Theme-10. Formation of Public Investment Program Task#10 Read the topic and translate it into English or Uzbek where necessary

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Tasks on theme-10

Theme-10. Formation of Public Investment Program

Task#10.1. Read the topic and translate it into English or Uzbek where necessary.

The Public Investment Program - a mechanism of analyzing the socio-economic development of the country, it is a part of the financial policy of the state, reflecting the priorities of government investment processes.

Davlat investitsiya dasturi mamlakatning ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlanishini prognoz qilish mexanizmi bo`lib, u davlatning moliyaviy siyosatini tarkibiy qismi hisoblanadi va investitsiya jarayonlarini davlat tomonidan boshqarishning ustuvor yo`nalishlarini aks ettiradi.

The public investment program - a set of interrelated measures aimed at achieving dynamic development of the economy, the implementation of key priorities and strategic objectives for the structural transformation of individual industries and regions of the country through the efficient use of natural, mineral, financial and human resources.

Davlat investitsiya dasturi - ???

The purpose of the adoption of the Public Investment Program is - ???

Davlat investitsiya dasturini qabul qilishning asosiy maqsadi bo`lib sanoat ishlab chiqarishning o`stirish, iqtisodiyotni tarkibiy qayta tuzish, sanoatni texnik qayta qurollantirish, aholining yashash darajasini va farovonligini oshirish hisoblanadi.

Basic principles of the formation of the Public Investment Program are:

  • Support of priority sectors of the economy;

  • The implementation of the state policy in the field of investment management processes;

  • The equal development of the regions of the republic;

  • Investment of sectors with social importance;

  • Support of investment projects in processing of mineral resources, agricultural products;

  • The development and improvement of the transport infrastructure, means of communication;

  • Allocation of centralized investments to implement unfinished projects, etc.

Investitsiya dasturini shakllantirishning asosiy tamoyillari bo`lib quyidagilar hisoblanadi:

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

The main criteria for selection of projects (for including PIP) is:

  • effectiveness of investment projects;

  • priority in the development of certain economic sectors and regions of the country;

  • the indicators of production;

  • export orientation;

  • participation in the localization of component parts and components, etc.

Davlat Investitsiya Dasturiga kiritish uchun investitsiya loyihalarini tanlashda quyidagilar asosiy mezonlar bo`lib hisoblanadi:

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

The program has a 3-year cycle and each year made ​​some adjustments and additions to the PIP, depending on the nature and timing of the implementation of investment projects.

Dastur 3 yillik davrga shakllantiriladi hamda unga kiritilgan investitsiya loyihalarini amalga oshirish xususiyati va muddatiga mos holda har yili dasturga qo`shimcha va o`zgartirishlar kiritiladi.

Program can be divided into 3 parts:

  1. ???

  2. ???

  3. ???

Dastur uch qismdan iborat:

1) Dasturning tahliliy qismi yig`ma jadvallari bilan;

2) Dasturning manzilli (adresli) qismi;

3) Ustuvor investitsiya takliflarining yig`ma ro`yhati.

The analytical part determines the amount of capital investment in the republic, sources of funding, in the context of economic sectors, by regions, including reproductive and technological structure of the investment.

Dasturning tahliliy qismi tarkibida kapital qo`yilmalar tarkibi iqtisodiyot sektorlari va tarmoqlari, moliyalashtirish manbalari va xududlar, amalga oshirish yo`llari bo`yicha, sh.j. investitsiyalarning takror ishlab chiqarish va texnologik tarkibini hisobga olgan holda belgilanadi.

In the address part of the program includes investment projects which implemented through:

  • centralized sources of financing;

  • foreign direct investment and loans provided under the warranty of the government;

  • projects of Free Economic Zones;

  • by the Fund of Reconstruction and Development.

Dasturning aniq ro`yxatiga quyidagi investitsiya loyihalari kiritiladi:

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

The address part of the program includes:

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

Dasturning aniq ro`yxati quyidagilardan iborat bo`ladi:

  • Hukumat kafolati ostidagi kreditlar hisobiga amalga oshiriladigan investitsiya loyihalarining aniq dasturidan;

  • Tiklanish va taraqqiyot fondi hisobiga amalga oshiriladigan investitsiya loyihalarining aniq dasturidan;

  • To`g`ridan-to`g`ri xorijiy investitsiyalarni jalb etgan holda amalga oshiriladigan investitsiya loyihalarining aniq dasturidan;

  • Erkin iqtisodiy zonalardagi loyihalarning aniq dasturidan;

  • Korxonalar mablag’lari hisobiga amalga oshiriladigan yirik investitsiya loyihalarining aniq dasturidan.

The criteria for determining the priority of the investment project are:

  • the relevance of the strategy development of the industry;

  • financial and economic efficiency;

  • exploitation of local raw materials and components;

  • availability of trained professionals;

  • degree of readiness of the project for implementation;

  • value of operating costs after entry.

Quyidagilar investitsiya loyihasi ustivorligini belgilashning mezonlari hisoblanadi:

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

Summary list of priority investment proposals (offers) specified projects that need investment – revealed the goal of the project, the required amount, the initiator of the project, the planned deadlines. Given list advertised in the media to attract interested investors, to attract the necessary assets for these projects.

Given list advertised in the media to attract interested investors, to attract the necessary assets for these projects.

Ustuvor investitsiya takliflarining yig`ma ro`yhatida...???

The main government body responsible for the development and formation of the PIP is …???

Davlat Investitsiya Dasturini ishlab chiquvchi va shakllantiruvchi asosiy mas’ul davlat boshqaruv organi Iqtisodiyot Vazirligi hisoblanadi.

Investment Program approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan annually.

Har yili Davlat Investitsiya Dasturi …???

State monitoring program is carried out in order to:

  • Ensure timely and effective implementation of investment projects and, above all, is carried out using centralized investments;

  • Compliance with accordingly approved basic parameters of the project (feasibility study), the conditions of competitive bidding (tender);

  • The formation of the bank's database on ongoing projects;

  • Tracking of problems arising during the implementation of investment projects;

  • Make proposals for the improvement of the investment climate.

Dasturning davlat monitoringi quyidagi maqsadlarda amalga oshiriladi:

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

Monitoring is carried out monthly based on statistical reporting, and a method of interrogation. The monitoring results are used ???

Monitoring statistik hisobotlar va so`rovlar asosida har oyda amalga oshiriladi. Dasturning monitoring natijalari Dasturning amalga oshirilishi to’g’risidagi har choraklik axborotlarni tayyorlashda hamda navbatdagi uch yillik davrga dasturni shakllantirishda foydaniladi.

Monitoring of the implementation of the PIP is done by …???

Dasturni amalga oshirish ustidan monitoring Tashqi iqtisodiy aloqalar, investitsiyalar va savdo vazirligi tomonidan, xorijiy investitsiyalar ishtirokidagi strategik muhim investitsiya loyihalarini amalga oshirish masalalari bo`yicha Vazirlar mahkamasi qoshidagi Muvofiqlashtiruvchi kengash tomonidan amalga oshiriladi.

Monitoring includes inspection of:

  • Trust use of public funding;

  • Timely implementation schedules of production, sales, construction etc.;

  • Targeted use of additional benefits and privileges by investors;

  • Compliance of evidence with prognostic indicators.

Monitoring orqali quyidagilar nazorat qilinadi:

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

Task#10.2. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the purposes of the adoption of the Public Investment Program?

  2. What is the Public Investment Program?

  3. What are the basic principles of the Public Investment Program?

  4. What parts does an investment program consist of?

  5. What does a consolidated list of priority investment proposals mean?

  6. Which authorities are involved in the formation of the investment program of Uzbekistan?

  7. On what requirements do investment projects included in the address program?

  8. What are sources of financing PIP?

  9. Monitoring the implementation of PIP.

Task# 10.3. R
P….. I……… P……
ead the sentences and
complete the words.

  1. The is a set of interrelated measures aimed at achieving dynamic development of the economy, the implementation of key priorities and strategic objectives for the structural transformation of individual industries and regions of the country through the efficient use of natural, mineral, financial and human resources.

  2. T

    a……… p…
    he of the adoption of the Public Investment Program is the growth of industrial production, the structural transformation of the economy, modernization of industry, the growth of the standard of living and welfare.

  3. T
    a…… p…
    he of PIP determines the amount of capital investment in the republic, sources of funding, in the context of economic sectors, by regions, including reproductive and technological structure of the investment.

  4. I
    S…… l…
    n the of the program includes investment projects which implemented through centralized sources of financing and foreign direct investment and loans provided under the warranty of the government, projects of Free Industrial Economic Zone “Navoi”, by the Fund of Reconstruction and Development.

  5. of priority investment proposals (offers) specified projects that need investment – revealed the goal of the project, the required amount, the initiator of the project, the planned deadlines. Given list advertised in the media to attract interested investors, to attract the necessary assets for these projects.

  6. D
    n… s…..
    evelopment and formation of Investment program of Republic of Uzbekistan consist of .

  7. T
    M……. o. E……
    he main government body responsible for the development and formation of the PIP is the of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Task# 10.4. Choose the correct answers to the questions.


  • The analytical part of the PivotTable;

  • The address part of the program;

  • Summary list of priority investment proposals.

Given list advertised in the media to attract interested investors, to attract the necessary assets for investment projects that have formulated the idea of the project, the goals and methods of achieving them, but no investor.

The relevance of the strategy development of the industry; financial and economic efficiency; the using of local raw materials and components; availability of trained professionals; degree of readiness of the project for implementation; value of operating costs after entry.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Centralized and non-centralized

It is a mechanism of analyzing the state of socio-economic development of the country, part of the financial policy of the state, reflecting the priorities of government investment processes.

The growth of industrial production, the structural transformation of the economy, modernization of industry, the growth of the standard of living and welfare.


  1. What is the Public Investment Program?

  1. What are the purposes of the adoption of the Public Investment Program?

  1. Show the main parts of the Public Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan?

  1. What does a consolidated list of priority investment proposals mean?

  1. On what requirements do investment projects included in the address program?

  1. What act approves the Public Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan?

  1. In the Public Investment Program capital investments by source of funds are divided into:

Task# 10.5. Match the questions to the answers.

  1. Into what groups investments are divided depending on the sources of funding in the Public Investment Program?

• Funds of enterprises;

• Loans of commercial banks;

• Funds of the population;

• Direct foreign investments and loans.

  1. Centralized investments include:

Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Trade (MFERIT) and the Coordination Council under the Cabinet of Ministers on the implementation of strategically important and major investment projects.

  1. Non-centralized investments include:

Public funds and funds of enterprises

  1. Прямая со стрелкой 1Into what part is divided PIP?

Budget funds;

• Extra-budgetary funds;

• Foreign investments and loans guaranteed by the Government.

  1. Monitoring of the implementation of the PIP is carried out by …

Centralized and non-centralized

  1. Which of the source of capital financing has the largest share in the total amount of the republic in recent years?

The program has a 3-year cycle and each year made some adjustments and additions to the PIP, depending on the nature and timing of the implementation of investment projects, taking into account the cycle of design and survey works before financing.

  1. For how many years is formed the PIP?

Into three parts:

  1. The analytical part of the PivotTable;

  2. The address part of the program;

  3. Summary list of priority investment proposals.

Task# 10.6. Solve the following assessments.



  1. Which government body is engaged in the development of the Public Investment Program of Uzbekistan?

  1. The Ministry of Finance;

  2. Ministry of Economy;

  3. The Cabinet of Ministers;

  4. The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade.

2. Define the period of process of formation, the statement and adoption of the Public Investment Program of Uzbekistan.

  1. From January to December;

  2. From March to September;

  3. From June to November;

  4. From April to December. (25 %)


  • Public Investment Program;

  • The analytical part of the program.



Write the basic principles of the formation of the Public Investment Program.



Determine share of the sources of centralized investments in total amount of capital expenditure according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-2458 (December 25, 2015) (25%)



  1. What act approves the Public Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan?

  1. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers;

  2. Order of the Prime minister;

  3. Guidelines of Central Bank;

  4. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

  1. … isn't a part of the Public Investment Program of Uzbekistan.

  1. The address list of new buildings;

  2. Summary list of priority investment proposals;

  3. The Address program of investment projects;

  4. Analytical part with summary tables.

(25 %)


  • Budgetary fund;

  • Non-centralized investments.



Write about sources of investment financing of the Public Investment Program.



Determine the dynamics of changes in the share of funds of population in total amount of capital expenditure for 2006-2016 years. (25%)



  1. Selection criteria of projects in the Investment Program are …

  1. Existence in the project skilled professional managers;

  2. Deliver components and raw materials from foreign countries;

  3. Export orientation or import substitution;

  4. Use borrowed sources of financing of domestic banks.

  1. Which one of the sources of capital financing is not part of a centralized source?

  1. Foreign investments and loans guaranteed by the Government;

  2. Loans of commercial banks;

  3. Budgetary funds;

  4. Extra-budgetary funds. (25 %)


  • Centralized investments;

  • Enterprise funds.



Write the structure of the Public Investment Program.



Determine share of the sources of non-centralized investments in total amount of capital expenditure according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-2458 (December 25, 2015). (25%)



  1. The coordination council at the Cabinet of ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan carries out monitoring of …

  1. All investment projects included in the Public Investment Program of Uzbekistan;

  2. Summary list of priority investment proposals;

  3. The Address program of projects of capital construction;

  4. Strategically important and especially large investment projects.

2. Which of the source of capital financing has the largest share in the total amount of the republic in recent years?

  1. Foreign investments and loans guaranteed by the Government;

  2. Budgetary fund;

  3. Public funds and funds of enterprises;

  4. Loans of commercial banks.

(25 %)


  • The Republican Road Fund;

  • The address part of the program.



Write the main criteria for selection of investment projects for including PIP.



Determine the dynamics of changes in the share of foreign direct investments and loans in total amount of capital expenditure for
2006-2016 years.


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