Mental training and education unit based thinking (reflecting the full exoskeleton, social events, the human form of higher mental activity) can develop. To determine the level of intellectual thinking is so complex, can be determined according to the following criteria:
1. The existence of a system of scientific knowledge.
2. The current scientific knowledge in the process of mastering.
3. Thinking skills.
4. The occurrence of knowledge, which qziqish and demand.Intellectual thought for a long time and the result of tireless research, his scientific views and beliefs on the basis of lies.
Look (from the Greek "ideal" idea, the sum of the imagination and concepts), a specific case, covering the nature of the process, scientifically based idea, an idea, a person, he is one of a thorough knowledge of the assimilation of scientific knowledge to compare, compare, subject , the accident occurred or will occur as a result of the analysis of the nature of the process. Help them teach students in creative thinking, inventive skills
Aqliy ta’lim va tarbiya birligi asosida shaxsda tafakkur (ijtimoiy voqea-hodisalarning ongda to‘laqonli aks etishi, inson aqliy faoliyatining yuksak shakli) rivojlanadi. Aqliy tafakkurning mavjud darajasini belgilash bir qadar murakkab bo‘lib, quyidagi belgilarga ko‘ra aniqlanishi mumkin:
1. Ilmiy bilimlar tizimining mavjudligi.
2. Mavjud ilmiy bilimlarni o‘zlashtirib olish jarayoni.
3. Fikrlash ko‘nikmasiga egalik.
4. Bilimlarni egallashga bo‘lgan qziqish hamda ehtiyojning yuzaga kelganligi. Aqliy tafakkur uzoq muddat hamda tinimsiz izlanish natijasida yuzaga kelib, uning negizida ilmiy qarash va e’tiqod yotadi.
Ilmiy qarash (yunoncha “idea” – g‘oya, tasavvur va tushunchalar yig‘indisi) muayyan hodisa, jarayonning mohiyatini yorituvchi, ilmiy jihatdan asoslangan fikr, g‘oya bo‘lib, u shaxs tomonidan mavjud ilmiy bilimlar tizimi puxta o‘zlashtirilganda, bilimlarni bir-biri bilan taqqoslash, solishtirish, predmet, hodisa yoki jarayon mohiyatini tahlil qilish natijasida yuzaga keladi. O‘quvchilarni ijodiy fikrlashga o‘rgatish ularda ixtirochilik ko‘nikmalarini shakllantirishga zamin yaratadi18