included the factor associated with the sale of raw materials and products in the total transportation costs. Because, the cost of the product also includes the costs associated with the importation of raw materials, the realization of the product. As a result, two factors were obtained that determined the industrial stewardship –transport and labor (labor resource). Weber later added another important factor to them-if it is also agglomeration factor. The transport factor takes into account the weight of products or raw materials, the distance transported, the cost of work in the labor resource, and the accumulation of enterprises in one place in the agglomeration factor. A. Weber is famous for the fact that in the scientific literature he introduced the concepts of shtandort theory, "placement factor" and "agglomeration efficiency". Agglomeration efficiency is the efficiency of incarnation (concentration) in its original essence, which is now achieved not on the basis of the approximation of enterprises, that is, the scale, scale economy, but as a result of cooperation and specialization of enterprises ("diversity", or quality economy). I.Tyunen (agriculture) and A.Although Weber's (industrial staff) ideas were created taking into account abstract conditions, their scientific significance has not disappeared until now. The ideas of these flows can be summarized in the form of "analysis of factors". Factors, on the other hand, are the selection of certain places in the territory and, ultimately, cause territorial incarnation and territorial unevenness or geographical inequality. Thus, scientific ideas were created on the placement of two main branches of production, namely agricultural and industrial production. Now the turn has come to the problems of the location of the population, the territorial organization of the spheres of service to the population. Developments about this also belong to the German scientist Walter Kristaller. He studied the issues of territorial distribution and settlement of the population in the 1930s and wrote his book "central places of South Germany". The central places are cities and other settlements of different sizes, which have their own sphere of influence, radius of Service. In the Ideal case, the central places of various scales have a hexagonal shape in the geographical environment, and they are reminiscent of the hive of a bee. For crystaller, too, the territory must be the same in all conditions, that is, the territory is located on the tep-flat, the same as the population, population settlements, roads, etc. Coming from such an ideal landscape, he created his own scientific idea. V.Under the name of Kristaller, such concepts as "central places", hierarchy, classification of cities, scientific ideas regarding the placement of areas of service for the population depend. Another, young and talented German scientist August Lyosh summarized the scientific developments of his compatriots before him (he is A.Weber was a pupil), worked on the placement of all farm networks. A.The essence of Lyosh's ideas is in his special book (Russian name "Geograficheskoe razmehenie hozyaystva" - M. 1959) stated. Original version of the book. the manuscript was published in 1940. A.Lyosh substantiated the features of the areal, as a field of Agriculture, and the dotted territorial organization of industry. He was the first to create and introduce into science the concepts of" market environment or space"," economic landscape " (now –economic region). If earlier, in particular I.Tyunen and A.While Weber studied a separate enterprise, a network, A.Lyosh's work covered all economic spheres and, in its essence, emphasized that microeconomic market relations, the sphere of its influence is the factor that constitutes a real Region, widely used mathematical methods. It is these principles that should not be underestimated to apply to the issues of economic zoning of Uzbekistan today. It is worth noting that I.Tyunen and A.Weber's ideas corresponded to the demand of his time. The reason is that at that time the economic capacity, density of the territory was not so high, the territorial-economic landscape was not polarized, that is, it was almost even. Such an economic geographical position changes under the influence of the placement of individual enterprises or industries in certain places, acquires the property of unevenness. In other words, the economic plane of the previous natural appearance changes to unevenness, to the displacement of the territorial incarnation. This required scientific research that tried to smooth out unevenness. The ideas of the territorial organization of production and services to the population, adapted to a similar regular system, V.Crystaller and A.Lyosh created. From the point of view of the economy, it is not well mastered, the economic capacity is low, and the theory on the right of growth poles and development centers in terms of development and revitalization of territories is also of great importance. Its founder is the French scientist François Perru. F.Perru came from the idea of" central places", stratified not factors, but industries by the nature of development, mobility, influence on the environment, and divided them into three groups. He first of all recognized inequality, non –equality in territorial-economic relations and fully believed that equality could not be realized in absolute terms. Perru believes that the networks of the third group have the potential, the ability to quickly, intensively develop, form a region, and it is the development of industries that move such a regional economy that form growth centers. As a result of the strengthening of centers, the increase in related enterprises in them, the expansion of the sphere of influence on the environment, growth poles are formed. The idea of the poles of growth Swedish scientist-Professor of Lund University (Sweden) T.It sounds like hagerstrand's theory of news diffusion. Only the author developed this idea more on social geography. Indeed, the history of World Development, the development of the world economic system is associated with the achievements of Science and technology, scientific innovations and discoveries, innovations, technological determinism. When approaching from the point of view of history, certain cycles can be distinguished in the development of world economy. This period or cycle is determined by the invention, implementation, spread of new discoveries and the arrival of other innovations in their place. In the special literature, the American U.Stages of economic development of rostou (XX century, 58-60s), stadias, Russian economist N.D.Kondratev has a theory of "long waves" based on scientific and technical changes in the 30s. Also, the American scientist R.Vernon's idea of the life cycle of an export commodity (mid-twentieth century) is also associated with the diffusion of innovations and technological determinism. Diffusion (must have been derived from physics) can have the property of expanding and spreading. In the first, the range of practical application of the novelty gradually expands, and in the second, this happens one after another, the novelty moves from one to another. In the same regard, the American economist M.Porter's (1993) the migration of discoveries from the center to the edge, production networks based on new technologies, from one country to the second, third, etc.k. there are also scientific developments on cascading transition to levels, migration. With the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of masticatory States, the geopolitical situation has changed. In such conditions, the issues of studying the regions of the border periphery, research of the "center-edge" (periphery) relationship are also directly related to the organization of production. World economic system (the founder of this concept is the American I.Vallerstein), the cycles in its development have periodic, historical privy. Such an approach can be applied not only vertically, but also horizontally, that is, geographically. As a result, the transition of the development of the economy from territory to territory, in our phrase "geographical conveyor" or relay comes before our eyes. N.D.Kondratev allocates 5 cycles in the dynamics of the world economy, four of which correspond to the industrial period, the last 5-to the later, that is, to the post-industrial period. During this period, electronics, laser technology, biotechnology are priority. A similar sequence of territorial and economic development can be observed. In this place I.The work of mechnikov about the stages of World syphilis and the role of great historical rivers in this should also not be overlooked. The author divides River, Mediterranean and ocean civilizations in World Culture and development. They did not occur at the same time, but at different times, with the replacement of one by the other. In fact, World Development began in the Far East, Japan and China and moved to the middle and Middle East, from it to the Mediterranean and the Pyrenean peninsula, from them to England and finally to America (USA). In the current period, the regions that develop history, economic-social life are considered "triangles", that is, the USA-Western Europe-Japan. At this time, signs of a gradual migration of the leading force back to the East are felt. At the moment, we see this in the rapid development of new industrial countries –South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia-under the influence and leadership of Japan. So, in our view, the fact that economic development has a cyclical nature occurs not only in the era, time frame, but also in the sphere of the Earth, in the global geographical space. And this will certainly affect the development of the world economy and its territorial composition. At the same time economists of the region, economic geographers V.Leontev and U.The inter-sectoral and inter-territorial balance of the Izards and their scientific ideas on the science of regional economics, Zipfa and Stewart, Dj.The development of cities like Friedman should also know the new work of other scientists about "secular cities". After all, they are all directly related to the deployment of production forces. We interpreted above the scientific ideas of the placement of production according to the works of asoan Western scientists. It is natural that the question arises in itself: if such work has not been done in our own country, where nakhotki has a long history, culture? There is no doubt, of course, even in this regard, our country has a large and rich heritage. The problem should only be to search for them from historical sources, study, promote and campaign, implement them. It is no secret that inventions of World importance were created here, for example, on the development and placement of Agriculture in particular, the construction and use of irrigation structures, trade and crafts, urban planning. This floor, where mathematics, medicine and other sciences were born, also made a worthy contribution to other spheres of socio-economic life, world culture and history. Questions and assignments 1. I.What are the "peoples" of tyunen? 2. A.What do you know about Weber's industrial barbell? 3. V.Crystaller and A.Explain the essence of Lyosh's scientific ideas. 4. How is the news spread in the period and area? Download 305.88 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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