1. Present Simple Tense ( Hozirgi oddiy zamon) Positive s + V
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1.Present Simple Tense ( Hozirgi oddiy zamon) Positive – S + V(es,s) Negative – S + do(does) + not + V1 Question – Do(does) + S + V1? Agar umuman vaqt berilmagan bo’lsa, unda siz faqatgina xozirgi zamonni ishlatishingiz shart. Hozirgi noaniq zamon (yoki ba’zan «Hozirgi oddiy zamon» ham deb yuritiladi) (Present Simple) odat tusiga kirib qolgan, doimiy takrorlanadigan, qat’iy qoidaga aylanib qolgan ish-harakatlarni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi. Bu zamon bilan kundalik hayotimizda bajarishimiz odat tusiga kirib qolgan, umumiy holatda doim mavjud bo’lgan ish harakatlar ifodalanadi. Ishlatilishi: 1) Odatiy, takroriy, doimiy ish harakatlar uchun He often plays football 2) Umumiy qonuniyatlar faktlar va tabiat qonunlari oldidan Water boils at 1000C It rain a lot in Spring 3) Jadvallar oldidan English lesson begins at 1:30 a.m 1.I do sports. 2.He understands English well. 3.We are studying. 4.I don't like the way you look. 5.She freezes and irons her clothes once a week. 6.I celebrate every day. 7.He is eating good food. 8.We always buy different kinds of fruits and vegetables. 9.Where are you going? 10.He takes the car and goes to work. 2. Past Simple Tense (Oddiy o’tgan zamon) Positive – S + V + Obj Negative – S + did + not + V1 Question – Did + S + V1? Agar vaqt o’tmishdagi bir nuqta bo’lsa, masalan 1990-yil yanvar, unda siz o’tgan zamondan foydalishingiz zarur. Past Simple O’tgan noaniq zamon (yoki ba’zan «O’tgan oddiy zamon» ham deb yuritiladi) (Past Simple) o’tgan zamonda bajarib tugatilgan va ketma-ket bajarilgan ish-harakatlarga nisbatan ishlatiladi.Bu zamondagi gaplarda odatda (lekin har doim emas) ish-harakatning qachon bajarilganligi payt ravishlari yordamida ko’rsatilgan bo’ladi Ishlatilishi: 1) O’tgan zamonda sodir bo’lgan ish-harakatlar uchun 2) Hozir hayot bo’lmagan insonlar haqida gapirganimizda Navoi wrote “Khamsa” Am, is – was Are – were Key words: Yesterday , last week(day, year,…), ago , then, in 1990, in July , that day. 1.When I came into the world, I was a young child. 2.He remembers saying that. 3.We lived in a big city. 4.How much money did I have from you yesterday? 5.They used to be here, but now they're gone. 6.I walked to school. 7.He found a good job. 8.We went to the museum twice. 9.You would wait for our meeting in the evening. 10.He asked a question about the book he had read. 3.Future Simple Tense(Oddiy kelasi zamon) Positive – S + will(shall) + V1 Negative - S + will(shall) + not + V1 Question – Will(shall) + S + V1? Agar kelajak uchun bashoratlar (prognozlar) bo'lsa, masalan 2045, siz kelasi zamonni ishlatishingiz zarur bo’ladi. Kelasi oddiy zamon, kelasi zamonda sodir bo’ladigan ish xarakatlarni ifodalashda ishlatiladi. Odatda kelajak zamoni ikki xil xolatda ishlatilishi mumkin. Oldindan rejalashtirilgan ish xarakatlar uchun yoki uzoq kutmay qilingan ya’ni momental qarorlar uchun ishlatiladi. Lekin ushbu imtihonga yo’lantirsak, kelajakda sodir bo’lishi ko’rsatilgan tendentsiyalarni (trend) ta’riflashda ishlatamiz. 1.I will help. 2.He will buy his own house. 3.We will have a good time. 4.I will assist you. 5.She will find a good job. 6.I will write a book within a year. 7.He will have good health. 8.We will enjoy the concert. 9.You will need to finish your studies soon and start working. 10.He will make good decisions and achieve more successes. 4. Future Perfect Tense. ( Kelasi tugallangan zamon) Positive – S + will(shall) + have + V3 + Obj Negative - S + will(shall) + not + have + P.P Question - Will(shall) + S + have + P.P? Ushbu zamonni kelajakda biron bir narsa ma’lum bir vaqt ichida yakunlanishi to’g’risida gapirish uchun foydalanamiz. Odatda ushbu zamonni “by - orqali” yoki “in - da” predloglari bilan ishlatishingiz mumkin. 1.I will have worked as a teacher for 10 years. 2.He will have washed the car and come home by then. 3.We will have completed all the work with our partners by tonight. 4.By the time you call me, I will not have read this book. 5.She will have reached her goal and go to the museum with us. 6.I will have walked for 5 minutes. 7.He will have finished reading and start working. 8.We will have to reply within 7 days. 9.You will be curious, so she will do it that way. 10.By that time, he will have closed 10 books. 5. Present Continuous Tense(Hozirgi davomli zamon) Positive – S + to be + Ving Negative - S + to be + not + Ving Question – To be + S + Ving? Ishlatilishi: Aynan hozir bajarilayotgan ish harakatlar uchun Vatinchalik ish harakatlar uchun Biron bir narsadan shikoyat qilganimizda ishlatamiz – always Yaqin kelajakda sodir bo’ladigan ish harakatlar uchun 1. I am currently studying. 2.He is working today. 3.We are having a good time. 4.Aren't you coming to write? 5.She is reading a good book. 6.I am walking another mile. 7.He is practicing sports. 8.We don't want to give up. Don't you understand the lesson? He is in need of their help. 6. Past Continiuous Tense (O’tgan davomiy zamon) Positive – S + was(were) + Ving Negative - S + was(were) + not + Ving Question – Was(were) + S + Ving? Ishlatilishi: 1) O’tgan zamonda, aniq paytda davom etayotgan gaplarda ishlatiladi. Ish-harakatning qachon boshlanib, qachon tugaganligi muhim emas. 2) Birinchi sodir bo’layotgan ish-harakatiga ikkinchi ish-harakat halaqit berganda. Sodir bo’layotgan ish-harakatiga past continuous( davomiy), halaqit qilgan ish-harakatiga past simple (qisqa) zamoni ishlatiladi. 3) Ikki yoki undan ortiq, bir vaqtda sodir bo’layotgan davomiy ish-harakatlarida. 4) Hikoyadagi atmosferani, holatni tasvirlab berish uchun 1.I was writing from 2:00 to 4:00. 2.He was continuing to wash the car. 3.We were getting ready for bed. 4.You were hinting to laugh. 5.She was walking and studying, but then changed her mind. 6.I was feeling bad about myself because I was ashamed. 7.He was unhappy with his life, so he was looking for a job. 8.We were waiting for them, but they didn't show up. 9.Did you leave the lesson and drop out because of various questions? 10.Similarly, we were noticing questions always being dropped. 7. Future Continuous Tense(Kelasi davomiy zamon) Positive – S + will(shall) + be + Ving Negative - S + will(shall) + not + be + Ving Question – Will(shall) + S + be + Ving Ishlatilishi: Kelasi zamonda aniq vaqtda davom etadigan ish-harakatlarida; Kelasi zamonda oldindan kelishilgan, aniq sodir bo’ladigan ish-harakati. Biron kimsadan bizga biron nima qilib berishlarini iltimos qilish maqsadida u kimsaning rejalarini so’rash. 1.I will be continuing to write after half an hour. 2.He will be installing the car tomorrow at this time. 3.We will be playing with joy. 4.Are you going to do it like that? 5.She will be teaching after half an hour. 6.I will be continuing to walk again. 7.He will be remembering until it's time to go to work. 8.We will be planning to stay indoors every day. 9.What else are you going to do besides studying? 10.He will be continuing to work on the construction of the house. 8. To be going to Positive – S + to be going to + V Negative – S +to be+ not + going to + V Question –to be + S + going to+V? Ishlatilishi: Kelajak uchun tuzilgan reja va maqsadlar oldidan ishlatiladi Bashoratlarda faqat aniq dalil isbot bo’lsa 1.We are going to drink tea after half an hour. 2.He wants to buy a new house in a short period of time. 3.I am going to travel to Mexico this year. 4.Do you already know that? 5.He is planning to go to the hospital after half an hour. 6.I am going to bring study materials that will help me learn English. 7.I don't know why he is writing it, but he wants to go to the concert tonight. 8.We are preparing to plan entrepreneurship after half an hour. 9.How do you want to benefit from it? 10.He is going to repair the car after half an hour. Download 21.21 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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