Introduction: a society cannot imagine its future without developing and strengthening its spiritual potential, spiritual and moral values ​​in people's minds

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Theme: Culture


- A society cannot imagine its future without developing and strengthening its spiritual potential, spiritual and moral values ​​in people's minds.
- The cultural values ​​and spiritual heritage of the people served as a powerful source of spirituality for the peoples of the East for thousands of years. Despite the severe ideological pressure that lasted for a long time, the people of Uzbekistan managed to preserve their historical and cultural values ​​and unique traditions that were passed down from generation to generation.
- From the first years of our independence, the restoration of the huge, priceless spiritual and cultural heritage created by our ancestors over many centuries has become an extremely important task that has risen to the level of state policy. We consider the formation of spiritual values ​​to be an integral, natural process consisting of the growth of national identity awareness, the return of the nation to its spiritual origins and its roots.
- When our nation gained political independence and freedom, it became the real owner of its destiny, the ancestor of its history, the owner of its own national culture.
- The memory of history, the restoration of the fair and honest history of the nation, the beloved country, the territory of our country, plays an important role in the process of restoring and growing national identity, if there is no need for words, national pride.
History is becoming the true educator of the nation. The deeds and bravery of our great ancestors revive our historical memory and form a new civic consciousness. It is becoming a source of moral education and example. In the history of Central Asia, there were many great figures who combined political intelligence with spiritual courage, cultural outlook and encyclopedic knowledge.
- Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi, Khoja Bahaviddin Naqshband, Khoja Ahmad Yassavi, Al Khorazmi, Beruni, Ibn Sina, Amir Timur. Mirza Ulugbek, Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur and many other great ancestors made a great contribution to the development of our national culture and became the national pride of our people. Their names and great contributions to the development of world civilization are known to the whole world.

1. Historicity and scientificity in the concept of "culture".

Culture is not only a set of material and spiritual wealth created by people's creative activity, but also represents the level of development of society, that is, the sum of knowledge, meaning and values ​​in society is embodied in culture. In the study of culture, it is also possible not to use moral ideas about objective laws, causality of events. A systematic approach to culture as a general field gives an opportunity to imagine them as a whole, rather than the unique characteristics of different cultural fields that influence each other. A systematic approach makes it possible to use many possibilities of development. Precisely, the systematic approach defines the culture system by organizing the principles of social relations, communication, cultural patterns, by organizing the spheres of life of people, cultural institutes, which have a clear structure and specific tasks.
By scientifically explaining the culture, its historical content and meaning justify its place and position in the system of social and historical knowledge. The term "culture" is expressed in various meanings in modern scientific literature. According to experts, the terms "culture" and "culture" mean the same thing, and in Latin it means "to process", "to take care of". Later, it was used in the meaning of "to be enlightened", "to be educated", "to be knowledgeable". The term Madaniyat, widely used in the Uzbek language, means "civilized" in Arabic. If according to the information of the American cultural scientists A. Kreber and K. Klackhon in 1952, the definition given to the cultural phenomenon is 164, then in recent literature this number is more than 400.
The ancient Roman concept of "culture" was also used in the sense of care aimed at spiritual improvement and purification of life. It can be seen that the concept of "Culture" has not changed its essence from ancient times to the present, despite its various interpretations.
The scientific understanding of modern culture was created as a result of understanding the uniqueness of the spirituality and spirit that was created and continues to be created by mankind. The origin of the idea of ​​culture during the period when mankind lived in the form of a "natural" lifestyle: that is, during the time when people engaged in gathering, hunting, fishing, animal husbandry and agriculture, is controversial. In a normal, uniformly developing society, a person lived "together" with his culture. Traditions, beliefs, material and social forms of life differ from it. With the manifestation of the autonomy of culture, it is necessary to achieve a certain level of development of technology and socialization of labor. On this basis, culture gradually becomes more and more independent from humanity. A person depends on culture.

Human society is constantly developing, it is changing and improving. In different historical periods and different cultures, people understand and perceive the world differently, create their own imaginations and knowledge.

Culture is a product of society, one of the broad aspects of social life. Just as there is no society without culture, culture cannot exist outside of society. A unique feature of culture as a complex social reality is that it absorbs, preserves and constantly enriches the work and knowledge of generations of mankind. Culture represents the areas related to the inheritance of social life, accumulation of values ​​and their delivery to future generations.
The role of culture in society as a component of social life depends on the content of society and the characteristics of the analyzed social being. The social process acts as a tool for determining or abolishing cultural ideals, values, and norms of people's behavior, that is, social activity, as well as a form of interpersonal and group relations of people's social and personal relationships.
It leads to changes in the interaction of culture with social development activities. In traditional and industrial societies, informational activity formed an independent field, but in the conditions of the "computer revolution", information production, that is, creating technologies, is formed as a separate type of activity. Information becomes a valuable commodity. It is necessary to take into account the great influence of historical inertia in the development of society. Under the influence of inertia, humanity is busy with things completely different from the tasks it should perform. Because team thinking is rebuilt with difficulties. We ask questions of the past by studying how people in the past overcame obstacles that are similar to the problems we face today, and the past gives us answers, and thus the past, the present there is a constant dialogue between the present and the future.
Culture is not given to people by nature, like body parts, instincts or innate talent, each individual, on the basis of his personal experience, independently absorbs the accumulated experiences of the people around him, society and past generations. It also enriches the material world of culture in the process of personality formation. Also, by following cultural norms, a person changes not only nature and society, but also personal "nature". Culture becomes the content of a person's inner world, "second nature".
A person's interaction with culture can never be complete and harmonious. Social and individual life, as well as culture, may not be compatible with each other. Culture is always closely related to man and cannot live without him. But as a complex, integrated unity of reality, it is independent in the laws of its development and in relation to existence. It is richer and deeper than the spiritual life of concrete social groups that embody cultural heritage. Culture will always be the largest store of values, a treasure of experiences. Generations of mankind use it and contribute to it.
"Man is a historical creature of the highest level: man is in historical time, historical time is embodied in man" (N. Berdiyayev). Because the character and level of any era is measured by the development of culture.
One of the most important concepts of historical anthropology is mentality. "Mentality" refers to the existence of certain "set of mental tools", "psychological devices" for people belonging to this culture or other environment. They create conditions for a person to independently accept and perceive the social existence of appropriation. Chaotic concepts and impressions are processed through thinking, turning into a relatively orderly world view. This scene leaves an indelible mark on human behavior. The methods of perception and feeling, which belong to one social and cultural community and are considered the subjective side of the historical process, are added to the objective process of history. Depending on the application of the concept of "culture", we will study as follows: a) individual - personal culture; b) group culture - national, class, caste, professional, family; c) specific type of social culture limited to space and time; g) human culture.
Although the division of culture into types in terms of application is controversial, we cannot deny their existence. Social development does not eliminate differences, but, on the contrary, expands its diversity. Therefore, studying them more and more deeply serves to expand our perception of culture.

The concept of culture has different meanings in everyday life (common sense) and in science, just as it has different uses. We use expressions such as "culture of treatment", "culture of work", "culture of behavior" and are used to them. In everyday life, it has become customary to explain culture as a concept of reality assessment in connection with the characteristics of a person, such as education, politeness, freedom, restraint. The adjectives used in conjunction with the concept of culture are very broad, and its use depends on the general cultural level of the society and the social status of the person. Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about "production culture", "leisure culture" and others. Through these expressions, culture means effective functioning of social institutions. Sometimes perceptions of culture are associated with urban lifestyles, frequent visits to cinemas, theaters and libraries, "culture" is associated with making friends with cultured people and beautiful things. Newspapers often use the expressions "economy and culture", "science and culture", "politics and culture" in statistics, where culture is a spiritual expression or is limited to the fields of ethics and art. From the point of view of scientific speech, it is far from the truth to consider economy, politics and science as fields outside of culture. Culture is different from nature, traditions, symbols, language are instilled from generation to generation through direct imitation and practical learning.

Scientific understanding of culture differs from ordinary consciousness in the following ways: first; It is very broad and includes all methods of human activity and all forms of social life. - secondly; in contrast to imaginations that show emotional decoration and emphasize expensive aspects in everyday life, it is limited to giving a descriptive description in science.
Regardless of what culture is manifested in, it has a certain value. The concept of culture stands alongside such categories as development, history, humanitarianism. Due to the attempt to understand the general nature of culture, the understanding of culture as a process of creative activity of people was born. The concept of defining culture as a creative activity and a unique style of human activity complement each other in a number of important issues. Any activity of the society, such as practical and theoretical, material and spiritual, together with the creative sphere, embodies the aspects of activity and the assimilation of culture.
2. The role of culture in the life of an individual and society
Any society is a component of spiritual culture, a world of existing knowledge, which helps to determine where a person lives. Cultural values ​​acquire a very personal essence and meaning for a person, through which a person interacts with other people and with the whole society. Values ​​help a person to create and understand morals and forms that are acceptable to society. It is commendable that a person develops a polite attitude towards others, not controversial. Controversies are born, convenient methods of elimination are found, which are suitable for strengthening the society. Society, first of all, is a component of the material world separated from nature at a certain stage of development of history, and developing people are a set of vital activities. Also, society is a specific stage of a person's history or a specific type of social system. The set of production relations creates a society called social relations, that is, a society at a certain stage of historical development. The interaction between the individual and the society is different in different historical periods and determines the culture of the individual, and the individual culture, in turn, is formed in the culture of a certain society. Each society determines its normative values ​​and provides the cultural needs of the individual in the development of the individual's culture. The interaction of the individual with the society, the problem of the freedom of the individual, his rights and duties, human values ​​is an important issue in all historical periods.
Man is the highest product of nature, and his essence is determined by the sum of all social relations. Man is both a product of historical development and its subject. Social relations make a person a social being, shape his worldview. In the process of production, a person not only creates things, but also recreates himself, his personality. In this process, a person recreates himself and is a social being. A person becomes a person as a result of acquiring social experiences.
A person has certain rights and duties as a set of social relations. It represents his personality.
In order to ensure the perfection of the individual, the components of culture play a major role in developing labor culture in society, raising people's political consciousness, and educating their moral and aesthetic sophistication. According to a person's social thinking, it is possible to talk about a person's work culture, attitude culture, moral culture, artistic thinking culture, worldview of the world of the soul. Culture as a social system structure includes scientific knowledge, thinking, moral-aesthetic values, moral-legal regulations, customs and traditions. The following systems of society's culture are important in the formation of personal culture: political culture is a set of political-legal ideas that express people's political consciousness, interests, beliefs, and goals, and constitutes a specific system of spiritual values. This culture was created in connection with the stages of historical development and the interests of the social classes of the society and is inextricably linked to the political activity of the society. Political culture, as a political activity, i.e., includes the processes of re-creation of nature and self-education in human activities, and reflects "Political production". In this case, political activity practically defines the actions of a social group (society) for political power, and culturally and theoretically it implies the understanding of social relations in the spirit of a class worldview, the development of specific political ideas and programs. Political culture includes; ideology, political experience and traditions, political organizations, methods of political activity.
Way of existence of political culture: political-cultural wealth of society; consists of practical political culture. The political culture of society is a set of political and social values, political systems, and methods of political activity at a certain stage of development. Personal political culture is a system of assimilation and implementation of political, ideological, social and spiritual values ​​and methods of society by an individual. Political culture is formed from the interdependence of the level of use of a person in political activity, the overall unity.
The composition of the political culture is related to the legal culture, which means the culture of knowledge of the laws, only at the legal level, and the culture of following the laws and following them. In general, legal culture, legal consciousness, legal relations, and legal activities are a system of moral values ​​that are manifested in unity.
In the concept of economic culture, factors of interaction between economic knowledge and style of thoughts and active production, economic activity are manifested. In the content of economic culture, there are characteristics of the interaction of culture and economy, and it includes economic consciousness, economic activity, and economic attitude. The purposeful activities of people in various fields, new qualitative results form the content of economic culture.
Realizing that the economic culture of the individual in the economic culture of the society will improve him, let him not only create, enrich and consume cultural values, but also ensure that his freedom rises to a new level.
Intellectual culture is the level of achievement of standards of intellectual maturity by society, society, and individuals. It is related to moral values ​​and standards of moral maturity that are practiced and mastered in daily life and activities of people. Ethical culture - includes moral awareness, moral attitude and moral activity.
Aesthetic culture represents the system of values ​​connected to the spiritual and emotional activity of a person. Aesthetic culture is the economized part of society's culture, and its condition can be explained in connection with the development of art and aesthetic relations.
The set of universal human values ​​includes universal problems related to the development of human civilization. These include: development of science on earth, peace, stopping weapons of mass destruction, and protection of nature

3. Relation to cultural heritage in the context of spiritual renewal of society in Uzbekistan

In the process of strengthening Uzbekistan's independence and taking its rightful place in society, in the political, legal, social, economic, spiritual and educational spheres - a fundamental change in people's thinking - national idea - national the process of forming an ideology is underway. The following words of President I. Karimov are very instructive: "What can we take with us to the next century? And what should we give up? What problems should we focus on solving in the new millennium? ¹" (I. Karimov Uzbekistan on the threshold of the 21st century. 1999, p. 3.)
Cultural heritage is the values, ideas, experience, knowledge left over from the past and the methods of their assimilation, i.e. the methods of creative activity of people and their organization and its result. The process of appropriation or, more precisely, cultural inheritance is very important and is considered one of the political laws of culture in action. This process unites the past, present, and future of mankind into a single whole, and turns into ready-made achievements in the usual way. It is not necessary to repeat what the ancestors did in the past, just as it is not necessary to search for something that exists, to discover something known, to make a discovery. It is impossible to completely break with the past. In the history of mankind, there have been attempts to create a completely new culture, but such attempts have led to ugly results. An example of this is the attempt to create a "proeetar culture" or the cultural revolution in Soviet Russia in the 1920s. In the process of these "revolutions" a new culture is created, and on the contrary, everything disappears: manuscripts, books, pictures were burned; architectural monuments were destroyed, the most regrettable cultural values ​​were destroyed. As a result, the cohesive society related to the past went backward. Normative development of culture means preserving it and passing it on to the next generation. At the present time, paying the main attention to the restoration of national culture, the people of Uzbekistan contribute to the development of world culture by trying to master the modern achievements of world culture and civilization. In this regard, intensive practical measures are being taken: international contests and festivals were held, cultural days of foreign countries and exhibitions of works of art were presented, the Indian cultural center and the French cultural centers were opened. Currently, there are more than 100 national centers of various nations.
There is also a strong desire to theoretically justify the unique characteristics of Uzbekistan's culture and to adequately assess its place in world culture. "Mirzo Ulugbek and his contribution to world civilization" (1994) "Uzbekistan's place and role in the world. Bukhara and world culture" (1995) and international conferences and seminars held on such topics as "Central Asia and world civilization" (1998). It is known that, on the example of the conference on the topic "Amir Temur and his place in world history" (1996), which was celebrated on earth by the decision of UNESCO, a scientific conference and an exhibition on the topic "Development of science, culture and education during the Timurid period" were held in Paris. passed. At this event, the international community highly appreciated the contribution of our great compatriots such as Amir Temur, al-Bukhari, al-Tirmizi, Ahmed Yassavi, Bahavuddin Naqshband, al-Khorazmi, al-Beruni, Ibn Sina, Navai, Babur to the development of world civilization and culture. showed. National traditions and our old culture are beginning to reappear. We began to remember our great ancestors. We are mastering their spiritual heritage. President I.A. Karimov pays a lot of attention to spirituality and education in his works and speeches, especially this can be clearly seen in his following thoughts.
"... Every state, every nation is strong not only with underground and above-ground wealth, military power and production potential, but first of all with its high spirituality and culture"! (A perfect generation is the foundation of Uzbekistan's development. Tashkent. "Sharq", page 5, 1998)
In fact, spirituality and culture are concepts close to each other. They are formed by their spiritual heritage, culture, ideology and values.
As our president I.Karimov noted, "From the oldest stone inscriptions and inscriptions that survived the trials of brutal times, more than 20 thousand manuscripts stored in the treasury of our library contain history, literature, art, politics, ethics, philosophy, medicine, mathematics. , physics, chemistry, astronomy, architecture, agriculture, 10 thousand centuries are our incomparable spiritual wealth, our pride. A nation with such a great heritage is rare in the world. That is why only a few countries of the world can compete with us in this regard..."!

(I.A. Karimov "There is no future without historical memory" - Tashkent- "Sharq" 1998 p. 2)

Although cultural and spiritual heritage differ from each other, it is impossible to put an impenetrable "Chinese" wall between them. cultural-spiritual knowledge, ability, talent, intelligence and theoretical knowledge. There are similarities and differences between cultural and spiritual heritage.
While cultural heritage is more general, spiritual heritage is more stylistic. The part of cultural heritage whose value does not last forever is called national value.
Spiritual wealth is passed from generation to generation from one system to another as a legacy and has a great impact on the society and its spiritual development.
Spiritual heritage refers to universal spiritual wealth of the past and the present, which is spiritually valuable, leaves an indelible mark, lives forever, and serves the good of all social interests and needs.
As our president said, the spiritual heritage left by our ancestors is a great treasure. We should use this treasure wisely to strengthen our independence. Ancient writings, inscriptions, samples of folk oral creativity, worldly and artistic works created by our great poets and thinkers, the Holy Quran, hadiths Yassawi and works in the religious and moral spirit created by Bakirghani, intellectual and scholarly works created by Ahmad Yugnaki, Yusuf Khos Khajiblar. - the teachings of Najmuddin Kubro, Bakhovuddin Naqshbandi, focused on the inner world and psyche of man, the treasure of Navoi's immortal artistic creation, etc. are our rich spiritual wealth.
Civilization itself is a new leader in terms of quality that occurs at the stage of the development of human culture and spirituality, and leaves a deep mark in the history of human society. Sicilization is a set of qualitatively new, high achievements created, achieved, acquired by mankind in the development of culture at a certain historical stage.
Thus, culture, cultural heritage, achievements of civilizations are of great importance in the development of society and human spirituality, in raising a spiritually mature generation. Therefore, since the first days of independence, the restoration of our past spiritual heritage has been resolutely undertaken.
In the past years of our independence, we achieved our true national revival by mastering our heritage. In this regard, of course, spiritual heritage, cultural wealth and old historical monuments serve as one of the most important factors.
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