Travel troubles
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O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va O‘rta maxsus Vazirligi Farg‘ona Davlat Unversiteti Iqtisodiyot fakulteti Iqtisodiyot va gumanitar fanlar kafedrasi XORIJIY TIL (INGLIZ TILI) Mustaqil ishi Mavzu: Travel Troubles Tayyorladi: 21.38 guruh talabasi Nosirjonov Islomjon TRAVEL TROUBLESTRAVEL TROUBLESEveryone loves travelling, for this very reason people try to get more and new experiences by visiting to different foreign countries. Many of the people come across this idea of travelling to new countries by watching shows on televisions, which make people aware about the different sort of cultures followed, languages spoken by them, the food they eat and many more things are there in this list. People have this mindset that other countries are better than their own, this is the reason why they go and travel on holidays, some of the students travel abroad for the purpose of studies in different and well established universities.WATERFALLFor some, the reason of travelling to the foreign nations may be totally vary from all these mentioned above. Learning is something which most of the people adore and try to gain as much as knowledge they can in their life-time. This is the reason why they move and travel to new countries to experience new things in life.When people are getting ready for travelling, the first thing that would come in their minds is that they are going to have a lot of fun added with thrill. There won’t be any sort of hassles involved in their journey and at that stage of their life, and they would enjoy it to their fullest.L A K EAlas! The things we think or expect sometimes turn out to be purely opposite. There is a time when we would encounter a lot of serious problems when it comes to travelling. Everyone hopes that travelling to foreign nations would go smoothly, but when we travel and go to visit different nations, there are a lot of problems which we have to face and come across. When this situation arises, it is very unfortunate and tough for the people to deal with them. So, here are some common problems that may come in our way when we are travelling to foreign countries.SAYOHAT MUAMMOLARIHar bir inson sayohat qilishni yaxshi ko'radi, shuning uchun odamlar turli xorijiy mamlakatlarga tashrif buyurish orqali ko'proq va yangi tajriba orttirishga harakat qilishadi. Ko'pchilik yangi mamlakatlarga sayohat qilish g'oyasiga televizordagi ko'rsatuvlarni tomosha qilish orqali duch kelishadi, bu esa odamlarni turli madaniyatlar, ular gapiradigan tillar, ular iste'mol qiladigan taomlar va boshqa ko'p narsalar haqida xabardor qiladi. Odamlarda shunday fikr borki, boshqa davlatlar o'zlarinikidan yaxshiroq, shuning uchun ular dam olish kunlari borib sayohat qilishadi, ba'zi talabalar turli va yaxshi tashkil etilgan universitetlarda o'qish uchun chet elga sayohat qilishadi.Z O M I NBa'zilar uchun chet ellarga sayohat qilish sabablari yuqorida aytib o'tilganlardan butunlay farq qilishi mumkin. O'rganish - bu ko'pchilik yaxshi ko'radigan va hayot davomida imkon qadar ko'proq bilim olishga harakat qiladigan narsa. Aynan shuning uchun ular hayotda yangi narsalarni boshdan kechirish uchun yangi mamlakatlarga ko'chib o'tishadi. . Ularning sayohati va hayotining o'sha bosqichida hech qanday qiyinchiliklar bo'lmaydi va ular bundan to'liq zavqlanishadi. Voy! Biz o'ylagan yoki kutgan narsalar ba'zan butunlay qarama-qarshi bo'lib chiqadi.B U X O R OVaqt borki, sayohatga kelganda biz juda ko'p jiddiy muammolarga duch kelamiz. Har bir inson chet ellarga sayohat muammosiz o'tadi deb umid qiladi, lekin biz sayohat qilganimizda va turli mamlakatlarga tashrif buyurganimizda, biz duch keladigan va duch keladigan juda ko'p muammolarga duch kelamiz. Bunday vaziyat yuzaga kelganda, odamlar uchun ular bilan kurashish juda achinarli va qiyin. Shunday qilib, biz chet ellarga sayohat qilganimizda yo'limizda paydo bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan ba'zi umumiy muammolar mavjud.H U V A Y D O M A Q B A R A S IQ U E S T I O N S1. What is travel?2. What are the advantages of travel?3. What are the disadvantages of travel?V O C A B U L A R Y
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