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- (b) LOAMY soil
- Figure 6-7: The mean simulated Above-ground Net Primary Productivity for the
- The small black circles denote the data points for the base case scenario. The large white circles depict maximum ANPP
- SANDY soil
- Number of contributing elements
- ...,ltdlance (MJ m- 2 y•• ,)
- SANDY eo.
- Number of contributing cell.
- Number o. contributing elMMnt.
- Number of contributing element.
SANDY soil LOAMY soil 60 90 Base case Base case 0 Max values 55 0 Max values 85 50 80 ~ 75 N~ 45 I E E 40 ~ 70 ~ a.. & 35 a.. z 65 z < < 30 60 25 55 20 .. ...... ... ..... . 50 15 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Irradiance [MJ m- 2 year- 1 ] Irradiance [MJ m- 2 year- 1 ] (a) SANDY soil (b) LOAMY soil CLAYEY soil 45 40 35 Base case o Max values N~ 30 IE 25 ~ & 20 z < 15 10 o 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Irradiance [MJ m- 2 year- 1 ] (c ) CLAYEY soil Figure 6-7: The mean simulated Above-ground Net Primary Productivity for the considered soil types for the scenario with modified rainfall arrival regime: a.) sandy soil; b.) loan1Y soil; and c.) clayey soil. The small black circles denote the data points for the base case scenario. The large white circles depict maximum ANPP for each considered scenario. The direction of arrows indicates the change in results for successively growing mean durations of interstorm and storm period, J-l~ and J-l~, respecti vely. 344 a.) SANDY soil b.)
LOAMY soil c.) CLAYEY soil 5 .
0.4 0.6
0.8 Slope [rad] .... 1
Flat element 1 10 5 10 -5 o 0.2
0.4 0.6
0.8 Slope [rad] N I
E E ....... -5 o 0.2 0.4 0.6
0.8 Slope [rad] Figure 6-15: The lnean silnulated net lateral exchange in the root zone during a growing season for three considered soil types (aT = 100 case): a.) sandy soil; b.) IOa111Y soil; and c.) clayey soil. The positive values imply the net lnoisture gain, the negative values iInply l1loisture loss. SYl1lbols with lighter color denote the data points for the ev dOlnain, the darker color corresponds to the data points for the ex dOlnain. spatio-tenlporal dynamics. The following analysis identifies these features. One lnay observe that the pattern of association of primary productivity with the site annual irradiance, shown in Figure 6-14, strongly resenlbles the "E-curve" intro- duced in Section 5.3. In fact, if site productivity is considered separately for each
value of the total nUlnber of upstrealn contributing elements ("1"
corresponds to the
elelnent itself), it can be demonstrated that the E-shaped pattern is persistently re-
peated in the simulation results (Figure 6-17). As can be observed, the productivity nlagnitude grows downstrealn and the "E-curve" pattern becomes
"noisier". Since
the hydrological fluxes and soil nloisture states are inherently connected to the spa- tial distribution of vegetation productivity, it is important to identify the primary controlling factors that lead to such a structure. A distinction can be nlade between the upstream elements contributing their flow on a global and contiguous basis. The former are conventionally defined as all up- stream
elements contributing their surface-subsurface flow to a considered element.
The latter are defined here as those that contribute their flow and are immediately contiguous to a given element, i.e., represent a complete or partial subset of contribut- ing elements defined on the global basis. A larger nUlnber of contiguously contributing elements at a given location can be associated with a higher degree of terrain concav- 354
a.) Base case b.) Soil anisotropy a r =
ANPP [g C I sq.
m ground area] 31.59 - 33.64 33.64 - 35.68 35.68 - 37.73 37.73 - 39.78 _ 39.78-41.83 _ 41.83 - 43.88 ANPP [g C
m ground area] 32.1 - 35.22 35.22 - 38.34 38.34 - 41.83 _ 41.83-44.58 _ 44.58 - 47.71 _ 47.71 - 50.83 Figure 6-16: The mean annual Above-ground Net Primary Productivity simulated for C
grass on loamy soil for the CX domain: a.) the
base case; and b.) the a r = 1000 case. The units are given at the element scale and refer to the actual inclined ground surface area. 20-2400 .......................... ~ ...
3 2 .,,, ••••••.• 7/\. "'. '.1' .. /' .• '" .,," .. J ..' .. 1 100
N~ 90 I E 80 ~ a. 70 a. Z 60 .:( 50 40 Number__of_contributing__elements'>Number of contributing cells Figure 6-17: Patterns
of ANPP dependence on site annual irradiance plotted for
different sets of elements for sandy soil. Each set contains all elements that
have the same number of upstream contributing elements ("1" corresponds to the element itself) . 355
_ 7. 'e ~10 ...
~ .5 SANOY
0011 Number of contributing elements (a) SANDY soil LOAU'/ooII
0011 Number of eontributlng ".ments (c ) CLAYEY soil Figure 6-20: The mean annual ANPP for the considered soil types with the anisotropy ratio aT = 1000: a.) sandy soil; b.) loamy soil; and c.) clayey soil. The horizontal axes are the site surface annual irradiance and the global number of upstrean1 contributing elements. Only a subset of data points is shown, corresponding to those locations that have the number of contiguously contributing elements ranging from 0 to 1. 361
'E ~70
...... zas
0011 3500
.&000 .t.5OO
5000 5500
eooo 6500
...,ltdlance (MJ m- 2 y•• ,') (a) SANDY soil ~ 35 ......
Z30 « LOAMY 00II .&000
4500 5000
5500 eooo
5500 Irradlanc. [MJ m-' y ..... -') (b) LOAMY soil 4000
4500 5000
5500 1000
S500 Irradlance [MJ m-' yeer-') (c ) CLAYEY soil
Figure 6-21: The mean annual ANPP for the considered soil types with the anisotropy ratio
aT = 1000: a.) sandy soil; b.) loamy soil; and c.) clayey soil. The horizontal axes are the site surface annual irradiance and the global number of upstream contributing elements. Only a subset of data points is shown, corresponding to those locations that have the number of contiguously contributing elements ranging from 0 to 1. The three-dimensional plots are oriented such that the resulting pattern of data points composes the "E-curve". 362
15 10 -5 -10 -15
-20 -25
-30 --3S
SANDY eo. .: Number__o._contributing__elMMnt.'>Number of contributing cell. (a) SANDY soil E 2 !. . F 0 1 -; -2
:i . Z -4 :.:
/:. -2 .. CLAYEY soil
.: .....
'." .....
" .....
,". Number 01 contributing cel •• (c )
...........• Number of contributing cell. (b) LOA:NIY soil 8000
Figure 6-25: The mean annual net lateral drainage for the considered soil types with the anisotropy ratio
1000: a.) sandy soil; b.) loamy soil; and c.) clayey soil. The horizontal axes are the site surface annual irradiance and the global number of upstream
contributing elements. Only a subset of data points is shown, corresponding to those locations that have the number of contiguously contributing elements ranging from a
366 SANDY 0011
LOAMY 0011
.. ~ .. ~ .. . .• .. ~"" .' . . -*' ; .....
.:--- . *~
. -" " ~ .. ,' .. -~ .',
X/.: . . . ... / 3500 4000 4500
&000 6500
Irradianc:. (MJ
m- 2 yea,.') ..... -..~t.~ .._~.: .... ~.~ ..- 'tIII, .. -- . --: •. , ~.- A. t.,. ........... / 3500
4000 4500
5000 5SOO
6000 6SOO
7000 7500
eooo Irradlance (MJ m-2 yea,') 0.125 0.105
0.135 (a)
SANDY soil
(b) LOArvIY
0011 ~ 0.605 ] ~ 06 j 0.595
~ 059
0585 4500
5000 5500
6000 6500
7000 7500
trradlance (MJ m- 2 Y•• '-'1 (c )
Figure 6-26: The rnean growing season root soilrnoisture for the considered soil types with the anisotropy ratio
= 1000: a.) sandy soil; b.) loarny soil; and c.) clayey soil. The horizontal axes are the site surface annual irradiance and the global nurnber of upstream
contributing elernents. Only a subset of data points is shown, corresponding to those locations that have the number of contiguously contributing elernents ranging from
a to 1. The three-dirnensional plots are oriented such that the resulting pattern of data points con1poses the "E-curve". 367 SANDY ooIl
LOAMY 0011 4500
5000 S500
8000 6500
7000 7500
8000 nedlance (MJ tn-l,_-') 2 3 4 5 4500 5000 S500
8000 6500
7000 7500
8000 IIT.dlonc. [MJ m-2 y .... -') eo 55 50 ; 45 ... ~ 40 35 2 30 3 4 5 ....... 1... P" • P •• ~ •• J .. t ." .~ .~ ...
·...tt. 'i .
I ............ ;~\, ...
95 70 80 100 90 'O'E .. ~ 85 (a) SANDY
soil (b)LOANIY soil CLAYEY 0011 4500 !iIlOO
S500 6000
6500 7000
7SOO Irrodl.nc. [MJ m -2
soil Figure 6-28: The mean annual ANPP for the considered soiltypes with the anisotropy ratio
= 1000: a.) sandy soil;b.) loamy soil; and c.) clayey soil. The horizontal axes are the site surface annual irradiance and the contiguous number of upstream contributing elements. Only a subset of data points is shown, corresponding to those locations that have the number of contiguously contributing elements exceeding one. The three-dimensional plots are oriented such that the resulting pattern of data points composes
the "E-curve". 369
a.) Base case ANPP [g C I sq.
m ground area] 31.59 - 33.64 33.64 - 35.68 35.68 • 37.73 37.73 - 39.78 _ 39.78 - 41.83 _ 41.83-43.88 b.) Surface sealing with runon ANPP [g C I sq.
m ground area) 13.09 - 23.56 23.56 - 32.58 32.58. 38.69 _ 38.69 - 59.06 _ 59.06 - 94.08 _ Figure 6-30: The mean annual Above-ground Net Primary Productivity simulated for C 4
base case; and b.) the surface sealing with runon case. The units are given at the element scale and refer to the actual inclined ground surface area. to re-infiltrate at downstream locations. As can be seen in Figure 6-30, the runon scenario leads to an extremely high spatial differentiation of grass productivity. When compared to the base case scenario (Figure 6-30a), one can observe significantly smaller values of ANPP for the hillslope parts of the terrain and much higher values for the convergent topographic locations. Clearly, the lateral moisture redistribution causes substantial changes in the overall catchment vegetation-water-energy dynamics.
features of topography, such as upstream drainage area and curvature, significantly contribute to the vegetation spatia-temporal dynamics. Figure 6-31 uses the same type of plot as Figure 6-18 to illustrate the difference in effects of the global and
contiguous contributing areas. The selected data points correspond to locations with up to 3 globally upstream elements. As the figure shows, 372
_ro 'E too """, 11 10 9 SANOY.oil (a) SANDY soil CLAVEVooH LOAMY
..... • 01 conbibuting elements (b) LOAMY soil , 01 conblbuUng _ ... 111 (c ) CLAYEY soil Figure 6-33: The mean annual ANPP for the considered soil types (the simulation scenario involves soil surface partial sealing with runon mechanism): a.) sandy soil; b.) loamy soil; and c.) clayey soil. The horizontal axes are the site surface annual irradiance and the
number of upstream contributing elements. Only a subset of data points is shown, corresponding to those locations that have the number of
contributing elements ranging from a to 1. 376
SANDY 0011
ir,l1li~.II1...~ ..... ....................... Vl.... ~.•.....•.•....... .... .....
. ...
.. .. ; , . .. .. .. f • Number o. contributing elMMnt. (a)
SANDY soil
~ 0.&05 o 0.& E ~ 0.595 c 2 0.59 ~ 0515
: . ::l 0.51 0.51
. Number of contributing element. (c)
LOAMY 0011
Number O. CXXlbibutlng elem.nt. (b) LOAMY soil Figure 6-34: The mean growing season root soil moisture for the considered soil types (the simulation scenario involves soil surface partial sealing with runon mechanism): a.) sandy soil; b.) loamy soil; c.) clayey soil. The horizontal axes are the site surface annual irradiance and the global number of upstream contributing elements. Only a
subset of data points is shown, corresponding to those locations that have the number of contiguously contributing elements ranging from 0 to 1. 377 Download 1,1 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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