Tashkent state technical university named after I. Karimov faculty of aerospace technology

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lesson 17




Department of radioelectronical systems and devices


Lesson 17

Group number:95-18

Face out: G'aniyev Asrorjon

Check out: Mukhamedova N.

Lesson 17

Grammar: Imperative mood.

Text: Aircraft Instrument

New words to the text:


I. Make complete sentences by filling the gap with phrases from the box. Use

each phrase once.

Turn left come in (Don’t wait) Don’t forget Stop the car! Help me! Have Don’t listen pass Don’t be late! Open come catch take

Don’t wait for me. I’m not coming tonight.

1………take….An umbrella with you. It’s raining.

2…have………a rest. You look tired.

3……turn left …at the end of the road.

4……Help me……I canʼt swim!

5……don't forget……to take your passport.

6………don't be late….There is a plane at the airport.

7……come in…….to my party please.

8……open….your book at page 84

9…pass……….the salt, please.

10………..to that record. It’s terrible.

11 …don't be late…….The bus leaves at 9 o’clock

12…come………and have a glass of lemonade.

13…come in………the first train in the morning.

II. Steven is writing a letter to a friend. Put the verbs in the box into the gaps.

Open forget come be bring have turn wait make

Dear Paul.

Ex: Come and see me next weekend. I’m staying in a house by the see. Don’t (1)…forget. To bring your swimming with you! It isn’t difficult to find the house. When you get to the crass words in the town. (2)…Turn….right and drive to the and of the road. (3)…be….Careful because it is a dangerous road! (4)…bring…Some warm clothes with you because it is cold in the evening here. If I’m not at home when you arrive, don’t (5) …wait…for me. The key to the house is under the big white stone in the garden. (6)…open…..the front door and (7)…make…yourself a cup of tea in the kitchen! (8)…have…a good journey!

Best wishes,




Instruments Concerned with Information about Conditions on the Outside of the Airframe

Temperature. The outside air temperature (OAT) gauge gives the pilot general information about the temperature of the air immediately surrounding the airframe. This will enable him to assess the influence of temperature on certain performance aspects of the air-nil He needs to know particularly whether the temperature is thin certain limits in humid conditions so that there is danger of ice forming. This enables action to be taken to heat the affected areas. Critical parts include the leading edges of the wings, control surfaces of the tail unit, engine air intakes and the pilot head. On the other hand there are certain parts of the airframe that
might possibly become overheated because they are close to something like an engine or a generator producing a lot of heat. The temperature of important zones of the airframe in the vicinity of a heat-producing component, for example the rear spar of a main plane containing a "buried" jet engine, are monitored by electrical temperature bulbs. Cabin temperature indicators are normally fitted to modern
aircraft to enable the pilot to confirm that the automatic system con
trolling temperature is in working order. Cabin humidity indicators
may be fitted but humidity control systems are rare.

Pressure. It is important to know the pressure inside the passenger cabin because it must be neither too high nor too low for human comfort. It is also important to know the difference between the air pressure outside the cabin and the air pressure inside it because it represents a force exerted in normal circumstances in an outwards direction. The difference in pressures must be kept within limits imposed by the strength of the fuselage. The cabin altitude indicator is the instrument monitoring passengers' comfort and the cabin differential pressure indicator monitors the margin of safety. Other pressures concerned with the airframe that have to be watched are the hydraulic and pneumatic systems used in powering)
controls of such moving parts as brakes, undercarriage and so on Instruments Concerned with Information about the Aircraft's Electrical System.

Havo maydonchasi tashqarisidagi sharoitlar to'g'risida ma'lumotga ega vositalar

    Harorat. Tashqi havo harorati (OAT) o'lchovi uchuvchiga samolyot atrofini o'rab turgan havo harorati haqida umumiy ma'lumot beradi. Bu unga havo ta'sirining ma'lum jihatlariga haroratning ta'sirini baholashga imkon beradi. Xususan, namlik sharoitida haroratning ma'lum bir chegara bor yoki yo'qligini, muz hosil bo'lish xavfi borligini bilish kerak. Bu zararlangan hududlarni isitish uchun choralar ko'rishga imkon beradi. Kritik qismlarga qanotlarning etakchi qirralari, quyruq blokining nazorat yuzalari, dvigatelning havo olish joylari va uchuvchi kallalar kiradi. Boshqa tomondan, samolyot parchalarining ma'lum qismlari mavjud

Ehtimol, ular haddan tashqari qizib ketishi mumkin, chunki ular dvigatel yoki generator kabi ko'p narsalarga yaqin. Issiqlik ishlab chiqaruvchi qismga yaqin joyda havo kosmosining muhim zonalarining harorati, masalan, "ko'milgan" reaktiv dvigatelni o'z ichiga olgan asosiy samolyotning orqa naychasi, elektr lampalar tomonidan nazorat qilinadi. Idishning harorati ko'rsatkichlari odatda zamonaviyga mos keladi

samolyot uchuvchiga avtomatik tizim con ekanligini tasdiqlash uchun

trolling harorati ish tartibida. Idishning namligi ko'rsatkichlari

jihozlangan bo'lishi mumkin, ammo namlikni boshqarish tizimlari juda kam.

    Bosim. Yo'lovchi idishni ichidagi bosimni bilish juda muhim, chunki u odamning qulayligi uchun u juda yuqori yoki juda past bo'lmasligi kerak. Idishning tashqarisidagi havo bosimi va uning ichidagi havo bosimi o'rtasidagi farqni bilish ham muhimdir, chunki u normal sharoitda tashqi tomon yo'naltirilgan kuchni anglatadi. Bosimlarning farqini fuselage kuchi o'rnatilgan chegaralarda ushlab turish kerak. Kabinaning balandligi ko'rsatkichi - bu yo'lovchilar qulayligini nazorat qiluvchi asbob va idishni differentsial bosimi ko'rsatkichi xavfsizlik chegarasini kuzatadi. Eshitishni nazorat qilish kerak bo'lgan boshqa bosim gidravlik va pnevmatik tizimlardir)

tormoz, avtoulov va hokazo kabi harakatlanuvchi qismlarni boshqarish samolyotning elektr tizimi haqida ma'lumotga ega asboblar.


I. Translate this frase from this words on the text : detector, gauge

angle-of-attack detector, course detector, fire detector, heat de-i ir, ice detector, infra-red detector, smoke detector, vibration detector;

air gauge, altitude gauge, angle gauge, barometer gauge, cabin-pressure gauge, fuel gauge, fuel-pressure gauge, gas-density gauge, gasoline gauge, gas-pressure gauge, Mach-number gauge, oil gauge, oil-pressure gauge, oil-temperature gauge, temperature gauge;

hujum qilish burchagi detektori, yo'nalish detektori, o't o'chirish detektori, issiqlik moslamasi, muz detektori, infraqizil detektor, tutun detektori, tebranish detektori;

    havo o'lchagich, balandlik o'lchovi, burchak o'lchagich, barometr o'lchagich, idishni bosimi o'lchagich, yonilg'i o'lchagich, yonilg'i bosimi o'lchagich, gaz zichligi o'lchagich, benzin o'lchagich, gaz bosimi o'lchagich, avtomat raqami, yog 'o'lchagich, yog' bosimi o'lchagich , yog 'harorati o'lchagich, harorat o'lchagich;

II.Translate the sentences.

1.Since the Moon was first observed by telescope, a number of lies have been put forward to account for the appearance of its surface. 2. The major objective of our programme is to improve performance without reducing reliability. 3. The light areas of Mars seem be sand deserts; the dark areas of Mars were formerly believed to oceans. Now they are proved to be dry. 4. The purpose of tests is determine the wing loading. 5. We expect the new aircraft to fly this year. 6. To maintain the forward movement of the wing through the air, a force equal to the drag must be constantly exerted. 7. Comets are known to have highly eccentric orbits. 8. The temperature in the stratosphere is estimated to be low as 130°K. 9. The problems connected with the construction of large satellites by men in space are chiefly to keep the man alive while outside his spaceship, and to enable him to move in the direction desired. 10. The stabilizer of an airplane is considered to consist of two sections.

1. Oy birinchi marta teleskop tomonidan kuzatilganligi sababli, uning yuzasi paydo bo'lishi uchun bir qator yolg'onlar javobgarlikka tortilgan. 2. Dasturimizning asosiy maqsadi - ishonchlilikni pasaytirmasdan ishlashni yaxshilash. 3. Marsning engil joylari qum cho'llariga o'xshaydi; ilgari Marsning qorong'u joylari okeanlar deb ishonilgan. Endi ular quruq ekanligi isbotlandi. 4. Sinovlarning maqsadi qanotning yuklanishini aniqlash. 5. Biz bu yil yangi samolyotlar uchishini kutmoqdamiz. 6. Qanotning havo orqali oldinga siljishini ta'minlash uchun doimiy ravishda tortish kuchiga teng kuch sarflanishi kerak. 7. Kometalar juda eksantrik orbitalarga ega ekanligi ma'lum. 8. Stratosferadagi harorat 130 ° K atrofida deb taxmin qilinadi. 9. Kosmosda erkaklar tomonidan katta sun'iy yo'ldoshlarni qurish bilan bog'liq muammolar, asosan, kosmik kemadan tashqarida bo'lgan odamni tirik saqlash va unga kerakli yo'nalishda harakat qilish. 10. Samolyot stabilizatori ikki qismdan iborat deb hisoblanadi.

Composition work

Make up the dialogue for these situations.

a) Somebody introduces you to someone

b) Yon want to know about someone’s health.

c) Somebody thanks you for something,

a) Somebody introduces you to someone.

A Pharmacist and me

Pharmacist: Good morning. How can I help you?

Me: Good morning, I have this prescription.

Pharmacist: Let me see. Okay, I think we have it. Let me get that for you...

Pharmacist: Here you go.

Me: Oh, Thank God. You are the fifth pharmacist that I have asked for it today.

Pharmacist: I am glad that we can help you.

Me:Customerou, and can you tell me how I should use it?

Pharmacist: Certainly! You need to take these pills once a day before you go to sleep.

Me: Okay, how long do I need to take them for?

Pharmacist: Ten days for this one. It's important that you finish all the package, if you forget to take it at night, you need to take two in the morning.

Me: Okay, is it safe to take with aspiring?

Pharmacist: No, you can not take aspirin while you are on this, no painkillers allowed.

Me: I see, are there any side effects?

Pharmacist: Rare but possible drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, upset stomach, nausea, nervousness, constipation... It is recommended that you avoid physically demanding activities after taking this; also no driving.

Me: Oh, now I see why I should take it before I go to sleep.

Pharmacist: Exactly!

Me: Well, okay then. Can I pay with my card?

Pharmacist: Sure! that will be $14. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Me: No, that would be all, thank you.

Pharmacist: You are welcome, here is your receipt.

Me: Thank you for your help, have a good day.

Pharmacist: Thank you, you too.

b) You want to know about someone’s health.

Sujon: Hello, Jamiya! How are you?

Jamiya: I am not fine. What about you?

Sujon: I am fine. But what happened to you?

Jamiya: Nothing serious, but I feel very weak.

Sujon: It seems to me you are very careless about your health. May be you do not take physical exercise regularly.

Jamiya: Yes, you are absolutely right. I am not habituated to take physical exercise.

Sujon: But you should know that physical exercise is very important to keep us fit. Because a sound mind lives in a sound body.

Jamiya: Yes, you are right.

Sujon: If you do not take physical exercise regularly, you cannot keep yourself fit and do anything properly. Besides, you will become idle.

Jamiya: It seems to me you are absolutely correct. Now tell me what I should do.

Sujon: You should take physical exercise regularly. Apart from this, you should have a balanced diet to keep yourself fit.

Jamiya: What do you mean by a balanced diet? Please tell me in detail.

Sujon: A balanced diet means to take regular food containing all the necessary ingredients needed for health in right proportion.

Jamiya: I see, both taking physical exercise and eating a balanced diet regularly are very important for good health.

Sujon: Exactly! I hope you will follow both of the rules to keep yourself fit.

Jamiya: I highly appreciate your wise suggestions. Thank you.

Sujon: You are most welcome.

c) Somebody thanks you for something

Izza: Hi, Nick. Do you need help?

Nick: Hi, Izza. Yes, I think I really need your help.

Izza: What are you doing? Are you going to move?

Nick: No, I’m just cleaning my room. As you can see, it’s so messy.

Izza: I think you’re right. Let me help you.

Nick: You’re such an angel! I really appreciate your kindness, Izza.

Izza: You’re welcome.

Nick: Do you like doing the house chores?

Izza: Yes, I do. I was trained by mother when I was still young to do the house chores in our house.

Nick: Wow! Good for you. Me, I’m not used with these since my mother does all the cleaning by herself when I was young. But I’m a good cook. That’s my job, you know.

Izza: Really? That’s great!

After an hour…

Nick: Whew! That was tiring.Thank you again, Izza.

Izza: No problem, Nick. I live just beside your apartment so let me know when you need help again.

Nick: Really? Thank you very much! Thank you for all your help.

Izza: You’re very welcome, Nick.


Nick: Hmm… Is it ok if you stay here longer? I would like to cook something for you.

Izza: Oh, I would love to!

Nick: Great! Give me time and I’ll make a special meal for you.

Izza: You’re so nice. Now, I don’t have to go to your restaurant to taste your

cooking. Thank you, Nick.

Nick: No, I should thank you. ThankThank you for your time, Izza.

Izza: That’s nothing..
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