1. In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay

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1. In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon.
Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.
Statistics shows that people are living longer now. There are several reasons for this. I will point out a few of them below.

First of all, a few hundred years ago mankind suffered from many different kinds of diseases which are very well cured now. The achievements of contemporary medicine allow people to live with artificial arms, hands, legs and even hearts. Recently I read a few articles in the magazines about a man with an implanted artificial heart and a woman who had an implanted chipset in her head to make her happier. Additionally, many viruses are defeated nowadays with the modern vaccines and many pills help us to relief pain.

Second of all, the conditions of live are greatly improved. A man chiefly does not have to sleep on the wet and cold ground, defense himself from predators in the wild forests and fight for his life. The wide extension of fast food stands, buffets and restaurants gives people the opportunity to have full and nutritious meal whenever they need to.

Many entertaining centers offer a wide variety of services where you can leave your troubles behind and just relax.

All of these things mentioned above allow people to maintain healthy life, spend more time with his family and friends and make their life longer and happier.

2. Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I think that everyone can divide all advertising products and services into useless ones and useful ones. It is like looking through an information desk when you pay attention to those messages that interest you. Take me for example.

I do not like jewelry. It does not mean I do not have it at all, I have a couple of inexpensive rings as gifts from my parents. I just think, people pay too much attention to this stuff. I believe it is the result of mass advertising. Every day when I am watching TV, listening to the radio or reading the paper I notice many ads about getting an expensive ring, chain, necklace or ear-rings. From my point of view these kinds of advertising contaminate people's minds. In this case you are encouraged to buy things you do not really need. They make you believe you need such products in order to succeed or be happy.

From the other side, I think that advertisements of the new detergents with up-to-date formulas to help you maintain your cloth in perfect conditions, the new cars with some extra futures that make your traveling more comfortable and sports goods that make your life healthier may help you to improve your life.

Recently my husband and I saw an ad on the Internet about a very interesting and inexpensive vocation to Japan for a week. Is not it awesome? We like traveling. So now we are planning to find out more about it and, may be, make reservations. I belief that without advertisements we would be unaware about plenty of oppotunities that may make your life happier, easier and less stressful.

My point is that every person has his own scale of values. So if he is vegetarian he will consider an ad about meat products useless for him.

Ba`zi odamlarning aytishicha, reklama qilish aslida bizga kerak bo`lmaydigan narsalarni sotib olishga undaydi. Boshqalarning aytishicha reklamalar bizga hayotimizni yaxshilashi mumkin bo`lgan yangi maxsulotlar haqida gapiradi. Qaysi nuqtai nazarni to`g`ri deb bilasiz? Javobingizni o`ziga xos dalil va misollar bilan keltiring.

Xar bir inson barcha reklama qilinayotgan maxsulotlar ichidan qaysi biri foydali va qaysi biri foydasiz ekanligini ajrata oladi deb o`ylayman. Bu ma`lumotlar diski orqali o`zingizni qiziqtirgan xabarga e`tibor berishingizga o`xshaydi. Meni misol qilib oling.

Men taqinchoqlarni yoqtirmayman. Bu menda ular yo`qligini anglatmaydi, menda ota-onamdan meros sifatida qolgan bir qancha qimmat bo`lmagan uzuklar bor. Men shunday o`ylayman odamlar gazlamaga juda ko`p e`tiborini qaratadi. Bu ommaga reklama qilishning oqibati ekanligiga ishonaman. Har kuni TV ko`rayotganimda, radio tinglayotganimda va gazeta o`qiyotganimda qimmatbaho uzuklar,zanjirlar,marjonlar va ziraklar haqida gapirilayotganligiga e`tabor beraman. Mening fikrimcha bu turdagi reklamalar insonlarni fikrini buzadi. Bu voqea sizni aslida kerak bo`lmagan narsalarni nsotib olishga undaydi. Ular sizni maqsadga yetishda yoki baxtli bo`lishda shunday maxsulotlarga muxtoj bo`lishingizga ishontiradi.

Boshqa tomondan, reklamalarda poroshoklarning yangi formulalari yordamida kiyimlarimizni holatini yaxshilashda qo`llab- quvvatlab yordam beruvchi, maroqli sayohat qilishimizni ta`minlovchi bir qancha yuqori qulayliklarga ega bo`lgan yangi mashinalar, hayotimizni sog`lomlashtiruvchi sport buyumlari hayotingizni yaxshilashga yordam berishi mumkin.

Yaqinda erim va men Internetda reklamada juda qiziq va qimmat bo`lmagan bir haftalik Yaponiyaga ketish imkoniyatini ko`rdik. Bu ruhlantiruvchi emasmi? Biz sayohat qilishni yoqtiramiz. Shunday ekan bundan tashqari ko`proq topishni rejalashtiryapmiz, balkim, zahira qilarmiz. Reklamalarsiz hayotimizni baxtliroq, qulayroqva ozgina hayajonlantiruvchi qiladigan fursatlar haqida bexabar qolar edi. Mening nuqtai nazarimcha har bir shaxsning o`z baholovchi tangasi bor. Shunday qilib agar u vegetarian bo`lsa go`sht maxsulotlari haqidagi reklamalar uning uchun foydasiz ekanligini ko`rib chiqadi.

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