1. linguistic typology

Historical-Evolutional Development of Forms of Address in Uzbek

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Historical-Evolutional Development of Forms of Address in Uzbek
The forms of address in Uzbek language are also considered as one of the
important language unities as in English language. In Uzbek language the forms of address are studied in conjunction with their historical development. The periodization of the history of the Uzbek literary language was put forward by linguists T.H.Salimov, Faxri Kamol, А.M.Shcherbak, Olim Usmon, G. Аbdurahmonov, Sh. Shukurov, U. Тursun, B.Urinboyev, E.Fozilov, F. Аbdullayev. The history of the Uzbek language is divided into the following periods
I. The ancient Turkic language (the language of the period till VI century). There are no any written manuscripts found about the use of language of this period, but the ancient sak and massaget tribes who lived in the territory of the Central Asia used to speak this language.
II. The ancient Turkic literary language (the language of the period between VI-IX century). This period in the history includes the time of establishment of Turkic kingdom till the kingdom of Karakhaniys period. In this period of the Turkic language the samples of written folklore in this language can be found among the monuments of Оrkhun-Enasoy and we come across with the use of the forms of address while studying those samples left in the monuments. For example, in the stone monument of Tunyukuk we can see the following forms of address: Тоқуз оғуз бǝглǝри бодуны бу сабымын ǝдгvти ǝшид қатығды тынгла илгǝрv кvн тоғсық(қ)а, биргǝрv кvн ортусынгару, қурығару кvн батсықынга, йырғару тvн ортусынгару, анта ичрǝки бодун қоп м(анга кöрvр, анч)а бодун (which means: Тўққиз ўғиз беклари, халқи бу сўзларимни яхшилаб эшит, диққат қилиб тингла! Олдинга– кунчиқарга, ўнгга– жанубга, орқага– кунботарга, чапга – шимолгача бўлган ер ичидаги халқ [лар] ҳаммаси менга қарайди.
III. The Old Turkic literary language (X-XII centuries). This period of the language coinsides with the period of Karakhaniys Kingdom. In the language of this period too there was a wide use of language units as the forms of address: from the work “Қутадғу билиг”: – Ай, мэҳнат ўғлим ѳлим нэматың (Эй меҳнаткаш, ўлим-неъматинг.); Тафсирдан:Йā ўғлим, уқтуң-му эркин, айырғучы келди?.
IV. The old Uzbek literary language (XIII- XVI centuries). In this period of language history we can see much development Uzbek language. The study of the literary works show that in this period the forms of address were also one of the
language units used often by people:
Кетур, соқий, қадаҳ хилватда бир дам,
Чу келтурдунг эшикни боғла маҳкам”;
Соҳибқиронға Соҳиб ҳидоят айдилар: “эй ўғлум, сан борғил, кетингдин тезлик ила манн борурман”.
V. The new Uzbek literary language (XVII –XIX centuries). This period is distinguished with the idea and movement of making closer the literary language founded by a famous Uzbek poet Alisher Navoiy to the language of everyday communication. In the literature written in this period we can notice the various functions of the forms of address. For example,
Навбаҳор очилди гуллар, сабза бўлди боғлар,
Суҳбат айлайлик, келинглар, жўралар, ўртоқлар”;
Эй ўғлон, нима учун мунча изтироб бирла йиғларсиз?”.
VI. The modern/present use of Uzbek literary language (from XX century till the present time). In the period of the development of the language the forms of address didn’t lose its function and were often used in the written and spoken language: – Энди, акам, шу биттагина боламиз... Онаси йиғлаб эси кетяпти (ЙШЧ, 205); – Айланай, меҳмон, кимдан хафа бўлиб тушдингиз?; – Азизларим, мен сизларни машинада шаҳарни сайру томошага таклиф қиламан, – деди.
We can see how the Uzbek language is rich in the forms of address and its role in the
spoken communication in the use of the form of address “ота (in the meaning of father). The word Ота has the following definition in the glossary of the Uzbek language: it is used in the meaning of father Ота. There were formed several forms of address based on this word and they of a wide use in Uzbek language. It is worth mentioning that during the historical development of the Uzbek language, due to some of the social reasons words from other languages as Persian, Arabic, Mongolian, Russian, Uigur and Chinese entered the Uzbek language. For example, the word “navkar” is considered as the borrowed word and defined as the Persian word in the dictionary. Originally this word is an ancient Mongolian word that is used in the meaning of “soldier, servant, мулозим, friends of the groom”. In the later periods of the language history the Turkic and Mongolian language were separated and developed on their own. That is the reason why there are several similar words (if we do not take into account some phonetic differences) that exist in Turkic and Mongolian languages: ака-ах(а), божа-баз. There were also words that entered from Russian language and words from European languages that came through Russian language into Uzbek language: князь, доктор, фельдшер, генерал, губернатор, солдат, пристав . Above mentioned borrowed words were often used as the forms of address in communication.
In this section, it is difficult to illustrate the role of the forms of address in the language development. The reason for this is that the sphere of the forms of address is wide and they are being enriched with the everyday words. In conclusion we would like to state that the study of the historical development of the forms of address is of great importance in exploring the history of the nation, the language history, in the study of the ancient manuscripts, in communicating with the representatives of other nations.

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