1. Comparatives and superlatives Task 1: Do the exercise on comparatives and superlatives (in writing)
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Server option: Shared server, 1x8 core processor, 200GB HDD, up to 500 GB bandwidth/month, free set up, $34.90/month. Web content management system: Subscription-based ($10/month), supports databases, automatically supports mobile devices. Supports blogs and multimedia, including video and audio. 6. SWOT analysis and action planning Task 1: Read and translate the text What Is a SWOT Analysis? A SWOT analysis is a technique used to determine and define your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats – SWOT. SWOT analyses can be applied to an entire company or organization, or individual projects within a single department. Most commonly, SWOT analyses are used at the organizational level to determine how closely a business is aligned with its growth trajectories and success benchmarks, but they can also be used to ascertain how well a particular project – such as an online advertising campaign – is performing according to initial projections.
We know that SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats – but what does each of these elements mean? Let’s take a look at each element individually. Strengths The first element of a SWOT analysis is Strengths. As you’ve probably guessed, this element addresses things that your company or project does especially well. This could be something intangible, such as your company’s brand attributes, or something more easily defined such as the unique selling proposition of a particular product line. It could also be your people, your literal human resources: strong leadership, or a great engineering team.
Once you’ve figured out your strengths, it’s time to turn that critical self-awareness on your weaknesses. What’s holding your business or project back? This element can include organizational challenges like a shortage of skilled people and financial or budgetary limitations. This element of a SWOT analysis may also include weaknesses in relation to other companies in your industry, such as the lack of a clearly defined USP in a crowded market.
Next up is Opportunities. Can’t keep up with the volume of leads being generated by your marketing team? That’s an opportunity. Is your company developing an innovative new idea that will open up new markets or demographics? That’s another opportunity. In short, this element of a SWOT analysis covers everything you could do to improve sales, grow as a company, or advance your organization’s mission.
The final element of a SWOT analysis is Threats – everything that poses a risk to either your company itself or its likelihood of success or growth. This could include things like emerging competitors, changes in regulatory law, financial risks, and virtually everything else that could potentially jeopardize the future of your company or project.
SWOT tahlili bu sizning kuchli tomonlaringizni, zaif tomonlaringizni, imkoniyatlaringiz va tahdidlaringizni aniqlash va aniqlash uchun ishlatiladigan usul - SWOT. SWOT tahlillari butun kompaniya yoki tashkilotga yoki bitta bo'lim ichidagi individual loyihalarga qo'llanilishi mumkin. Ko'pincha, SWOT tahlillari tashkilotning o'sish tendentsiyalari va muvaffaqiyat ko'rsatkichlari bilan qanchalik uyg'unligini aniqlash uchun tashkiliy darajada qo'llaniladi, ammo ular shuningdek ma'lum bir loyihani, masalan, onlayn reklama kampaniyasi qanday amalga oshirayotganligini aniqlash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. dastlabki taxminlarga ko'ra.
Biz SWOT kuchli tomonlar, zaifliklar, imkoniyatlar va tahdidlarni anglatishini bilamiz, ammo bu elementlarning har biri nimani anglatadi? Keling, har bir elementni alohida ko'rib chiqaylik. Kuchli tomonlar SWOT tahlilining birinchi elementi kuchli tomonlardir. Ehtimol, siz taxmin qilganingizdek, ushbu element sizning kompaniyangiz yoki loyihangiz yaxshi bajaradigan narsalarga murojaat qiladi. Bu nomoddiy narsa bo'lishi mumkin, masalan, kompaniyangizning tovar belgilari yoki osonroq aniqlanadigan, masalan, ma'lum bir mahsulot liniyasini sotish bo'yicha noyob taklif. Bu sizning odamlaringiz, sizning oddiy kadrlaringiz bo'lishi mumkin: kuchli rahbarlik yoki ajoyib muhandislik jamoasi.
O'zingizning kuchli tomonlaringizni bilib olganingizdan so'ng, tanqidiy o'zini o'zi anglashni zaif tomonlaringizga aylantirish vaqti keldi. Sizning biznesingiz yoki loyihangizni nima ushlab turibdi? Ushbu element malakali odamlarning etishmasligi va moliyaviy yoki byudjetdagi cheklovlar kabi tashkiliy muammolarni o'z ichiga olishi mumkin. SWOT tahlilining ushbu elementi, shuningdek, gavjum bozorda aniq belgilangan USP yo'qligi singari, sizning sohangizdagi boshqa kompaniyalarga nisbatan kamchiliklarni ham o'z ichiga olishi mumkin.
Keyingi element - bu imkoniyatlar. O'zingizning marketing guruhingiz yaratadigan yetakchilik hajmini ushlab turolmaysizmi? Bu imkoniyat. Sizning kompaniyangiz yangi bozorlar yoki demografiyani ochadigan innovatsion yangi g'oyani ishlab chiqayaptimi? Bu yana bir imkoniyat. Qisqacha aytganda, SWOT tahlilining ushbu elementi savdo-sotiqni yaxshilash, kompaniya sifatida o'sishi yoki tashkilotingiz missiyasini ilgari surish uchun qilishingiz mumkin bo'lgan hamma narsani qamrab oladi.
SWOT tahlilining yakuniy elementi tahdidlardir - bu sizning kompaniyangiz uchun ham, uning muvaffaqiyati yoki o'sishi uchun ham xavf tug'diradigan hamma narsa. Bunga rivojlanayotgan raqobatchilar, tartibga soluvchi qonunlardagi o'zgarishlar, moliyaviy xatarlar va kompaniyangiz yoki loyihangizning kelajagiga xavf soladigan deyarli barcha narsalar kiradi.
Current issues for BDL Limited and possible IT solutions Introduction Our last year has been good. The new overseas office is doing well and our B2B and B2C sales are increasingly quickly. Our sales team is working hard and our four bricks and mortar shops are also doing well. However, there are some issues that we need to deal with so that we can continue to do well in the future. Some new technology might help with these. Problems: communication and internal sales We have found two problems that the IT Department could help with us. There are: Communication between our different country offices and departments in different locations isn’t very efficient, especially for our international locations. We are collaborating more and more between different locations, so it’s important to make this easy for people. Internet sales are going down. There are several reasons for this. The main one is that customers don’t like using the current online shopping system. We need a system that’s easier to use so that customers don’t give up before they finish their transactions. Recommendations for IT solutions The first step should be to find out whether technology can help with these problems and, if so, how it can help. If this is a successful, next we should find out about prices and features of appropriate systems Translation BDL Limited va mumkin bo'lgan IT yechimlar uchun dolzarb muammolar Kirish O'tgan yilimiz yaxshi o'tdi. Yangi chet el idorasi yaxshi ishlamoqda va B2B va B2C sotuvlarimiz tobora tezlashmoqda. Savdo guruhimiz qattiq ishlamoqda va bizning to'rtta g'isht va ohak do'konlarimiz ham yaxshi ishlamoqda. Ammo kelajakda yaxshi ishlashni davom ettirishimiz uchun ba'zi muammolarni hal qilishimiz kerak. Bunga ba'zi yangi texnologiyalar yordam berishi mumkin. Muammolar: aloqa va ichki savdo Bizda IT bo'limi yordam berishi mumkin bo'lgan ikkita muammoni topdik. Bu yerda: Bizning mamlakatimizdagi turli idoralar va turli joylardagi bo'limlar o'rtasidagi aloqa, ayniqsa xalqaro miqyosda juda samarali emas. Biz turli joylar orasida tobora ko'proq hamkorlik qilmoqdamiz, shuning uchun buni odamlar uchun oson qilish juda muhimdir. Internet savdosi pasaymoqda. Buning bir necha sabablari bor. Asosiysi shundaki, mijozlar mavjud onlayn xarid qilish tizimidan foydalanishni yoqtirmaydilar. Mijozlar bitimlarini tugatishidan oldin taslim bo'lmasliklari uchun bizga foydalanish osonroq bo'lgan tizim kerak. IT yechimlar uchun tavsiyalar Birinchi qadam, texnologiya ushbu muammolarga yordam beradimi yoki yo'qmi, qanday yordam berishi mumkinligini aniqlash kerak. Agar bu muvaffaqiyatli bo'lsa, keyingi narxlar va tegishli tizimlarning xususiyatlari haqida bilib olishimiz kerak. Task 3: a) Make a SWOT analysis of BDL Limited and make an action plan (in written).
b) Develop an action planning of your business company based on SWOT analysis (in written). 1. Ensure your SWOT is complete. 2. Make connections between each of the four sections. 3. Create a list of tactics related to each of those four connections. 4. Identify and address anything unknown that appeared during the planning process. 5. A process that lets you take action. 7. Business matters Task 1: Read the text and translate it Current issues for BDL Limited and possible IT solutions Introduction Our last year has been good. The new overseas office is doing well and our B2B and B2C sales are increasingly quickly. Our sales team is working hard and our four bricks and mortar shops are also doing well. However, there are some issues that we need to deal with, so that, we can continue to do well in the future. Some new technology might help with these. Problems: communication and internal sales We have found two problems that the IT Department could help with us. There are: Communication between our different country offices and departments in different locations isn’t very efficient, especially for our international locations. We are collaborating more and more between different locations, so it’s important to make this easy for people. Internet sales are going down. There are several reasons for this. The main one is that customers don’t like using the current online shopping system. We need a system that’s easier to use so that customers don’t give up before they finish their transactions.
The first step should be to find out whether technology can help with these problems and, if so, how it can help. If this is a successful, next we should find out about prices and features of appropriate systems Translation BDL Limited ning dolzarb muammolari va mumkin bo'lgan IT echimlar. Kirish O'tgan yilimiz yaxshi o'tdi. Yangi chet el idorasi yaxshi ishlamoqda va B2B va B2C sotuvlarimiz tobora tezlashmoqda. Savdo guruhimiz qattiq ishlamoqda va bizning to'rtta g'isht va ohak do'konlarimiz ham yaxshi ketyapti. Ammo kelgusida ham yaxshi ishlashni davom ettirishimiz uchun bir qator muammolarni hal qilishimiz kerak. Bunga ba'zi yangi texnologiyalar yordam berishi mumkin. Muammolar: aloqa va ichki savdo Biz IT bo'limi bizga yordam berishi mumkin bo'lgan ikkita muammoni topdik. Bular: Bizning mamlakatimizdagi turli idoralar va turli joylardagi bo'limlar o'rtasidagi aloqa, ayniqsa xalqaro miqyosda juda samarali emas. Biz turli joylar bilan tobora ko'proq hamkorlik qilmoqdamiz, shuning uchun buni odamlar uchun oson qilish juda muhimdir. Internetdagi savdolar pasaymoqda. Buning bir necha sabablari bor. Asosiysi shundaki, mijozlar hozirda mavjud bo’lgan onlayn xarid qilish tizimidan foydalanishni yoqtirmaydilar. Mijozlar bitimlarini tugatishidan oldin taslim bo'lmasliklari uchun bizga foydalanish osonroq bo'lgan tizim kerak.
Birinchi qadam, texnologiya ushbu muammolarni hal qilishda yordam berishi mumkinligini va agar shunday bo'lsa, qanday yordam berishi mumkinligini aniqlash kerak. Agar bu muvaffaqiyatli bo'lsa, keyin biz narxlar va tegishli tizimlarning xususiyatlari haqida bilib olishimiz kerak. Task 2: Answer the following questions 1. Does the company have locations in one country or more than one? 1. The company has more than one location. (An ‘overseas office’ is mentioned.) 2. What problem do they have with communication? 2. Communication isn’t very efficient, especially for international locations. 3. What problem do they have with e-commerce? 3. Internet sales are going down. Customers don’t like the system because it’s hard to use. 4. What two steps does the company want to take next? 4. a) Find technology to help with the problems. b) Find out the prices and features of appropriate systems. 9. E-commerce Task 1: Read the magazine article about Dalya’s job. “Internet shopping: the inside story” Dalya Rahman specializes in setting up e-commerce systems. Here, she tells ‘New Careers' magazine about her job. I work with B2B (business-to-business) e-commerce systems as well as B2C (business- to-consumer) systems and integrate all the components: the user interface, the shopping basket and the payment system. The user interface is the part that shoppers see on their screens. For this, I work closely with designers to make it look good; it’s important that customers enjoy using it. When customers see an item that they want to buy, they put it in their shopping basket. To set this up, I usually integrate standard software packages with the company’s website. This software uses small files that the browser puts on the user’s computer, called cookies, to track the items in the basket. This stage isn’t too difficult - mostly I just match up the code with the client’s website. The next step is the payment processing system. This takes the customer’s information - delivery address, credit card number, etc. It processes the payment and outputs the details so that the company can send out the order. This component is more complicated: I have to integrate it into several different systems, including the company’s accounting system. Fortunately, there’s a special data format, EDI, that is Electronic Data Interchange, which makes this easier. EDI is standard in e-commerce systems so that other kinds of software, such as accounting systems, can accept data from it. My job is fun because every project is different and I use my technical skills as well; a great combination! 1. What are three parts of an e-commerce system? 1. The three parts of an e-commerce system are: user interface, shopping basket and payment system. 2. Which does Dalya find most difficult to set up? 2. Dalya finds the payment system the most difficult to set up. Task 2: (in writing) 1. put together two or more things so that they work well together (paragraph 2) – integrate. 2. smaller parts of something bigger (paragraph 2) – components. 3. computer programming instructions (paragraph 3) – code. 4. taking a series of steps to do something (paragraph 4) – processing. 5. the place to send goods (paragraph 4) – delivery address. 6. the items that a customer wants to buy (paragraph 4) – order. 7. looking after money in an organization (paragraph 4) – accounting. Task 3: Read the article again and answer these questions: 1. For which component is appearance important? 1. the user interface. 2. Which component involves integration with something else? 2. the shopping basket. 3. What do e-commerce websites use cookies for? 3. to track items in the basket. 4. For which component is programming mentioned? 4. the shopping basket. 5. Which item involves integration with more than one other component? 5. the payment system. 6. Where does the company get delivery information from? 6. the payment processing system. 7. Why is EDI useful? 7. Several kinds of software can accept data from it. 11. Business matters: report writing Task 1: Read the text and translate: You work for a computer games company. Your manager has asked you to prepare a rough plan for a new project: a website to advertise a new computer game. It will be similar to other game websites but with a special extra feature: an online version of the game that people can try out before buying the real one. This feature will need a lot of development. Translation Siz kompyuter o'yini kompaniyasida ishlaysiz. Sizning menejeringiz yangi loyiha uchun taxminiy rejani tayyorlashingizni so'radi: yangi kompyuter o'yinini reklama qilish uchun veb-sayt. Bu boshqa o'yin saytlariga o'xshash bo'ladi, lekin maxsus qo'shimcha funktsiyaga ega: haqiqiy o’yinni sotib olishdan oldin odamlar sinab ko'rishlari mumkin bo'lgan o'yinning onlayn versiyasi. Ushbu xususiyat juda katta rivojlanishni talab qiladi. Task 2: Answer the questions: (in writing). 1. What is special about the new website compared with others of the same type? 1. It has a version of the game that people can play online on the website. 2. What is likely to be the most difficult part of the new website? 2. Developing the special online feature (the game). 12. Workplace security: tasks and regulations Task 1: Describe the chart. Match illustrations A-F to dangers 1-6. A) backache B) electric shock C) RSI D) short circuit E) burns F) trips and falls Task 2. Then match the dangers to the pieces of advice.
1. backache - Don't bend your back while sitting at a desk! 2. electric shock - Unplug! 3. RSI - Keep your wrists straight. 4. trips and falls - Move the cables. 5. short circuit - Don't spill your drink. 6. burns - Let it cool down. Download 196.75 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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